Publisher Summary Complicated many-electron problem can be reduced to the one-electron problem if only the elastic channel of the incident/excited electron is investigated. The effective potential, so called optical potential, is no more real; its imaginary component is responsible for the electron absorption (damping) in the elastic channel. Elastic collisions of electrons, being responsible for the loss of investigated electron from the elastic channel, cause the effective absorption or damping of the electron flux. This central factor of surface sensitivity is usually treated in a well-simplified manner, however, by adding an imaginary constant contribution to the real potential to obtain the optical potential. This is in a marked contrast to the real part of the potential in which crystalline periodicity is fully respected. The simplified description appeared sufficient for surface crystallography by low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and for determining of electron dispersion relations E( ) by angular resolved photoemission. Damping of excited electron states in crystals, complementing dispersion relations E( ), can be obtained from profiles in LEED and angular resolved photoemission. The damping should be treated more carefully for subtler effects, and in particular at very low energies.