20 results on '"C Cannon"'
Search Results
2. Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
- Author
Rich Abbott, Thomas D. Abbott, Sheelu Abraham, Fausto Acernese, Kendall Ackley, Carl Adams, Rana X. Adhikari, Vaishali B. Adya, Christoph Affeldt, Michalis Agathos, Kazuhiro Agatsuma, Nancy Aggarwal, Odylio D. Aguiar, Amit Aich, Lorenzo Aiello, Anirban Ain, Ajith Parameswaran, Gabrielle Allen, Annalisa Allocca, Paul A. Altin, Alex Amato, Shreya Anand, Alena Ananyeva, Stuart B. Anderson, Warren G. Anderson, Svetoslava V. Angelova, Stefano Ansoldi, Sarah Antier, Stephen Appert, Koji Arai, Melody C. Araya, Joseph S. Areeda, Marc Arène, Nicolas Arnaud, Scott M. Aronson, Kg G. Arun, Stefano Ascenzi, Gregory Ashton, Stuart M. Aston, Pia Astone, Florian Aubin, Peter Aufmuth, Kellie AultONeal, Corey Austin, Valerie Avendano, Stanislav Babak, Philippe Bacon, Francesca Badaracco, Maria K.M. Bader, Sangwook Bae, Anne M. Baer, Jonathon Baird, Francesca Baldaccini, Giulio Ballardin, Stefan W. Ballmer, Anna-marie Bals, Alexander Balsamo, Gregory Baltus, Sharan Banagiri, Deepak Bankar, Rameshwar S. Bankar, Juan C. Barayoga, Claudio Barbieri, Barry C. Barish, David Barker, Kevin Barkett, Pablo Barneo, Fabrizio Barone, Bryan Barr, Lisa Barsotti, Matteo Barsuglia, Daniel Barta, Jeffrey Bartlett, Imre Bartos, Riccardo Bassiri, Andrea Basti, Mateusz Bawaj, Joseph C. Bayley, Marco Bazzan, Bence Bécsy, Michal Bejger, Imene Belahcene, Angus S. Bell, Deeksha Beniwal, Michael G. Benjamin, Joe D. Bentley, Fabio Bergamin, Beverly K. Berger, Gerald Bergmann, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Christopher P.L. Berry, Diego Bersanetti, Alessandro Bertolini, Joseph Betzwieser, Rohan Bhandare, Ankit V. Bhandari, Jeffrey Bidler, Edward Biggs, Igor A. Bilenko, Garilynn Billingsley, Ross Birney, Ofek Birnholtz, Sebastien Biscans, Matteo Bischi, Sylvia Biscoveanu, Aparna Bisht, Guldauren Bissenbayeva, Massimiliano Bitossi, Marieanne A. Bizouard, Kent K. Blackburn, Jonathan Blackman, Carl D. Blair, David G. Blair, Ryan M. Blair, Fabrizio Bobba, Nina Bode, Michel Boer, Yannick Boetzel, Gilles Bogaert, Francois Bondu, Edgard Bonilla, Romain Bonnand, Phillip Booker, Boris A. Boom, Rolf Bork, Valerio Boschi, Sukanta Bose, Vladimir Bossilkov, Joel Bosveld, Yann Bouffanais, Antonella Bozzi, Carlo Bradaschia, Patrick R. Brady, Alyssa Bramley, Marica Branchesi, Jim E. Brau, Matteo Breschi, Tristan Briant, Joseph H. Briggs, Francesco Brighenti, Alain Brillet, Marc Brinkmann, Patrick Brockill, Aidan F. Brooks, Jonathan Brooks, Daniel D. Brown, Sharon Brunett, Giacomo Bruno, Robert Bruntz, Aaron Buikema, Tomasz Bulik, Henk J. Bulten, Alessandra Buonanno, Damir Buskulic, Robert L. Byer, Miriam Cabero, Laura Cadonati, Giampietro Cagnoli, Craig Cahillane, Juan Calderón Bustillo, Jack D. Callaghan, Thomas A. Callister, Enrico Calloni, Jordan B. Camp, Maurizio Canepa, Kipp C. Cannon, Huy-tuong Cao, Junwei Cao, Giovanni Carapella, Franco Carbognani, Santiago Caride, Matthew F. Carney, Gregorio Carullo, Julia Casanueva Diaz, Claudio Casentini, Javier Castañeda, Sarah Caudill, Marco Cavaglià, Fabien Cavalier, Roberto Cavalieri, Giancarlo Cella, Pablo Cerdá-Durán, Elisabetta Cesarini, Oualid Chaibi, Kabir Chakravarti, Chiwai Chan, Manleong Chan, Shiuh Chao, Philip Charlton, Eve A. Chase, Eric Chassande-Mottin, Deep Chatterjee, Mayank Chaturvedi, Hsin-yu Y. Chen, Xu Chen, Yanbei Chen, Hai-ping Cheng, Chi-kit K. Cheong, Hanyu Y. Chia, Francesco Chiadini, Roberto Chierici, Andrea Chincarini, Antonino Chiummo, Gihyuk Cho, Heesuk S. Cho, Min-a Cho, Nelson Christensen, Qi Chu, Sheon Chua, Ka-wai W. Chung, Shinkee Chung, Giacomo Ciani, Pawel Ciecielag, Marek Cieślar, Alexei A. Ciobanu, Riccardo Ciolfi, Francesco Cipriano, Alessio Cirone, Filiberto Clara, James A. Clark, Patrick Clearwater, Sebastien Clesse, Frederic Cleva, Eugenio Coccia, Pierre-francois Cohadon, David Cohen, Marta Colleoni, Christophe G. Collette, Christopher Collins, Monica Colpi, Marcio Constancio Jr., Livia Conti, Sam J. Cooper, Paul Corban, Thomas R. Corbitt, Isabel Cordero-Carrión, Silvia Corezzi, Kenneth R. Corley, Neil Cornish, David Corre, Alessandra Corsi, Stefano Cortese, Cesar A. Costa, Roberto Cotesta, Michael W. Coughlin, Scott B. Coughlin, Jeanpierre Coulon, Stefan T. Countryman, Peter Couvares, Pep B. Covas, David M. Coward, Matthew J. Cowart, Dennis C. Coyne, Robert Coyne, Jolien D. E. Creighton, Teviet D. Creighton, Jonathan Cripe, Michael Croquette, Sgwynne G. Crowder, Jean-rene Cudell, Torrey J. Cullen, Alan Cumming, Rebecca Cummings, Liam Cunningham, Elena Cuoco, Malgorzata Curylo, Tito Dal Canton, Gergely Dálya, Aykutlu Dana, Lara M. Daneshgaran-Bajastani, Beatrice D’Angelo, Stefan L. Danilishin, Sabrina D’Antonio, Karsten Danzmann, Christian Darsow-Fromm, Arnab Dasgupta, Laurence E. H. Datrier, Vincenzo Dattilo, Ishant Dave, Michel Davier, Gareth S. Davies, Derek Davis, Edward J. Daw, Dan DeBra, Malathi Deenadayalan, Jerome Degallaix, Martina De Laurentis, Samuel Deléglise, Matthew Delfavero, Nicola De Lillo, Walter Del Pozzo, Lindsay M. DeMarchi, Virginia D’Emilio, Nicholas Demos, Thomas Dent, Roberto De Pietri, Rosario De Rosa, Camilla De Rossi, Riccardo DeSalvo, Omar de Varona, Sanjeev Dhurandhar, Mario C. Díaz, Mauricio Diaz-Ortiz Jr., Tim Dietrich, Luciano Di Fiore, Chiara Di Fronzo, Cinzia Di Giorgio, Fabrizio Di Giovanni, Matteo Di Giovanni, Tristano Di Girolamo, Alberto Di Lieto, Binlei Ding, Sibilla Di Pace, Irene Di Palma, Francesco Di Renzo, Atul K. Divakarla, Artemiy Dmitriev, Zoheyr Doctor, Fred Donovan, Katherine L. Dooley, Suresh Doravari, Iain Dorrington, Thomas P. Downes, Marco Drago, Jenne C. Driggers, Zhihui Du, Jean-gregoire Ducoin, Peter Dupej, Ofelia Durante, Domenico D’Urso, Sheila E. Dwyer, Paul J. Easter, Graeme Eddolls, Bruce Edelman, Tega B. Edo, Oliver Edy, Anamaria Effler, Phil Ehrens, Johannes Eichholz, Stephen S. Eikenberry, Marc Eisenmann, Robert A. Eisenstein, Aldo Ejlli, Lucianolucianikerrico Errico, Reed C. Essick, Hector Estelles, Dimitri Estevez, Zachariah B. Etienne, Todd Etzel, Matthew Evans, Tom M. Evans, Rebecca E. Ewing, Viviana Fafone, Stephen Fairhurst, Xilong Fan, Stefania Farinon, Benjamin Farr, Will M. Farr, Edward J. Fauchon-Jones, Marc Favata, Maxime Fays, Mariana Fazio, Jon Feicht, Martin M. Fejer, Fangchen Feng, Edit Fenyvesi, Deborah L. Ferguson, Alvaro Fernandez-Galiana, Isidoro Ferrante, Elvis C. Ferreira, Tabata A. Ferreira, Francesco Fidecaro, Irene Fiori, Donatella Fiorucci, Maya Fishbach, Ryan P. Fisher, Rosalba Fittipaldi, Margot Fitz-Axen, Vincenzo Fiumara, Raffaele Flaminio, Erik Floden, Eric Flynn, Heather Fong, Antonio A. Font, Perry Forsyth, Jean-daniel Fournier, Sergio Frasca, Franco Frasconi, Zsolt Frei, Andreas Freise, Raymond Frey, Valentin Frey, Peter Fritschel, Valery V. Frolov, Gabriele Fronzè, Paul Fulda, Michael Fyffe, Hunter A. Gabbard, Bhooshan U. Gadre, Sebastian M. Gaebel, Jonathan R. Gair, Shanika Galaudage, Dhruva Ganapathy, Sharad G. Gaonkar, Cecilio García-Quirós, Fabio Garufi, Bubba Gateley, Sergio Gaudio, Gayathri Gayathri, Gianluca Gemme, Eric Genin, Alberto Gennai, Daniel George, Jogy George, Laszlo Gergely, Sudarshan Ghonge, Abhirup Ghosh, Archisman Ghosh, Shaon Ghosh, Bruno Giacomazzo, Joe A. Giaime, Dwayne D. Giardina, Des R. Gibson, Chalisa Gier, Kiranjyot Gill, Jane Glanzer, Jan Gniesmer, Patrick Godwin, Evan Goetz, Ryan Goetz, Niklas Gohlke, Boris Goncharov, Gabriela González, Gopakumar Gopakumar, Sarah E. Gossan, Matthieu Gosselin, Romain Gouaty, Benjamin Grace, Aniello Grado, Massimo Granata, Alastair Grant, Slawomir Gras, Philippe Grassia, Corey Gray, Rachel Gray, Giuseppe Greco, Anna C. Green, Rhys Green, Elizabeth M. Gretarsson, Hannah L. Griggs, G. Grignani, Andrea Grimaldi, Stefan J. Grimm, Hartmut Grote, Steffen Grunewald, Pierre Gruning, Gianluca M. Guidi, Andre R. Guimaraes, Gerard Guixé, Hitesh K. Gulati, Yuefan Guo, Anuradha Gupta, Anchal Gupta, Pawan Gupta, Eric K. Gustafson, Dick Gustafson, Leila Haegel, Odysse Halim, Evan D. Hall, Eleanor Z. Hamilton, Giles Hammond, Maria Haney, Manuela M. Hanke, Jonathan Hanks, Chad Hanna, Mark D. Hannam, Otto A. Hannuksela, Travis J. Hansen, Joe Hanson, Thomas Harder, Terra Hardwick, Haris Haris, Jan Harms, Gregg M. Harry, Ian W. Harry, Raine K. Hasskew, Carl-johan Haster, Karen Haughian, Fergus J. Hayes, James Healy, Antoine Heidmann, Matthew C. Heintze, Joscha Heinze, Henrich Heitmann, Frances Hellman, Patrice Hello, Gary Hemming, Martin Hendry, Siong S. Heng, Eric Hennes, Jan-simon Hennig, Michele Heurs, Stefan Hild, Tanja Hinderer, Sarah Y. Hoback, Sven Hochheim, Elyssa Hofgard, David Hofman, Aaron M. Holgado, Nathan A. Holland, Kathy Holt, Daniel E. Holz, Paul Hopkins, Christian Horst, James Hough, Eric J. Howell, Charlie G. Hoy, Yiwen Huang, Moritz T. Hübner, Eliu A. Huerta, Dominique Huet, Brennan Hughey, Victor Hui, Sascha Husa, Sabina H. Huttner, Rachael Huxford, Tien Huynh-Dinh, Bartosz Idzkowski, Alberto Iess, Henri Inchauspe, Craig Ingram, Giuseppe Intini, Jean M. Isac, Max Isi, Bala R. Iyer, Thibaut Jacqmin, Sameer J. Jadhav, Shreejit P. Jadhav, Alasdair L. James, Karan Jani, Nagaraj N. Janthalur, Piotr Jaranowski, Deep Jariwala, Rafel Jaume, Alex C. Jenkins, Jun Jiang, Grace R. Johns, Aaron W. Jones, Ian I. Jones, Jeff D. Jones, Philip Jones, Russell Jones, Reinier J. G. Jonker, Ju Ju, Jonas Junker, Chinmay V. Kalaghatgi, Vassiliki Kalogera, Brittany Kamai, Shivaraj Kandhasamy, Gungwon Kang, Jonah B. Kanner, Shasvath J. Kapadia, Sudarshan Karki, Rahul Kashyap, Marie Kasprzack, Wolfgang Kastaun, Stavros Katsanevas, Erik Katsavounidis, William Katzman, Steffen Kaufer, Keita Kawabe, Fabien Kéfélian, David Keitel, Azadeh Keivani, Ross Kennedy, Joey S. Key, Sudiksha Khadka, Farit Y. Khalili, Imran Khan, Sebastian Khan, Zaki A. Khan, Efim A. Khazanov, Nandita Khetan, Mohammad Khursheed, Nutsinee Kijbunchoo, Chunglee Kim, Grace J. Kim, Jeongcho C. Kim, Kyungmin Kim, Won Kim, Whansun S. Kim, Young-min Kim, Charles Kimball, Peter J. King, Maya Kinley-Hanlon, Robin Kirchhoff, Jeffrey S. Kissel, Lisa Kleybolte, Sergei Klimenko, Tyler D. Knowles, Philip Koch, Sina M. Koehlenbeck, Gideon Koekoek, Soumen Koley, Veronica Kondrashov, Antonios Kontos, Nico Koper, Mikhail Korobko, William Z. Korth, Manoj Kovalam, Dan B. Kozak, Volker Kringel, Nv V. Krishnendu, Andrzej Królak, Natalie Krupinski, Gerrit Kuehn, Anil Kumar, Prayush Kumar, Rahul Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Sumit Kumar, Ling-chi Kuo, Adam Kutynia, Benjamin D. Lackey, Danny Laghi, Emile Lalande, Lam L. Lam, Astrid Lamberts, Michael Landry, Benjamin B. Lane, Ryan N. Lang, Jacob Lange, Brian Lantz, Robert K. Lanza, Iuri La Rosa, Angelique Lartaux-Vollard, Paul D. Lasky, Michael Laxen, Albert Lazzarini, Claudia Lazzaro, Paola Leaci, Sean Leavey, Yannick K. Lecoeuche, Chang-hwan H. Lee, Hyung-mok M. Lee, Hyungwon W. Lee, Joongoo Lee, Kyung-ha Lee, Johannes Lehmann, Nicolas Leroy, Nicolas Letendre, Yuri Levin, Alvin K. Y. Li, Jin Li, Kaye li, Tjonnie G. F. Li, Xiang Li, Frank Linde, Seth D. Linker, Jethro N. Linley, Tyson B. Littenberg, Liu Liu, Xiaoshu Liu, Miquel Llorens-Monteagudo, Ka-lok Lo, Alexandra Lockwood, Lionel T. London, Alessandro Longo, Matteo Lorenzini, Vincent Loriette, Marc Lormand, Giovanni Losurdo, James D. Lough, Carlos O. Lousto, Geoffrey Lovelace, Harald Lück, Diana Lumaca, Andrew P. Lundgren, Ma Yiqiu, Ronaldas Macas, Sean Macfoy, Myron MacInnis, Duncan M. Macleod, Ian O. MacMillan, Adrian Macquet, Ignacio Magaña Hernandez, Fabian Magaña-Sandoval, Ryan M. Magee, Ettore Majorana, Ivan Maksimovic, Asmita Malik, Catherine Man, Vuk Mandic, Valentina Mangano, Georgia L. Mansell, Michael Manske, Maddalena Mantovani, Michela Mapelli, Fabio Marchesoni, Frederique Marion, Szabolcs Márka, Zsuzsanna Márka, Charalampos Markakis, Ashot S. Markosyan, Aaron Markowitz, Ed Maros, Antonio Marquina, Sylvain Marsat, Filippo Martelli, Ian W. Martin, Rodica M. Martin, Valerie Martinez, Denis V. Martynov, Hossein Masalehdan, Ken Mason, Elena Massera, Alain Masserot, Thomas J. Massinger, Mariela Masso-Reid, Simone Mastrogiovanni, Andrew Matas, Fabrice Matichard, Nergis Mavalvala, Emily Maynard, Joshua J. McCann, Richard McCarthy, David E. McClelland, Scott McCormick, Lee McCuller, Stephen C. McGuire, Connor McIsaac, Jessica McIver, David J. McManus, Terry McRae, Sean T. McWilliams, Duncan Meacher, Grant D. Meadors, Moritz Mehmet, Ajit K. Mehta, Elena Mejuto Villa, Andrew Melatos, Gregory Mendell, Adam A. Mercer, Lorenzo Mereni, Kara Merfeld, Edmond L. Merilh, Jonathan D. Merritt, Mourad Merzougui, Syd Meshkov, Chris Messenger, Cody Messick, Remi Metzdorff, Patrick M. Meyers, Fabian Meylahn, Ashish Mhaske, Andrea Miani, Haixing Miao, Ioannis Michaloliakos, Christophe Michel, Hannah Middleton, Leopoldo Milano, Andrewlawrence L. Miller, Meg Millhouse, Joseph C. Mills, Edoardo Milotti, Michael C. Milovich-Goff, Olivier Minazzoli, Yuri Minenkov, Alec Mishkin, Chandra Mishra, Timesh Mistry, Sanjit Mitra, Valery P. Mitrofanov, Guenakh Mitselmakher, Richard Mittleman, Geoffrey Mo, Kentaro Mogushi, Satyanarayan R. P. Mohapatra, Siddharth R. Mohite, Manel Molina-Ruiz, Marina Mondin, Matteo Montani, Christopher J. Moore, Dan Moraru, Filip Morawski, Gerardo Moreno, Soichiro Morisaki, Benoit Mours, Conor M. Mow-Lowry, Simone Mozzon, Federico Muciaccia, Arunava Mukherjee, Debnandini Mukherjee, Soma Mukherjee, Subroto Mukherjee, Nikhil Mukund, Adam Mullavey, Jesper Munch, Erik A. Muñiz, Peter G. Murray, Alessandro Nagar, Ilaria Nardecchia, Luca Naticchioni, Rajesh K. Nayak, Benjamin F. Neil, Joshua Neilson, Gijs Nelemans, Timothy J. N. Nelson, Marina Nery, Ansel Neunzert, Kwan-yeung Y. Ng, Sebastian Ng, Catherine Nguyen, Philippe Nguyen, David Nichols, Shania A. Nichols, Samaya Nissanke, Flavio Nocera, Minkyun Noh, Chris North, Devon Nothard, Laura K. Nuttall, Jason Oberling, Brendan D. O’Brien, Gor Oganesyan, Greg H. Ogin, John J. Oh, Sanghoon H. Oh, Frank Ohme, Hiroaki Ohta, Marcos A. Okada, Miquel Oliver, Christian Olivetto, Patrick Oppermann, Richard Oram, Brian O’Reilly, Rich G. Ormiston, Luis F. Ortega, Richard O’Shaughnessy, Serguei Ossokine, Charles Osthelder, David J. Ottaway, Harry Overmier, Ben J. Owen, Alexander E. Pace, Giulia Pagano, Michael A. Page, Giulia Pagliaroli, Archana Pai, Siddhesh A. Pai, Jordan R. Palamos, Oleg Palashov, Cristiano Palomba, Howard Pan, Pratap K. Panda, Tsun-ho Pang, Chris Pankow, Francesco Pannarale, Brijesh C. Pant, Federico Paoletti, Andrea Paoli, Abhishek Parida, William Parker, Daniela Pascucci, Antonio Pasqualetti, Roberto Passaquieti, Diego Passuello, Barbara Patricelli, Ethan Payne, Brynley L. Pearlstone, Thida C. Pechsiri, Ari J. Pedersen, Mike Pedraza, Arnaud Pele, Steven Penn, Albino Perego, Carlos J. Perez, Perigois Périgois, Antonio Perreca, Stephane Perriès, Jan Petermann, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Margot Phelps, Khun S. Phukon, Ornella J. Piccinni, Mikhael Pichot, Marco Piendibene, Francesco Piergiovanni, Vincenzo Pierro, Gabriel Pillant, Laurent Pinard, Innocenzo M. Pinto, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski, Marc Pirello, Matthew Pitkin, Wolfango Plastino, Rosa Poggiani, Yat-tung T. Pong, Sarah Ponrathnam, Pasquale Popolizio, Ed K. Porter, Jade Powell, Atul K. Prajapati, Kiran Prasai, Raghurama Prasanna, Geraint Pratten, Tanner Prestegard, Maria Principe, Giovanni A. Prodi, Leonid Prokhorov, Michele Punturo, Paola Puppo, Michael Pürrer, Hong Qi, Volker Quetschke, Pedro J. Quinonez, Fred J. Raab, Geert Raaijmakers, Hugh Radkins, Nicholas Radulesco, Peter Raffai, Hanna Rafferty, Sendhil Raja, Rajan Rajan, Binod Rajbhandari, Malik Rakhmanov, Karla E. Ramirez, Antoni Ramos-Buades, Javed Rana, Kaushik Rao, Piero Rapagnani, Vivien Raymond, Massimiliano Razzano, Jocelyn Read, Tania Regimbau, Luca Rei, Stuart Reid, David H. Reitze, Piero Rettegno, Fulvio Ricci, Colter J. Richardson, Jonathan W. Richardson, Paul M. Ricker, Gunnar Riemenschneider, Keith Riles, Monica Rizzo, Norna A. Robertson, Florent Robinet, Alessio Rocchi, Ramon D. Rodriguez-Soto, Loic Rolland, Jameson G. Rollins, Vincent J. Roma, Marco Romanelli, Rocco Romano, Chandra L. Romel, Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Janeen H. Romie, Caitlin A. Rose, Dakota Rose, Kyle Rose, Dorota Rosińska, Shawn G. Rosofsky, Michael P. Ross, Sheila Rowan, Samuel J. Rowlinson, Palash K. Roy, Santosh Roy, Soumen Roy, Paolo Ruggi, Guntis Rutins, Kyle Ryan, Surabhi Sachdev, Travis Sadecki, Mairi Sakellariadou, Om S. Salafia, Livio Salconi, Muhammed Saleem, Anuradha Samajdar, Eduardo J. Sanchez, Luis E. Sanchez, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, Jaclyn R. Sanders, Kevin A. Santiago, Edison Santos, Nikhil Sarin, Benoit Sassolas, B S. Sathyaprakash, Orion Sauter, Richard L. Savage, Vaibhav Savant, Disha Sawant, Sihem Sayah, Dean Schaetzl, Paul Schale, Mark Scheel, Jacob Scheuer, Patricia Schmidt, Roman Schnabel, Robert M. S. Schofield, Axel Schönbeck, Emil Schreiber, Bernd W. Schulte, Bernard F. Schutz, Otto Schwarm, Eyal Schwartz, Jamie Scott, Susan M. Scott, Ed Seidel, Danny Sellers, Anand S. Sengupta, Noah Sennett, Daniel Sentenac, Valeria Sequino, Alexander Sergeev, Yoshinta Setyawati, Daniel A. Shaddock, Thomas Shaffer, Selim S. Shahriar, A. Sharma, Priyanka Sharma, Peter Shawhan, Hongyu Shen, Minori Shikauchi, Rosalie Shink, David H. Shoemaker, Deirdre M. Shoemaker, Keerti Shukla, Shyamsundar ShyamSundar, Karelle Siellez, Magdalena Sieniawska, Daniel Sigg, Leo P. Singer, Divya Singh, Neha Singh, Ayatri Singha, Akshat Singhal, Alicia M. Sintes, Valeria Sipala, Vasileios Skliris, Bram J. J. Slagmolen, Teresa J. Slaven-Blair, Jiri Smetana, Joshua R. Smith, Rory J. E. Smith, Surendranadh Somala, Edwin J. Son, Siddharth Soni, Borja Sorazu, Viola Sordini, Fiodor Sorrentino, Tarun Souradeep, Eric Sowell, Andrew P. Spencer, Mario Spera, Amit K. Srivastava, Varun Srivastava, Kai Staats, Cosmin Stachie, Mark Standke, Daniele A. Steer, Michael Steinke, Jessica Steinlechner, Sebastian Steinlechner, Daniel Steinmeyer, Dane Stocks, David J. Stops, Madeline Stover, Ken A. Strain, Giulia Stratta, Amber Strunk, Riccardo Sturani, Amber L. Stuver, Sudhagar Sudhagar, Vivishek Sudhir, Tiffany Z. Summerscales, Ling Sun, Sunil Sunil, Ankan Sur, Jishnu Suresh, Patrick J. Sutton, Bas L. Swinkels, Marek J. Szczepańczyk, Matteo Tacca, Simon C. Tait, Colm Talbot, Andres J. Tanasijczuk, David B. Tanner, Duo Tao, Marton Tápai, Amauri Tapia, Enzo N. Tapia San Martin, Jay D. Tasson, Robert Taylor, Rodrigo Tenorio, Lukas Terkowski, Manasadevi P. Thirugnanasambandam, Michael Thomas, Patrick Thomas, Jonathan E. Thompson, Sivananda R. Thondapu, Keith A. Thorne, Eric Thrane, Calley L. Tinsman, Saravanan R. Saravanan, Shubhanshu Tiwari, Srishti Tiwari, Vaibhav Tiwari, Karl Toland, Mauro Tonelli, Zeno Tornasi, Alejandro Torres-Forné, Calum I. Torrie, Iara Tosta e Melo, Daniel Töyrä, Emily A. Trail, Flavio Travasso, Gary Traylor, Maria C. Tringali, Aashish Tripathee, Agata Trovato, Randy J. Trudeau, Ka-wa W. Tsang, Maggie Tse, Rhondale Tso, Leo Tsukada, Daichi Tsuna, Takuya Tsutsui, Margherita Turconi, Amit S. Ubhi, Koh Ueno, Dennis Ugolini, Cs S. Unnikrishnan, Alexander L. Urban, Samantha A. Usman, Andrei C. Utina, Henning Vahlbruch, Gabriele Vajente, Guillermo Valdes, Michele Valentini, M. Vallisneri, Niels van Bakel, Martin van Beuzekom, Jo F. J. van den Brand, Chris Van Den Broeck, Daniel C. Vander-Hyde, Laura van der Schaaf, Joris V. Van Heijningen, Marielle A. van Veggel, Marco Vardaro, Vijay Varma, Steve Vass, Matyas Vasúth, Alberto Vecchio, Gabriele Vedovato, John Veitch, Peter J. Veitch, Krishna Venkateswara, Gautam Venugopalan, Didier Verkindt, Doga Veske, Flavio Vetrano, Andrea Viceré, Aaron D. Viets, Serena Vinciguerra, David J. Vine, Jeanyves Vinet, Salvatore Vitale, Francisco Hernandez Vivanco, Thomas Vo, Helios Vocca, Cheryl Vorvick, Sergey P. Vyatchanin, Andrew R. Wade, Leslie E. Wade, Madeline Wade, Rob Walet, Marissa Walker, Gavin S. Wallace, Larry Wallace, Sinead Walsh, Jonathan Z. Wang, Sibo Wang, Wenhui H. Wang, Yifan F. Wang, Robert L. Ward, Zane A. Warden, Jim Warner, Michal Was, Jennifer Watchi, Betsy Weaver, Li-wei Wei, Michael Weinert, Alan J. Weinstein, Rainer Weiss, Felix Wellmann, Linqing Wen, Peter Weßels, Jonathan W. Westhouse, Karl Wette, John T. Whelan, Bernard F. Whiting, Chris Whittle, Dennis M. Wilken, Daniel Williams, Roy D. Williams, Andrew R. Williamson, Joshua L. Willis, Benno Willke, Walter Winkler, Christopher C. Wipf, Holger Wittel, Graham Woan, Janis Woehler, Jared K. Wofford, Chun-fung Wong, Jennifer L. Wright, David S. Wu, Daniel M. Wysocki, Liting Xiao, Hiro Yamamoto, Le Yang, Yang Yang, Ziyan Yang, Min-jet J. Yap, Maher Yazback, David W. Yeeles, Hang Yu, Haocun Yu, Shingheirobin Yuen, Adam K. Zadrożny, Adam Zadrożny, Michele Zanolin, Tatiana Zelenova, Jean-pierre Zendri, Michael Zevin, Jue Zhang, Liyuan Zhang, Teng Zhang, Chunnong Zhao, Guoying Zhao, Minchuan Zhou, Zifan Zhou, Xingjiang J. Zhu, Aaron B. Zimmerman, Michael E. Zucker, and John Zweizig
- Subjects
GWOSC ,Scientific databases ,Data representation and management ,Gravitational Waves ,Computer software ,QA76.75-76.765 - Abstract
Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo are monitoring the sky and collecting gravitational-wave strain data with sufficient sensitivity to detect signals routinely. In this paper we describe the data recorded by these instruments during their first and second observing runs. The main data products are gravitational-wave strain time series sampled at 16384 Hz. The datasets that include this strain measurement can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at http://gw-openscience.org, together with data-quality information essential for the analysis of LIGO and Virgo data, documentation, tutorials, and supporting software.
- Published
- 2021
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3. Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry
- Author
Jitendra PS. Sawhney, Veerappa A. Kothiwale, Vikas Bisne, Rajashekhar Durgaprasad, Praveen Jadhav, Manoj Chopda, Velam Vanajakshamma, Ramdhan Meena, Govindan Vijayaraghavan, Kamaldeep Chawla, Jagan Allu, Karen S. Pieper, A. John Camm, Ajay K. Kakkar, Jean-Pierre Bassand, David A. Fitzmaurice, Samuel Z. Goldhaber, Shinya Goto, Sylvia Haas, Werner Hacke, Lorenzo G. Mantovani, Frank Misselwitz, Alexander G.G. Turpie, Martin van Eickels, Freek W.A. Verheugt, Gloria Kayani, Keith A.A. Fox, Bernard J. Gersh, Hector Lucas Luciardi, Harry Gibbs, Marianne Brodmann, Frank Cools, Antonio Carlos Pereira Barretto, Stuart J. Connolly, Alex Spyropoulos, John Eikelboom, Ramon Corbalan, Dayi Hu, Petr Jansky, Jørn Dalsgaard Nielsen, Hany Ragy, Pekka Raatikainen, Jean-Yves Le Heuzey, Harald Darius, Matyas Keltai, Sanjay Kakkar, Jitendra Pal Singh Sawhney, Giancarlo Agnelli, Giuseppe Ambrosio, Yukihiro Koretsune, Carlos Jerjes Sánchez Díaz, Hugo Ten Cate, Dan Atar, Janina Stepinska, Elizaveta Panchenko, Toon Wei Lim, Barry Jacobson, Seil Oh, Xavier Viñolas, Marten Rosenqvist, Jan Steffel, Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Ali Oto, Alex Parkhomenko, Wael Al Mahmeed, David Fitzmaurice, D.Y. Hu, K.N. Chen, Y.S. Zhao, H.Q. Zhang, J.Z. Chen, S.P. Cao, D.W. Wang, Y.J. Yang, W.H. Li, Y.H. Yin, G.Z. Tao, P. Yang, Y.M. Chen, S.H. He, Ying Wang, Yong Wang, G.S. Fu, X. Li, T.G. Wu, X.S. Cheng, X.W. Yan, R.P. Zhao, M.S. Chen, L.G. Xiong, P. Chen, Y. Jiao, Y. Guo, L. Xue, F.Z. Wang, H. Li, Z.M. Yang, C.L. Bai, J. Chen, J.Y. Chen, X. Chen, S. Feng, Q.H. Fu, X.J. Gao, W.N. Guo, R.H. He, X.A. He, X.S. Hu, X.F. Huang, B. Li, J. Li, L. Li, Y.H. Li, T.T. Liu, W.L. Liu, Y.Y. Liu, Z.C. Lu, X.L. Luo, T.Y. Ma, J.Q. Peng, X. Sheng, X.J. Shi, Y.H. Sun, G. Tian, K. Wang, L. Wang, R.N. Wu, Q. Xie, R.Y. Xu, J.S. Yang, L.L. Yang, Q. Yang, Y. Ye, H.Y. Yu, J.H. Yu, T. Yu, H. Zhai, Q. Zhan, G.S. Zhang, Q. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W.Y. Zheng, B. Zhou, Z.H. Zhou, X.Y. Zhu, S. Kakkar, J.P.S. Sawhney, P. Jadhav, R. Durgaprasad, A.G. Ravi Shankar, R.K. Rajput, K. Bhargava, R. Sarma, A. Srinivas, D. Roy, U.M. Nagamalesh, M. Chopda, R. Kishore, G. Kulkarni, P. Chandwani, R.A. Pothiwala, M. Padinhare Purayil, S. Shah, K. Chawla, V.A. Kothiwale, B. Raghuraman, G. Vijayaraghavan, V.M. Vijan, G. Bantwal, V. Bisne, A. Khan, J.B. Gupta, S. Kumar, D. Jain, S. Abraham, D. Adak, A. Barai, H. Begum, P. Bhattacharjee, M. Dargude, D. Davies, B. Deshpande, P. Dhakrao, V. Dhyani, S. Duhan, M. Earath, A. Ganatra, S. Giradkar, V. Jain, R. Karthikeyan, L. Kasala, S. Kaur, S. Krishnappa, A. Lawande, B. Lokesh, N. Madarkar, R. Meena, P. More, D. Naik, K. Prashanth, M. Rao, N.M. Rao, N. Sadhu, D. Shah, M. Sharma, P. Shiva, S. Singhal, S. Suresh, V. Vanajakshamma, S.G. Panse, Y. Koretsune, S. Kanamori, K. Yamamoto, K. Kumagai, Y. Katsuda, K. Sadamatsu, F. Toyota, Y. Mizuno, I. Misumi, H. Noguchi, S. Ando, T. Suetsugu, M. Minamoto, Hiroshi Oda, K. Shiraishi, S. Adachi, K. Chiba, H. Norita, M. Tsuruta, T. Koyanagi, H. Ando, T. Higashi, K. Okada, S. Azakami, S. Komaki, K. Kumeda, T. Murayama, J. Matsumura, Y. Oba, R. Sonoda, K. Goto, K. Minoda, Y. Haraguchi, H. Suefuji, H. Miyagi, H. Kato, Tadashi Nakamura, Tsugihiro Nakamura, H. Nandate, R. Zaitsu, Yoshihisa Fujiura, A. Yoshimura, H. Numata, J. Ogawa, H. Tatematsu, Y. Kamogawa, K. Murakami, Y. Wakasa, M. Yamasawa, H. Maekawa, S. Abe, H. Kihara, S. Tsunoda, Katsumi Saito, Kazuyuki Saito, T. Fudo, K. Obunai, H. Tachibana, I. Oba, T. Kuwahata, S. Higa, M. Gushiken, T. Eto, H. Yoshida, D. Ikeda, Yoshitake Fujiura, M. Ishizawa, M. Nakatsuka, K. Murata, C. Ogurusu, M. Shimoyama, M. Akutsu, I. Takamura, F. Hoshino, N. Yokota, T. Iwao, K. Tsuchida, M. Takeuchi, Y. Hatori, Y. Kitami, Yoichi Nakamura, R. Oyama, M. Ageta, Hiroyuki Oda, Y. Go, K. Mishima, T. Unoki, S. Morii, Yuhei Shiga, H. Sumi, T. Nagatomo, K. Sanno, K. Fujisawa, Y. Atsuchi, T. Nagoshi, T. Seto, T. Tabuchi, M. Kameko, K. Nii, K. Oshiro, H. Takezawa, S. Nagano, N. Miyamoto, M. Iwaki, Yuichiro Nakamura, M. Fujii, M. Okawa, Masahiko Abe, Masatake Abe, Mitsunori Abe, T. Saito, T. Mito, K. Nagao, J. Minami, T. Mita, I. Sakuma, T. Taguchi, S. Marusaki, H. Doi, M. Tanaka, T. Fujito, M. Matsuta, T. Kusumoto, S. Kakinoki, K. Ashida, N. Yoshizawa, J. Agata, O. Arasaki, M. Manita, M. Ikemura, S. Fukuoka, H. Murakami, S. Matsukawa, Y. Hata, T. Taniguchi, T. Ko, H. Kubo, M. Imamaki, M. Akiyama, M. Inagaki, H. Odakura, T. Ueda, Y. Katsube, A. Nakata, H. Watanabe, M. Techigawara, M. Igarashi, K. Taga, T. Kimura, S. Tomimoto, M. Shibuya, M. Nakano, K. Ito, T. Seo, S. Hiramitsu, H. Hosokawa, M. Hoshiai, M. Hibino, K. Miyagawa, Hajime Horie, N. Sugishita, Yukio Shiga, A. Soma, K. Neya, Tetsuro Yoshida, Tomoki Yoshida, M. Mizuguchi, M. Ishiguro, T. Minagawa, M. Wada, H. Mukawa, F. Okuda, S. Nagasaka, Y. Abe, Sen Adachi, Susumu Adachi, T. Adachi, K. Akahane, T. Amano, K. Aoki, T. Aoyama, H. Arai, S. Arima, T. Arino, H. Asano, T. Asano, J. Azuma, T. Baba, T. Betsuyaku, H. Chibana, H. Date, J. Doiuchi, Y. Emura, M. Endo, Y. Fujii, R. Fujiki, A. Fujisawa, Y. Fujisawa, T. Fukuda, T. Fukui, N. Furukawa, T. Furukawa, W. Furumoto, T. Goto, M. Hamaoka, N. Hanazono, K. Hasegawa, T. Hatsuno, Y. Hayashi, K. Higuchi, K. Hirasawa, H. Hirayama, M. Hirose, S. Hirota, M. Honda, Hideki Horie, T. Ido, O. Iiji, H. Ikeda, K. Ikeda, K. Ikeoka, M. Imaizumi, H. Inaba, T. Inoue, F. Iseki, A. Ishihara, N. Ishioka, N. Ito, T. Iwase, H. Kakuda, J. Kamata, H. Kanai, H. Kanda, M. Kaneko, H. Kano, T. Kasai, T. Kato, Y. Kato, Y. Kawada, K. Kawai, K. Kawakami, S. Kawakami, T. Kawamoto, S. Kawano, J. Kim, T. Kira, H. Kitazawa, H. Kitazumi, T. Kito, T. Kobayashi, T. Koeda, J. Kojima, H. Komatsu, I. Komatsu, Y. Koshibu, T. Kotani, T. Kozuka, Y. Kumai, T. Kumazaki, I. Maeda, K. Maeda, Y. Maruyama, S. Matsui, K. Matsushita, Y. Matsuura, K. Mineoi, H. Mitsuhashi, N. Miura, S. Miyaguchi, S. Miyajima, H. Miyamoto, A. Miyashita, S. Miyata, I. Mizuguchi, A. Mizuno, T. Mori, O. Moriai, K. Morishita, O. Murai, Sho Nagai, Shunichi Nagai, E. Nagata, H. Nagata, A. Nakagomi, S. Nakahara, M. Nakamura, R. Nakamura, N. Nakanishi, T. Nakayama, R. Nakazato, T. Nanke, J. Nariyama, Y. Niijima, H. Niinuma, Y. Nishida, Y. Nishihata, K. Nishino, H. Nishioka, K. Nishizawa, I. Niwa, K. Nomura, S. Nomura, M. Nozoe, T. Ogawa, N. Ohara, M. Okada, K. Okamoto, H. Okita, M. Okuyama, H. Ono, T. Ono, Y. Onuki Pearce, S. Oriso, A. Ota, E. Otaki, Y. Saito, H. Sakai, N. Sakamoto, Y. Sakamoto, Y. Samejima, Y. Sasagawa, H. Sasaguri, A. Sasaki, T. Sasaki, Kazuki Sato, Kiyoharu Sato, M. Sawano, S. Seki, Y. Sekine, Y. Seta, K. Sezaki, N. Shibata, Y. Shiina, H. Shimono, Y. Shimoyama, T. Shindo, H. Shinohara, R. Shinohe, T. Shinozuka, T. Shirai, T. Shiraiwa, Y. Shozawa, T. Suga, C. Sugimoto, Kazuo Suzuki, Keita Suzuki, Shu Suzuki, Shunji Suzuki, Susumu Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, M. Tada, A. Taguchi, T. Takagi, Y. Takagi, K. Takahashi, S. Takahashi, H. Takai, C. Takanaka, S. Take, H. Takeda, K. Takei, K. Takenaka, T. Tana, G. Tanabe, K. Taya, H. Teragawa, S. Tohyo, S. Toru, Y. Tsuchiya, T. Tsuji, K. Tsuzaki, H. Uchiyama, O. Ueda, Y. Ueyama, N. Wakaki, T. Wakiyama, T. Washizuka, M. Watanabe, T. Yamada, T. Yamagishi, H. Yamaguchi, Kenichi Yamamoto, Kentaro Yamamoto, Kunihiko Yamamoto, T. Yamamoto, M. Yamaura, M. Yamazoe, K. Yasui, Y. Yokoyama, K. Yoshida, T.W. Lim, C.K. Ching, C.G. Foo, J.H. Chow, D.D. Chen, F.R. Jaufeerally, Y.M. Lee, G. Lim, W.T. Lim, S. Thng, S.Y. Yap, C. Yeo, S. Oh, H.N. Pak, J.-B. Kim, J.H. Kim, S.-W. Jang, D.H. Kim, D.R. Ryu, S.W. Park, D.-K. Kim, D.J. Choi, Y.S. Oh, M.-C. Cho, S.-H. Kim, H.-K. Jeon, D.-G. Shin, J.S. Park, H.K. Park, S.-J. Han, J.H. Sung, J.-G. Cho, G.-B. Nam, Y.K. On, H.E. Lim, J.J. Kwak, T.-J. Cha, T.J. Hong, S.H. Park, J.H. Yoon, N.-H. Kim, K.-S. Kim, B.C. Jung, G.-S. Hwang, C.-J. Kim, D.B. Kim, J.J. Ahn, H.J. An, H. Bae, A.L. Baek, W.J. Chi, E.A. Choi, E.H. Choi, H.K. Choi, H.S. Choi, S. Han, E.S. Heo, K.O. Her, S.W. Hwang, E.M. Jang, H.-S. Jang, S. Jang, H.-G. Jeon, S.R. Jeon, Y.R. Jeon, H.K. Jeong, I.-A. Jung, Hyeon Jeong Kim, Hyun Ju Kim, Ji Seon Kim, Jung Sook Kim, J.A. Kim, K.T. Kim, M.S. Kim, Sang Hee Kim, Sang Hyun Kim, Y.-I. Kim, C.S. Lee, E.H. Lee, G.H. Lee, H.Y. Lee, H.-Y. Lee, K.H. Lee, K.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, M.-Y. Lee, R.W. Lee, S.E. Lee, S.H. Lee, S. Lee, W.Y. Lee, I.K. Noh, A.R. Park, B.R. Park, H.N. Park, J.H. Park, M. Park, Y. Park, S.-Y. Seo, J. Shim, J.H. Sim, Y.M. Sohn, W.S. Son, Y.S. Son, H.J. Song, H.K. Wi, J.J. Woo, S. Ye, K.H. Yim, K.M. Yoo, E.J. Yoon, S.Y. Yun, P. Angchaisuksiri, S. Chawanadelert, P. Mongkolwongroj, K. Kanokphatcharakun, S. Cheewatanakornkul, T. Laksomya, S. Pattanaprichakul, T. Chantrarat, S. Rungaramsin, S. Silaruks, W. Wongcharoen, K. Siriwattana, K. Likittanasombat, P. Katekangplu, W. Boonyapisit, D. Cholsaringkarl, B. Chatlaong, P. Chattranukulchai, Y. Santanakorn, P. Hutayanon, P. Khunrong, T. Bunyapipat, S. Jai-Aue, P. Kaewsuwanna, P. Bamungpong, S. Gunaparn, S. Hongsuppinyo, R. Inphontan, R. Khattaroek, K. Khunkong, U. Kitmapawanont, C. Kongsin, B. Naratreekoon, S. Ninwaranon, J. Phangyota, A. Phrommintikul, P. Phunpinyosak, K. Pongmorakot, S. Poomiphol, N. Pornnimitthum, S. Pumprueg, S. Ratchasikaew, K. Sanit, K. Sawanyawisuth, B. Silaruks, R. Sirichai, A. Sriwichian, W. Suebjaksing, P. Sukklad, T. Suttana, A. Tangsirira, O. Thangpet, W. Tiyanon, Y. Vorasettakarnkij, T. Wisaratapong, W. Wongtheptien, A. Wutthimanop, S. Yawila, A. Oto, A. Altun, I. Ozdogru, K. Ozdemir, O. Yilmaz, A. Aydinlar, M.B. Yilmaz, E. Yeter, Z. Ongen, M. Cayli, H. Pekdemir, M. Ozdemir, M. Sucu, T. Sayin, M. Demir, H. Yorgun, M. Ersanli, E. Okuyan, D. Aras, H. Abdelrahman, O. Aktas, D. Alpay, F. Aras, M.F. Bireciklioglu, S. Budeyri, M. Buyukpapuc, S. Caliskan, M. Esen, M.A. Felekoglu, D. Genc, B. Ikitimur, E.B. Karaayvaz, S. Kılıç Karataş, S. Okutucu, E. Ozcelik, A. Quisi, H. Sag, L. Sahiner, B.Y. Sayin, T. Seker, D. Uzun Alkan, E. Yildirim, R. Yildirim, F. Yilmaz, V. Yuksekdag, H.L. Luciardi, N. Vensentini, A.C. Ingaramo, G.A. Sambadaro, V. Fernandez Caputi, S.G. Berman, P. Dragotto, A.J. Kleiban, N. Centurion, G. Giacomi, R.A. Ahuad Guerrero, D. Conde, G. Zapata, L.A. Di Paola, J.L. Ramos, R.D. Dran, J. Egido, A.A. Fernandez, M.J. Fosco, S. Sassone, V.A. Sinisi, L.R. Cartasegna, M.A. Berli, O.A. Gomez Vilamajo, F. Ferroni, E.D. Alaguibe, A. Alvarez D'Amelio, C. Arabetti, L. Arias, J.A. Belardi, L. Bergesio, F. Berli, M. Berli, S. Borchowiec, C. Buzzetti, R. Cabrini, V. Campisi, A.L. Cappi, R. Carrizo, F. Colombo Berra, J.P. Costabel, O.J.A. Costamagna, A.A. Damonte, I.N. De Urquiza, F. Diez, M.F. Edén, M. Fanuele, F. Fernandez Voena, M. Foa Torres, C. Funosas, M.P. Giacomi, C.H. Gimenez, E.P. Gurfinkel, M. de L.M. Had, V. Hansen, A.D. Hrabar, M. Ingratta, A. Lopez, G. Maehara, L. Maffei, A. Martinelli, C. Martinelli, J. Matkovich, B. Mautner, A. Meirino, R. Munguia, A. Navarro, V. Novas, G. Perez Prados, J. Pontoriero, R.N. Potito, C. Ricotti, M.A. Rodriguez, F. Rolandi, M.E. Said Palladino, M. Salinger, L.S. Sanziani, P.O. Schygiel, A. Sossich, J.F. Tinto, L. Tonelli, A.L. Tufare, M. Vallejo, M.E. Yunis, M. Zillo, F.J. Zurbrigk, A.C.P. Barretto, D.C. Sobral Filho, J. Jaber, D. Armaganijan, J. Faria Neto, A. Steffens, W. Kunz Sebba Barroso de Souza, J.D. de Souza Neto, J.M. Ribeiro, M. Silveira Teixeira, P.R. Ferreira Rossi, L. Pires, D. Moreira, J.C. Moura Jorge, A. Menezes Lorga Filho, L.C. Bodanese, M. Westerlund Montera, C.H. Del Carlo, T. Da Rocha Rodrigues, F.A. Alves da Costa, A. Lopes, R. Lopes, G.R. Araújo, E.R. Fernandes Manenti, J.F. Kerr Saraiva, J.C. Ferreira Braga, A. Negri, L. Souto, C. Moncada, D. Bertolim Precoma, F. Roquette, G. Reis, R.A. Ramos Filho, E. Lanna Figueiredo, R. Vieira Botelho, C. Munhoz da Fontoura Tavares, C.R. Costantini Frack, J. Abdalla Saad, H.C. Finimundi, C. Pisani, D. Chemello, M. Pereira Martins, C.C. Broilo França, F. Alban, G.B. Aranha Rosito, J.B. de Moura Xavier Moraes Junior, R.T. Tumelero, L. Nigro Maia, R. Simões de Almeida, N.C. do Carmo Borges, L.G. Gomes Ferreira, P. Agliardi, J. Alves de Oliveira Gomes, V. Araujo, M. Arruda Nakazone, T. Barbosa, S. Barroso, E. Belisario Falchetto, H. Bellotti Lopes, M.A. Benez Teixeira Lemos, G. Biazus, L. Borges Queiroz, F.E. Camazzola, M. Caporale, S. Cardoso Boscato, F. Chieza, M.O. Chokr, R. Clemente Mingireanov, N. Codonho Góes, C. Correa, M. Costa, C. Costantini Ortiz, L.S. da Silva, F. da Silva Paulitsch, J.A. da Silveira, E. Daros, G.R. de Araújo, M.I. Del Monaco, C. Dias, M.A. Dias, A.P. Drummond Wainstein, P. Ely Pizzato, D.C. Esteves, P. Fabri, T. Félix Lorenzato Fonseca, E. Fernandes, C. Fonseca, C.R. Frack Costantini, R. Franchin Ferraz, F. Freire, P. Gottardo, D. Guanaes, S. Guizzardi, E. Hettwer Magedanz, F. Igansi, F. Jannuzzi, G. Junior, D. Komar, E.G. Lino, D. Lopes, O. Lourenço da Silva Júnior, E. Lustosa, A.P. Macagnan, M.C. Marinho, M. Mazzoni, G. Melo, L. Mortari, O.M.C.C. Mouco, C. Nanzer Vital, C. Ormundo, S. Oss Emmer, E. Palmegiani, R. Pavani, L. Pereira, V.L. Pereira, R. Perreira, S. Poletti, S.C. Quaia Fortunato, C. Queirantes, N. Ramos Pereira, R.L. Rech, S. Ribeiro, A. Rodrigues, H. Roesch, T. Ruaro Reichert, D. Santos, I. Santos, M. Santos, M.V. Seroqui, S. Silva, L. Soares, L. Spolaor, C. Stoll, N. Toazza Duda, L. Trama, B. Unterkircher, M.V. Valois, T. Vargas, T. Viana, C. Vicente, L. Vidal Armaganijan, R. Vieira Homem, L.G. Vieira Torres, L. Vila Boas, F. Villaça Guimarães Filho, R. Corbalan, G. Eggers, C. Bugueño Gutiérrez, G. Arriagada, S. Potthoff Cardenas, B.A.J. Stockins Fernandez, C. Conejeros, C. Houzvic, P. Marin Cuevas, H. Montecinos, A. Forero, F. Lanas, M. Larico Gómez, G. Charme Vilches, C. Rey, C. Astudillo, J. Aguilar, Y. Campisto, C. Lara, E. Molina, J. Munoz Oyarzon, V. Olguin, M. Vergara, C. Villan, C.J. Sánchez Díaz, J. Illescas Diaz, R. Leal Cantú, M.G. Ramos Zavala, R. Cabrera Jardines, N. Espinola Zavaleta, S. Villarreal Umaña, E. López Rosas, G. Llamas Esperón, G. Pozas, E. Cardona Muñoz, N. Matadamas Hernández, A. Leyva Rendón, N. García Hernández, M. de los Ríos Ibarra, L. Virgen Carrillo, D. López Villezca, C. Hernández Herrera, J.J. López Prieto, R. Gaona Rodríguez, E. Villeda Espinosa, D. Flores Martínez, J. Velasco Barcena, R. Yong, I. Rodríguez Briones, J.L. Leiva Pons, H. Álvarez López, R. Olvera Ruiz, C. Díaz de la Vega, C. Cantú Brito, E. Chuquiure Valenzuela, R. Reyes-Sanchez, A. Bazzoni Ruiz, O. Nandayapa Flores, M. Benavides Gonzalez, R. Arriaga Nava, J.D. Morales Cerda, O. Fierro Fierro, P. Fajardo Campos, T.A.A. Alfaro, S. Altamirano Bellorin, R. Avena, M. Chavarria, I. Espinosa, F. Flores Silva, R.H. Garcia Nava, K. Godoy, E.J. Gonzalez Felix, C.L. Gonzalez Garcia, L.G. Gonzalez Salas, P. Guajardo, S. Hernandez Gonzalez, T. Izquierdo, M.C. Mancilla Ortiz, D. Martinez Vasquez, N. Mendoza, J. Morales, N. Nikitina, S. Ochoa Aybar, A. Ortiz, P. Padilla Macias, F. Perez, J.A. Perez Sanchez, S. Piña Toledano, M. Ramos Gonzalez, C. Rivera Ramos, V. Roa Castro, G. Romero Cardona, M. Ruiz Cornejo, A. Salinas, G. Santana, P. Sida Perez, A.C. Tovar Castaneda, R. Trujillo Cortes, M. Brodmann, K. Lenz, H. Drexel, J. Foechterle, C. Hagn, A. Podczeck-Schweighofer, K. Huber, M. Winkler, B. Schneeweiß, A. Gegenhuber, W. Lang, S. Eichinger-Hasenauer, P. Kaserer, J. Sykora, H. Rasch, M. Pichler, E. Schaflinger, B. Strohmer, R. Breier, K.-M. Ebner, L. Eischer, F. Freihoff, A. Lischka-Lindner, T. Mark, A. Mirtl, A. Said, C. Stöcklöcker, B. Vogel, A. Vonbank, C. Wöhrer, D. Zanolin, F. Cools, G. Paparella, P. Vandergoten, J.-L. Parqué, L. Capiau, G. Vervoort, B. Wollaert, P. Desfontaines, G. Mairesse, T. Boussy, P. Godart, A. De Wolf, J. Voet, A. Heyse, G. Hollanders, W. Anné, J. Vercammen, P. Purnode, I. Blankoff, D. Faes, Y. Balthazar, M. Beutels, P. Maréchal, S. Verstraete, O. Xhaet, H. Striekwold, J. Thoeng, K. Hermans, B. Alzand, A.-K. Ascoop, F. Banaeian, A.-M. Barbuto, A.C. Billiaux, M. Blockmans, C. Bouvy, C. Brike, H. Capiau, T. Casier, A. Conde Y Bolado, D. De Cleen, M. De Coninck, M. de Vos, N. de Weerdt, M. Delforge, M. Delvigne, D. Denie, K. Derycker, E. Deweerd, F. Dormal, S. Drieghe, M. Everaert, T. Eykerman, E. Feys, M. Ghekiere, F. Gits, S. Hellemans, L. Helvasto, C. Jacobs, S. Lips, I. Mestdagh, J. Nimmegeers, V. Piamonte, P. Pollet, A. Postolache, M. Raepers, E. Raymenants, J. Richa, H. Rombouts, J. Salembier, C. Scheurwegs, O. Semeraro, N. Simons, C. Smessaert, W. Smolders, I. Stockman, S. Tahon, V. Thyssen, G. Tincani, F. Van Durme, D. Van Lier, H. Vandekerckhove, Y. Vandekerckhove, D. Vandenbroeck, A. Vandorpe, E. Vanhalst, B. Vanhauwaert, C. Vantomme, L. Vergauwen, H. Verloove, T. Vydt, T. Weyn, P. Jansky, P. Reichert, R. Spacek, V. Machova, E. Zidkova, O. Ludka, J. Olsr, L. Kotik, K. Plocova, B. Racz, R. Ferkl, J. Hubac, I. Kotik, Z. Monhart, H. Burianova, O. Jerabek, J. Pisova, I. Petrova, V. Dedek, M. Honkova, P. Podrazil, J. Spinar, J. Vitovec, M. Novak, J. Lastuvka, V. Durdil, P. Antonova, L. Bockova, J. Bultas, J. Chlumsky, L. Dastychova, T. Drasnar, J. Honek, M. Horejsi, V. Hubacova, L. Janska, I. Kopeckova, R. Kratochvilova, E. Krcova, R. Labrova, A. Lindourkova, J. Lipoldova, H. Lubanda, A. Ludkova, L. Mahdalikova, M. Majerníkova, D. Michalik, P. Potuznik, E. Prochazkova, A. Sulc, J. Sveceny, M. Valtova, M. Zidek, J. Zika, J. Nielsen, H. Nielsen, S. Husted, U. Hintze, S. Rasmussen, A. Bremmelgaard, J. Markenvard, J. Boerger, J. Solgaard, P. Simonsen, T. Loekkegaard, M. Bruun, J. Mertz, H. Domínguez, K. Skagen, K. Egstrup, H. Ibsen, I. Raymond, T. Bang-Hansen, C. Ellervik, E. Eriksen, L. Jensen, M. Jensen, M. Leth, A. Nygaard, J. Park, M. Schou, A. Therkelsen, J. Tilma, K. Vesterager, P. Raatikainen, J. Airaksinen, O. Arola, J. Koistinen, H. Nappila, K. Peltomäki, V. Rasanen, T. Vasankari, J.-Y. Le Heuzey, M. Galinier, Y. Gottwalles, F. Paganelli, P. Loiselet, J.-J. Muller, M.B. Koujan, A. Marquand, S. Destrac, O. Piot, N. Delarche, J.-P. Cebron, S. Boveda, M. Guenoun, D. Guedj-Meynier, D. Galley, J. Ohayon, S. Assouline, M. Zuber, P. Amarenco, E. Ellie, J. Kadouch, P.-Y. Fournier, J.-P. Huberman, M. Lemaire, G. Rodier, L. Milandre, X. Vandamme, I. Sibon, J.-P. Neau, M.H. Mahagne, A. Mielot, M. Bonnefoy, J.-B. Churet, V. Navarre, F. Sellem, G. Monniot, J.-P. Boyes, B. Doucet, M. Martelet, D. Obadia, B. Crousillat, J. Mouallem, E. Bearez, P. Nazeyrollas, J.P. Brugnaux, A. Fedorowsky, F. Casassus, J.-B. Berneau, F. Chemin, N. Falvo, J.-M. Perron, J.-E. Poulard, A. Barreau, C. Beltra, E. Corrihons, N. Decarsin, B. Dubois, E. Ducasse, X. Giry, A. Kemmel, S. Ledure, N. Lemaire, F. Robin, N. Rosolin, D. Sanchez, A. Suissa, H. Darius, G. Königer, J. Purr, U. Gerbaulet, B.-T. Kellner, A. Kopf, T. Schäfer, H. Zauzig, P. Riegel, H. Hohensee, E. Eißfeller, W. Eder, G. Rehling, D. Glatzel, S. Zutz, G.-U. Heinz, H. Menke, A. Pustelnik, P. Sandow, N. Ludwig, H. Wiswedel, W. Wildenauer, C. Axthelm, T. Schwarz, A. Babyesiza, G. Stuchlik, H.-H. Zimny, M. Kropp, F. Kahl, A. Caspar, S. Omankowsky, T. Läßig, H.-J. Hartmann, G. Lehmann, H.-W. Bindig, G. Hergdt, D. Reimer, J. Hauk, W. Dorsch, J. Dshabrailov, H. Michel, K.-A. Rapp, R. Vormann, P. Mayer, U. Horstmeier, V. Eissing, H. Hey, H. Leuchtgens, V. Lilienweiß, K. Kolitsch, C. Schubert, H. Lauer, T. Buchner, G. Brauer, S. Kamin, K. Müller, M. Abdel-Qader, S. Baumbach, H.-H. Ebert, C. Schwencke, S. Schellong, P. Bernhardt, L. Karolyi, B. Sievers, W. Haverkamp, P. Salbach, J.-U. Röhnisch, S. Schoen, W. Erdle, T. Mueller, H. Mueller, V. Mitrovic, Z. Babjakova, K. Bergner, S. Boehme, K. Bonin, D. Buckert, F. Busch, U. Dichristin, S. Diez, A. Fleck, K. Flint, H. Floegel, C. Fritz, R. Frommhold, J. Gehre, J. Geyer, A. Grytzmann, M. Hahn, K. Helgert, K. Hubert, K. Kirchner-Volker, V. Klein, D. Kroll, A. Krueger, R. Lehmann, L. Mann, A. Maselli, G. Menken, K. Mikes, H. Mortan, N. Nasser, D. Nicolaus, A. Plauskat, L. Pomper, A. Quietzsch, C. Ravenhorst, C. Reichelt, C. Reimer, B. Schaefer, S. Scharrer, K. Schirmer, K. Schmidt, R. Schoene, J. Schulze, M. Schuppe, S. Simon, S. Sommer, K. Spranger, A. Talkenberger, K. Tauber, A. Tetlak, T. Toennishoff, R. Voelkel-Babyesiza, B. Voigts, U. Weiser, S. Wesendorf, S. Wildenauer, T. Wolf, J. Wurziger, J. Zak, H.-D. Zauzig, S. Ziefle, S. Zincke, M. Keltai, S. Vangel, G. Szalai, B. Merkely, S. Kancz, Z. Boda, A. Nagy, Z. Laszlo, A. Matoltsy, B. Gaszner, P. Polgar, T. Habon, E. Noori, G. Juhasz, N. Kanakaridisz, I. Szentpeteri, F. Juhasz, A. Vertes, A. Papp, Z. May, J. Ferenczi, M. Egyutt, E. Kis, G. Engelthaler, G. Szantai, E. Fulop, P. Gombos, D. Gulyas, P. Jen, E. Kiralyhazine Gyorke, M. Kovacs, S. Kovacsne Levang, S. Marianna, Z. Radics, N. Sydó, R. Szalo, A. Szilagyi, F. Sztanyik, B. Vandrus, G. Agnelli, G. Ambrosio, E. Tiraferri, R. Santoro, S. Testa, G. Di Minno, M. Moia, T.M. Caimi, G. Martini, M. Tessitori, R. Cappelli, D. Poli, R. Quintavalla, F. Melone, F. Cosmi, A. Pizzini, G. Piseddu, R. Fanelli, C. Latella, R. Santi, L. Pancaldi, R. De Cristofaro, G. Palareti, A. De Blasio, J. Salerno Uriarte, F. Minetti, E.M. Pogliani, L.M. Lonati, M. Accogli, N. Ciampani, S. Malengo, M. Feola, A. Raisaro, L. Fattore, P. Grilli, F. Germini, M. Settimi, M. Alunni, G. Duranti, L. Tedeschi, G. Baglioni, G. Avanzino, M. Berardi, V. Pannacci, A. Giombolini, S. Nicoli, T. Scarponi, B. Allasia, P. Ricciarini, R. Nasorri, A. Argena, P. Bossolasco, P. Ronchini, A. Filippi, F. Tradati, C. Bulla, L. Donzelli, L. Foppa, M.L. Bottarelli, A. Tomasello, A. Mauric, C. Femiano, R. Reggio, F. Lillo, A. Mariani, F. Forcignanò, M. Volpe, M. D'Avino, M.G. Bongiorni, S. Severi, A. Capucci, C. Lodigiani, E. Salomone, G. Serviddio, C. Tondo, P. Golino, C. Mazzone, S. Iacopino, V. Pengo, M. Galvani, L. Moretti, P. Ambrosino, E. Banfi, V. Biagioli, A. Bianchi, G. Boggian, M. Breschi, S. Brusorio, F. Calcagnoli, G. Campagna, M. Carpenedo, C. Ciabatta, G. Ciliberti, G. Cimmino, C. D'Arienzo, L. Di Gennaro, M. Fedele, P.M. Ferrini, K. Granzow, G. Guazzaloca, F. Guerra, A. Lo Buglio, S. Longo, F. Macellari, E. Mesolella, E. Mollica Poeta, P. Occhilupo, V. Oriana, G. Rangel, L. Salomone, A. Scaccianoce, C. Scarone, L. Segreti, G. Sottilota, R. Villani, C. Zecca, H. ten Cate, J.H. Ruiter, H. Klomps, M. Bongaerts, M.G.C. Pieterse, C. Guldener, J.-P. Herrman, G. Lochorn, A. Lucassen, H. Adriaansen, S.H.K. The, P.R. Nierop, P.A.M. Hoogslag, W. Hermans, B.E. Groenemeijer, W. Terpstra, C. Buiks, L.V.A. Boersma, M. Boersma-Slootweg, F. Bosman, M. Bosschaert, S. Bruin, I. Danse, J. De Graaf, J. de Graauw, M. Debordes, S. Dols, F. Geerlings, K. Gorrebeeck, A. Jerzewski, W. Jetten, M. Kelderman, T. Kloosterman, E.M. Koomen, J. Krikken, P. Melman, R. Mulder, A. Pronk, A. Stallinga-de Vos, J. te Kaat, P. Tonino, B. Uppelschoten, R. van de Loo, T. van der Kley, G. van Leeuwen, J.J. van Putten, L. Westerman, D. Atar, E. Berge, P.A. Sirnes, E. Gjertsen, T. Hole, K. Erga, A. Hallaråker, G. Skjelvan, A. Østrem, B. Ghezai, A. Svilaas, P. Christersson, T. Øien, S. Høegh Henrichsen, J. Berg-Johansen, J.E. Otterstad, H. Antonsen, K. Ausen, H. Claussen, I. Dominguez, A. Jekthammer, A.B. Lensebraaten, V. Nilsen, M. O'Donovan, K. Ringdalen, S. Strand, J. Stepinska, R. Korzeniak, A. Gieroba, M. Biedrzycka, Marcin Ogorek, B. Wozakowska-Kaplon, K. Loboz-Grudzien, J. Kosior, W. Supinski, J. Kuzniar, R. Zaluska, J. Hiczkiewicz, L. Swiatkowska-Byczynska, L. Kucharski, M. Gruchala, P. Minc, M. Olszewski, G. Kania, M. Krzciuk, Z. Lajkowski, B. Ostrowska-Pomian, J. Lewczuk, E. Zinka, A. Karczmarczyk, M. Chmielnicka-Pruszczynska, M. Trusz-Gluza, G. Opolski, M. Bronisz, Michal Ogorek, G. Glanowska, P. Ruszkowski, K. Jaworska, R. Sciborski, B. Okopien, P. Kukla, I. Wozniak-Skowerska, K. Galbas, K. Cymerman, J. Jurowiecki, P. Miekus, W. Myszka, S. Mazur, R. Lysek, J. Baszak, T. Rusicka-Piekarz, G. Raczak, E. Domanska, J. Nessler, J. Lesnik, M. Ambicka, D. Andrzejewski, J. Araminowicz, A. Barszcz, R. Bartkowiak, J. Bartnik, M. Basiak, E. Bekieszczuk, L. Bernat, L. Biedrzycki, A. Biernacka, D. Blaszczyk, E. Broton, W. Brzozowski, M. Brzustowska, R. Bzymek, A. Chmielowski, P. Chojnowski, R. Cichomski, K. Cieslak, A. Cieszynska, B. Curyllo, M. Czamara, L. Danilowicz-Szymanowicz, B. Dolecka, L. Drelich, B. Dudzik-Richter, T. Dybala, M. Dziuba, W. Faron, M. Figura-Chmielewska, A. Frankiewicz, W. Gadzinski, E. Gasior, B. Gosciniecka, P. Gutknecht, M. Guziewicz, A. Jackun-Podlesna, G. Jaguszewska, J. Jankielewicz, A. Jaremczuk-Kaczmarczyk, M. Jargiello-Baszak, A. Jarzebowski, E. Jaskulska-Niedziela, M. Jaworska-Drozdowska, J. Kabat, A. Kaczmarzyk-Radka, K. Kalin, R. Kaliszczak, M. Kiliszek, M. Klata, M. Kluczewski, I. Kobielusz-Gembala, E. Kochanska, D. Kociolek, A. Kolodzinska, A. Komlo, A. Konopka, E. Korczowska, E. Kowal, H.K. Kowalczyk, E. Kremis, D. Kruczyk, A. Krzesiak-Lodyga, M. Krzyzanowski, W. Kurdzielewicz, D. Kustrzycka-Kratochwil, D. Lesniewska-Krynska, J. Leszczynski, E. Lewicka, E. Lichota, K. Lip, M. Loboz-Rudnicka, J. Luka, A. Lysek-Jozefowicz, M. Machnikowska, K. Majewska, R. Mariankowski, A. Markiewicz, M. Mazur, A. Metzgier-Gumiela, E. Miedlar, M. Mielcarek, J. Neubauer-Geryk, J. Niedek, A. Niemirycz-Makurat, A. Nowak, S. Nowak, B. Opielowska-Nowak, M. Ozgowicz, A. Pawelska-Buczen, E. Pawlik-Rak, R. Piotrowicz, P. Ptaszynski, A. Raczynska, W. Rogowski, J. Romanek, R. Romaszkiewicz, P. Rostoff, N. Roszczyk, D. Rozewska-Furmanek, J. Rychta, B. Rzyczkowska, A. Sidor, J. Skalska, M. Smichura, M. Splawski, P. Staneta, E. Staniszewska, J. Starak-Marciniak, M. Stopyra-Poczatek, M. Sukiennik-Kujawa, J. Szafranski, P. Szalecki, A. Szczepanska, W. Szkrobka, E. Szuchnik, A. Szulowska, G. Szumczyk-Muszytowska, M. Szwoch, T. Traczyk, M. Troszczynska, G. Trzcinski, S. Tybura, P. Walasik, M. Wegrzynowska, K. Wesolowska, W. Wieczorek, A. Wierzbicka, P. Wilczewski, M. Wilgat-Szecowka, P. Wojewoda, L. Wojnowski, M. Wrobel, K. Zakutynska-Kowalczyk, M. Zyczynska-Szmon, E. Panchenko, V. Eltishcheva, R. Libis, S. Tereshchenko, S. Popov, G. Kamalov, D. Belenky, A. Zateyshchikova, E. Kropacheva, A. Kolesnikova, K. Nikolaev, L. Egorova, A. Khokhlov, E. Yakupov, M. Poltavskaya, D. Zateyshchikov, O. Drapkina, A. Vishnevsky, O. Barbarash, O. Miller, E. Aleksandrova, P. Chizhov, M. Sergeev, E. Shutemova, E. Mazur, K. Zrazhevskiy, T. Novikova, V. Kostenko, Y. Moiseeva, E. Polkanova, K. Sobolev, M. Rossovskaya, G. Zubeeva, Y. Shapovalova, O. Nagibovich, A. Edin, A. Agakhanyan, R. Batalov, Y. Belenkova, F. Bitakova, S. Chugunnaya, A. Dumikyan, S. Erofeeva, E. Gorbunova, T. Gorshkova, A. Gubanov, M. Gurmach, Y. Ivanova, T. Kolesova, D. Konyushenko, O. Korneeva, O. Kropova, P. Kuchuk, O. Kungurtseva, T. Kupriyanova, B. Kurylo, M. Kuvanova, O. Lebedeva, E. Lileeva, O. Machilskaya, T. Medvedeva, G. Monako, I. Motylev, G. Nagibovich, E. Novikova, Y. Orlov, Y. Osmolovskaya, A. Ovsannikova, D. Platonov, S. Rachkova, O. Sinitsina, S. Speshilova, O. Suslova, A. Ushakov, O. Volodicheva, O. Zemlianskaia, I. Zhirov, E. Zhuravleva, I. Zotova, X. Viñolas, P. Alvarez Garcia, M.F. López Fernández, L. Tercedor, S. Tranche Iparraguirre, P. Torán Monserrat, E. Márquez Contreras, J. Isart Rafecas, J. Motero Carrasco, P. García Pavía, C. Gómez Pajuelo, C. Moro Serrano, L.F. Iglesias Alonso, A. Grande Ruiz, J. Mercé Klein, J.R. Gonzalez Juanatey, G. Barón Esquivias, I. Monte Collado, H. Palacín Piquero, C. Brotons Cuixart, M. Rodríguez Morató, J. Bayo I Llibre, C. Corros Vicente, M. Vida Gutierrez, F. Epelde Gonzalo, C.A. Almeida Fernández, N. Del Val Plana, E. Escrivá Montserrat, J.J. Montero Alía, M. Barreda González, M.A. Moleiro Oliva, J. Iglesias Sanmartín, M. Jiménez González, M. Rodriguez Álvarez, J. Herreros Melenchon, T. Ripoll Vera, F. Ridocci Soriano, L. Garcia Riesco, M.D. Marco Macian, J. Quiles Granado, M. Jimenez Navarro, J. Cosin Sales, J.V. Vaquer Perez, M. Vazquez Caamano, M.F. Arcocha Torres, G. Marcos Gomez, A. Iñiguez Romo, M.A. Prieto Diaz, Carmela Alonso, Concepcion Alonso, D. Alvarez, M. Alvarez, M. Amaro, N. Andere, J. Aracil Villar, R. Armitano Ochoa, A. Austria, S. Barbeira, E. Barraquer Feu, A. Bartes, V. Becerra Munoz, F.J. Bermudez Jimenez, A. Branjovich Tijuan, J. Cabeza Ramirez, M. Cabrera Ramos, E. Calvo Martinez, M. Campo Moreno, G. Cancho Corchado, M. Casanova Gil, M. Castillo Orive, D. Castro Fernandez, M. Cebollada del Misterio, R. Codinachs Alsina, A. Cortada Cabrera, J. Costa Pinto Prego de Faria, S. Costas, M.I. Cotilla Marco, M. Dachs, C.M. Diaz Lopez, A. Domenech Borras, A. Elorriaga Madariaga, A. Espallargas, M. Fernandez, E. Fernandez Escobar, E. Fernandez Mas, A. Ferrer, J. Fosch, M. Garcia Bermudez, V. Garcia Millan, M. Gavira Saenz, C. Gines Garcia, C. Gomez, Y. Gomez Perez, A. Gonzales Segovia, P. Gonzalez, L. Grigorian, A. Guerrero Molina, M. del C. Gutierrez del Val, B. Herrero Maeso, E. Hevia Rodriguez, A. Iglesias Garcia, M.J. Jimenez Fernandez, B. Jimeno Besa, P. Juan Salvadores, M.B. Lage Bouzamayor, I. Lasuncion, L.E. Lezcano Gort, M. Llobet Molina, M. Lopez, A. Manzanal Rey, J. Mara Guerra, S. Marcus, A. Martin Vila, M. Martinez Mena, P. Mazon, F. Mendez Zurita, G. Millán, M. Molina, P. Montero Alia, D. Montes, M. Moure Gonzalez, R.B. Munoz Munoz, A. Negrete Palma, H.N. Orellana Figueroa, V.M. Ortega, C. Ortiz Cortes, D. Otero Tomera, N. Palomo Merchan, I. Pareja Ibar, E. Pena Garcia, M. Pereda Armayor, M. Perez Carasa, I. Prieto, V. Quintern, R. Renom, L.M. Rincon Diaz, V. Rios, L. Riquelme Sola, R. Rivera, X. Robiro Robiro, M. Roca, C. Roca Saumell, C. Rodrigo, E. Rodriguez, M. Rodriguez Garcia, S. Saez Jimenez, P. Sanchez Calderon, L. Sanchez Mendez, S. Sanchez Parra, C. Santolaya, M.R. Senan Sanz, A. Seoane Blanco, E. Serralvo, N. Sierra, C. Simon Valero, J. Sorribes Lopez, M. Teixido Fontanillas, M. Terns Riera, G. Tobajas, C. Torres, J. Torres Marques, M. Ubeda Pastor, M. Rosenqvist, A. Wirdby, J. Linden, K. Henriksson, M. Elmersson, A. Egilsson, U. Börjesson, G. Svärd, B. Liu, A. Lindh, L.-B. Olsson, M. Gustavsson, Lars Andersson, Lisbeth Andersson, L. Benson, C. Bothin, A. Hajimirsadeghi, K. Kadir, M. Ericsson, A. Ohlsson, H. Lindvall, P. Svensson, K. Thorne, H. Handel, P. Platonov, B. Eriksson, I. Timberg, K. Romberg, M. Crisby, J.-E. Karlsson, S.A. Jensen, A. Andersson, L. Malmqvist, B. Martinsson, F. Bernsten, J. Engdahl, J. Thulin, A. Hot-Bjelac, P. Stalby, H. Aaröe, E. Ahbeck, H. Ahlmark, F. Al-Khalili, G. Bonkowski, S. Dzeletovic, A.-B. Ekstrand, G.-B. Eriksson, K. Floren, C. Grässjö, S. Hahn, P. Jaensson, B. Jansson, J.-H. Jansson, R.-M. Kangert, A. Koch, D. Kusiak, A. Lettenström, A. Lindberg, C.-J. Lindholm, A. Mannermyr, K. Mansson, M. Millborg, C. Nilsson, A.-M. Ohlin, A. Olofsson, A. Osberg, A. Pedersen, K. Risbecker, K. Rosenberg, J. Samuelsson, M. Shayesteh, K. Skoglund, M. Stjernberg, C. Thorsen, J. Steffel, J.H. Beer, J. Debrunner, D. Amstutz, J. Bruegger, G. Elise, A. Grau, A. Guinand, I. Henriette, E. Saga, S. Winnik, A. Parkhomenko, I. Rudyk, V. Tseluyko, O. Karpenko, S. Zhurba, I. Kraiz, I. Kupnovytska, N. Serediuk, Y. Mostovoy, O. Ushakov, O. Koval, I. Kovalskyi, Y. Svyshchenko, O. Sychov, M. Stanislavchuk, O. Kraydashenko, A. Yagensky, S. Tykhonova, I. Fushtey, R. Belegai, G. Berko, L. Burdeuna, O. Chabanna, I. Daniuk, A. Ivanov, E. Kamenska, P. Kaplan, O. Khyzhnyak, S. Kizim, O. Matova, O. Medentseva, V. Mochonyi, M. Mospan, V. Nemtsova, T. Ovdiienko, O. Palamarchuk, M. Pavelko, R. Petrovskyy, D. Plevak, O. Proshak, S. Pyvovar, L. Rasputina, O. Romanenko, O. Romanova, A. Sapatyi, O. Shumakov, R. Stets, L. Todoriuk, V. Varenov, D. Fitzmaurice, N. Chauhan, D. Goodwin, P. Saunders, R. Evans, J. Leese, P.S. Jhittay, A. Ross, M.S. Kainth, G. Pickavance, J. McDonnell, A. Williams, T. Gooding, H. Wagner, S. Suryani, A. Singal, S. Sircar, R. Bilas, P. Hutchinson, A. Wakeman, M. Stokes, N. Paul, M. Aziz, C. Ramesh, P. Wilson, S. Franklin, S. Fairhead, J. Thompson, V. St Joseph, G. Taylor, D. Tragen, D. Seamark, C. Paul, M. Richardson, A. Jefferies, H. Sharp, H. Jones, C. Giles, M. Page, O. Oginni, J. Aldegather, S. Wetherwell, W. Lumb, P. Evans, F. Scouller, N. Macey, Y. Stipp, R. West, S. Thurston, P. Wadeson, J. Matthews, P. Pandya, A. Gallagher, T. Railton, B. Sinha, D. Russell, J.A. Davies, P. Ainsworth, C.P. Jones, P. Weeks, J. Eden, D. Kernick, W. Murdoch, L. Lumley, R.P. Patel, S.W. Wong, M. Saigol, K. Ladha, K. Douglas, D.F. Cumberlidge, C. Bradshaw, G. Van Zon, K.P. Jones, M.J. Thomas, E. Watson, B. Sarai, N. Ahmad, W. Willcock, J. Cairns, S. Sathananthan, N. de Kare-Silver, A. Gilliland, E. Strieder, A. Howitt, B. Vishwanathan, N. Bird, D. Gray, M. Clark, J. Bisatt, J. Litchfield, E. Fisher, T. Fooks, A.R. Kelsall, E. Alborough, J. Wakeling, M. Parfitt, K. Milne, S. Rogers, R. Priyadharshan, J.L. Oliver, E. Davies, S. Abushal, M. Jacobs, C. Hutton, N.I. Walls, R. Thompson, C. Chigbo, S.M.A. Zaidi, M. Howard, K.C. Butter, S. Barrow, H. Little, I.U. Haq, L. Gibbons, S. Glencross, A.J. McLeod, K. Poland, C. Mulholland, A. Warke, P. Conn, G. Burns, R.N. Smith, S. Lowe, R. Kamath, H.S. Dau, J. Webster, I. Hodgins, S. Vercoe, P.C. Roome, H. Pinnock, J.R.A. Patel, A. Ali, N. Hart, R. Davies, E. Stuart, C.A. Neden, M. Danielsen, R. Heath, P. Sharma, S. Galloway, C. Hawkins, R. Oliver, M. Aylward, S. Mannion, M. Braddick, D. Edwards, A.C. Rothwell, A. Sabir, F. Choudhary, S. Khalaque, A. Wilson, S. Peters, W. Coulson, N. Roberts, A. Heer, S. Coates, B. Ward, D. Jackson, S. Walton, D. Shepherd, M. Sterry, T. Wong, M. Boon, R. Bunney, R. Haria-Shah, R.T. Baron, S. Davies, T. Schatzberger, N. Hargreaves, T. Stephenson, H. Choi, R. Batson, L. Lucraft, T. Myhill, S. Estifano, D. Geatch, J. Wilkinson, R. Veale, K. Forshaw, T. Davies, K. Zaman, P. Vinson, C. Liley, M. Bandrapalli, P. McGinty, R. Wastling, P. McEleny, A. Beattie, P. Cooke, M. Wong, J. Gunasegaram, M. Pugsley, S. Ahmad, C. A'Court, J. Ayers, J. Bennett, S. Cartwright, S. Dobson, C. Dooldeniya, A. Flynn, R. Fox, J. Goram, A. Halpin, A. Hay, P. Jacobs, L. Jeffers, L. Lomax, I. Munro, R. Muvva, M. Nadaph, K. Powell, S. Randfield, D. Redpath, R. Reed, M. Rickenbach, G. Rogers, P.B. Saunders, C. Seamark, J. Shewring, P. Simmons, H. Simper, H. Stoddart, A. Sword, N. Thomas, A. Thomson, H. Gibbs, A. Blenkhorn, B. Singh, W. Van Gaal, W. Abhayaratna, R. Lehman, P. Roberts-Thomson, J. Kilian, D. Coulshed, A. Catanchin, D. Colquhoun, H. Kiat, D. Eccleston, J. French, L. Zimmett, B. Ayres, T. Phan, P. Blombery, D. Crimmins, D. O'Donnell, A. Choi, P. Astridge, M. Arstall, N. Jepson, M. Binnekamp, A. Lee, J. Rogers, G. Starmer, P. Carroll, J. Faunt, A. Aggarwala, L. Barry, C. Batta, R. Beveridge, A. Black, M. Bonner, J. Boys, E. Buckley, M. Campo, L. Carlton, A. Connelly, B. Conway, D. Cresp, H. Dimitri, S. Dixon, M. Dolman, M. Duroux, M. Eskandari, R. Eslick, A. Ferreira-Jardim, T. Fetahovic, D. Fitzpatrick, R. Geraghty, J. Gibbs, T. Grabek, M.H. Modi, K. Hayes, M.P. Hegde, L. Hesketh, B. Hoffmann, B. Jacobson, K. Johnson, C. Juergens, I. Kassam, V. Lawlor, M. Lehman, S. Lehman, D. Leung, S. Mackay, M. MacKenzie, C. McCarthy, C. McIntosh, L. McKeon, H. Morrison, C. Mussap, J.-D. Myers, V. Nagalingam, G. Oldfield, V. O'May, J. Palmer, L. Parsons, K. Patching, T. Patching, V. Paul, M. Plotz, S. Preston, H. Rashad, M. Ratcliffe, S. Raynes, J. Rose, L. Sanders, M. Seremetkoska, H. Setio, S. Shone, P. Shrestha, C. Singh, C. Singleton, N. Stoyanov, S. Sutcliffe, K. Swaraj, J. Tarrant, S. Thompson, I.M. Tsay, M. Vorster, A. Waldman, L. Wallis, E. Wilford, K. Wong, S.J. Connolly, A. Spyropoulos, J. Eikelboom, R. Luton, M. Gupta, A.S. Pandey, S. Cheung, R. Leader, P. Beaudry, F. Ayala-Paredes, J. Berlingieri, J. Heath, G. Poirier, M. Du Preez, R. Nadeau, G. Dresser, R. Dhillon, T. Hruczkowski, B. Schweitzer, B. Coutu, P. Angaran, P. MacDonald, S. Vizel, S. Fikry, R. Parkash, A. Lavoie, J. Cha, B. Ramjattan, J. Bonet, K. Ahmad, L. Aro, T. Aves, K. Beaudry, C. Bergeron, J. Bigcanoe, N. Bignell, L. Breakwell, E. Burke, L. Carroll, B. Clarke, T. Cleveland, S. Daheb, P. Dehghani, I. Denis, Z. Djaidani, P. Dorian, S. Douglass, J. Dunnigan, A. Ewert, D. Farquhar, A. Fearon, L. Ferleyko, D. Fournier, B. Fox, M.-C. Grenier, W. Gulliver, K. Haveman, C. Hines, K. Hines, A.M. Jackson, C. Jean, G. Jethoo, R. Kahlon, S. Kelly, R. Kim, V. Korley, J. Kornder, L. Kwan, J. Largy, C. Lewis, S. Lewis, I. Mangat, R. Moor, J. Navratil, I. Neas, J. Otis, R. Otis, M. Pandey, F. Petrie, A. Pinter, M. Raines, P. Roberts, M. Robinson, G. Sas, S. Schulman, L. Snell, S. Spearson, J. Stevenson, T. Trahey, S. Wong, D. Wright, H. Ragy, A. Abd El-Aziz, S.K. Abou Seif, M.G. El Din, S. El Etriby, A. Elbahry, A. El-Etreby, M. Elkhadem, A. Katta, T. Khairy, A. Mowafy, M. Nawar, A. Ohanissian, A. Reda, M. Reda, H. Salem, N. Sami, S. Samir, M. Setiha, M. Sobhy, A. Soliman, N. Taha, M. Tawfik, E. Zaatout, D. Kettles, J. Bayat, H. Siebert, A. Horak, Y. Kelfkens, R. Garda, T. Pillay, M. Guerra, L. van Zyl, H. Theron, A. Murray, R. Louw, D. Greyling, P. Mntla, V. Ueckermann, R. Loghdey, S. Ismail, F. Ahmed, J. Engelbrecht, A. Ramdass, S. Maharajh, W. Oosthuysen, G. Angel, C. Bester, M. Booysen, C. Boshoff, C. Cannon, S. Cassimjee, C. Chami, G. Conway, A. Davids, L. de Meyer, G. Du Plessis, T. Ellis, L. Henley, M. Karsten, E. Loyd, J. Marks, L. Mavhusa, M. Mostert, A. Page, L. Rikhotso, M. Salie, J. Sasto, F. Shaik, A. Skein, L. Smith, G. Tarr, T. Tau, F. van Zyl, W. Al Mahmeed, G. Yousef, A. Agrawal, M. Nathani, M. Ibrahim, E.M. Esheiba, R. Singh, A. Naguib, M. Abu-Mahfouz, M. Al Omairi, A. Al Naeemi, R. Maruthanayagam, N. Bazargani, A. Wassef, R. Gupta, M. Khan, B. Subbaraman, A. Abdul, A. Al Mulla, S. El Bardisy, P. Haridas, S. Jadhav, K. Magdaluyo, M. Makdad, I. Maqsood, R. Mohamed, N. Sharma, R. Sharma, M. Thanzeel, S.Z. Goldhaber, R. Canosa, P. Rama, E. Blumberg, J. Garcia, P. Mullen, V. Wilson, A. Quick, K. Ferrick, W.M. Kutayli, M. Cox, M. Franco, S. Falkowski, R. Mendelson, M. Williams, S. Miller, S. Beach, A. Alfieri, T. Gutowski, I. Haque, R. Reddy, W. Ahmed, P. Delafontaine, D. Diercks, D. Theodoro, K. Remmel, M. Alberts, R. Ison, H. Noveck, P. Duffy, S. Pitta, D. Nishijima, C. Treasure, N. Asafu-Adjaye, K. Ball, M. Bartlett, M. Bentley, S. Bowers, A. Brown, A. Browne, J. Cameron-Watts, M. Canova, D. Cassidy, K. Cervellione, S. Congal, J. DePauw, A. Dickerson, M. Eley, L. Evans, S. Felpel, K. Ferdinand, D. Fielder, P. Gentry, A. Haideri, F. Hakimi, T. Harbour, E. Hartranft, B. Hawkins, M. Headlee, L. Henson, C. Herrick, T. Hicks, S. Jasinski, A. Jones, L. Jones, P. Jones, S. Karl, M. Keeling, J. Kerr, P. Knowles, J. Langdon, M. Lay, J.A. Lee, T. Lincoln, E. Malone, A. Merliss, D. Merritt, J. Minardo, B. Mooso, C. Orosco, V. Palumbo, M. Parker, T. Parrott, S. Paserchia, G. Pearl, J. Peterson, N. Pickelsimer, T. Purcell, J. Raynor, S. Raziano, C. Richard, T. Richardson, C. Robertson, A. Sage, T. Sanghera, P. Shaw, J. Shoemaker, K. Smith, B. Stephanie, A. Thatcher, H. Theobald, N. Thompson, L. Treasure, T. Tripti, C. Verdi, and V. Worthy
- Subjects
Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Background: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD–Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. Methods and results: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012–2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P
- Published
- 2018
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4. Cell-Based Therapy for Myocardial Dysfunction After Fontan Operation in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Author
Muhammad Y. Qureshi, MBBS, Allison K. Cabalka, MD, Shakila P. Khan, MD, Donald J. Hagler, MD, Dawit T. Haile, MD, Bryan C. Cannon, MD, Timothy M. Olson, MD, Susana Cantero-Peral, MD, PhD, Allan B. Dietz, PhD, Darcie J. Radel, MT, Nathan W. Taggart, MD, Angela M. Kelle, MD, Vilmarie Rodriguez, MD, Joseph A. Dearani, MD, Patrick W. O’Leary, MD, Timothy J. Nelson, MD, PhD, Karen M. Cavanaugh, CCRP, Jennifer M. Miller, MBA, and Karen S. Miller, CCRP
- Subjects
Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Myocardial dysfunction after Fontan palliation for univentricular congenital heart disease is a challenging clinical problem. The medical treatment has a limited impact, with cardiac transplant being the ultimate management step. Cell-based therapies are evolving as a new treatment for heart failure. Phase 1 clinical trials using regenerative therapeutic strategies in congenital heart disease are ongoing. We report the first case of autologous bone marrow–derived mononuclear cell administration for ventricular dysfunction, 23 years after Fontan operation in a patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The cells were delivered into the coronary circulation by cardiac catheterization. Ventricular size decreased and several parameters reflecting ventricular function improved, with maximum change noted 3 months after cell delivery. Such regenerative therapeutic options may help in delaying and preventing cardiac transplant.
- Published
- 2017
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5. Atrioventricular junctional tachycardia with exit block in an adolescent
- Author
Jeffrey A. Robinson, Bryan C. Cannon, Christopher S. Snyder, and Nicholas M. Cundiff
- Subjects
Cryoablation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Case Report ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Junctional tachycardia ,03 medical and health sciences ,Exit Block ,0302 clinical medicine ,Vasovagal syncope ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Flecainide ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Cardiology ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Atrioventricular block ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2018
6. Electrophysiologic Devices in Heart Failure
- Author
Philip L. Wackel and Bryan C. Cannon
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Population ,Adult population ,Cardiac resynchronization therapy ,medicine.disease ,Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ,Sudden death ,Pediatric patient ,Heart failure ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Cardiology ,education ,business - Abstract
With the advent of new technology allowing cardiac devices to be smaller in size, the application of both implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and pacemaker technology in the pediatric patient with heart failure has expanded. The use of ICDs to decrease the incidence of sudden death and cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemakers have now become an important consideration in the treatment of young patients. Devices can also now also be used to quantify a patient's degree of heart failure. Because of the relatively small number of pediatric patients, specific indications are not as well defined as in the adult population. This chapter discusses indications and practical aspects of implantation of pacemakers and ICDs in the pediatric heart failure population.
- Published
- 2018
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7. Ion Channels, Overview
- Author
Stephen C. Cannon
- Subjects
Membrane potential ,Voltage-gated ion channel ,Chemistry ,Analytical chemistry ,KcsA potassium channel ,Biological membrane ,Ion ,medicine ,Biophysics ,Ligand-gated ion channel ,Secretion ,medicine.symptom ,Lipid bilayer ,Integral membrane protein ,Ion channel ,Muscle contraction - Abstract
Channels are integral membrane proteins that facilitate the passage of ions (Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , or Cl − ) across the hydrophobic lipid bilayer of biological membranes. Movement of ions through the water-filled pore of a channel may be highly selective to determine which ions may pass (permeation) and may be regulated by membrane voltage, ligand binding, stretch, or other physical stimuli. This specificity of channel activity underlies the highly orchestrated events that are the fundamental basis for cellular excitability, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, and other transmembrane signaling processes.
- Published
- 2014
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8. Channelopathies of Skeletal Muscle Excitability
- Author
Stephen C. Cannon
- Subjects
Models, Biological ,Article ,Ion Channels ,Muscular Diseases ,Models ,Genetics ,medicine ,Humans ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Aetiology ,Muscle, Skeletal ,Ion channel ,Chemistry ,Sodium channel ,Calcium channel ,Neurosciences ,Skeletal muscle ,Periodic paralysis ,Skeletal ,medicine.disease ,Myotonia ,Biological ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Mutation ,Neurological ,Chloride channel ,Muscle ,Channelopathies ,medicine.symptom ,Ion Channel Gating ,Neuroscience ,Muscle contraction ,Muscle Contraction - Abstract
Familial disorders of skeletal muscle excitability were initially described early in the last century and are now known to be caused by mutations of voltage-gated ion channels. The clinical manifestations are often striking, with an inability to relax after voluntary contraction (myotonia) or transient attacks of severe weakness (periodic paralysis). An essential feature of these disorders is fluctuation of symptoms that are strongly impacted by environmental triggers such as exercise, temperature, or serum K(+) levels. These phenomena have intrigued physiologists for decades, and in the past 25 years the molecular lesions underlying these disorders have been identified and mechanistic studies are providing insights for therapeutic strategies of disease modification. These familial disorders of muscle fiber excitability are "channelopathies" caused by mutations of a chloride channel (ClC-1), sodium channel (NaV1.4), calcium channel (CaV1.1), and several potassium channels (Kir2.1, Kir2.6, and Kir3.4). This review provides a synthesis of the mechanistic connections between functional defects of mutant ion channels, their impact on muscle excitability, how these changes cause clinical phenotypes, and approaches toward therapeutics.
- Published
- 2012
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9. List of Contributors
- Author
Paul D. Allen, Ovid C. Amadi, Mark Anderson, Daniel C. Andersson, Stephen L. Archer, Andrea L.H. Arnett, Richard Arnoldi, Sarah Arrowsmith, Elisabeth R. Barton, Rhonda Bassel-Duby, Stephen L. Belmonte, Rabah Ben Yaou, Ivor J. Benjamin, Bradford C. Berk, Donald M. Bers, Anne T. Bertrand, Matthew J. Betzenhauser, Morris J. Birnbaum, Brian L. Black, Burns C. Blaxall, Roberto Bolli, Elena Bonanno, Gisèle Bonne, Carsten G. Bönnemann, Nina Bowens, Hasse Brønnum, Benoit G. Bruneau, Margaret Buckingham, Theodor Burdyga, Gillian Butler-Browne, Peter Buttrick, P.A. Cahill, John W. Calvert, Kevin P. Campbell, Stephen C. Cannon, Paola Cattaneo, Aravinda Chakravarti, Jeffrey S. Chamberlain, Christine Chaponnier, Stephanie E. Chin, Ethan David Cohen, Ronald D. Cohn, Gianluigi Condorelli, James H. Cummins, Kelvin P. Davies, Bridget Deasy, Deeptankar DeMazumder, Linda Demer, Cor de Wit, Harry C. Dietz, Fabio Di Lisa, Salvatore DiMauro, Stephan Dobner, Gerald W. Dorn, Shirin Doroudgar, V. Reggie Edgerton, Charles P. Emerson, Andrew G. Engel, Karyn A. Esser, Yong-Hu Fang, QiPing Feng, Glenn I. Fishman, Thomas Force, Nikolaos G. Frangogiannis, Clara Franzini-Armstrong, Norbert Frey, Maria G. Frid, Giulio Gabbiani, Bruce D. Gelb, Eric M. George, A. Martin Gerdes, Burhan Gharaibeh, Hamilton S. Gillespie, Christopher C. Glembotski, Tommaso Gori, Joey P. Granger, Kathy K. Griendling, Susan J. Gunst, Denis C. Guttridge, Roger J. Hajjar, Ronald G. Haller, Erick O. Hernández-Ochoa, Neil Herring, Lula L. Hilenski, Joseph A. Hill, Michael A. Hill, Charis L. Himeda, Boris Hinz, Steven R. Houser, Johnny Huard, William F. Jackson, John Lynn Jefferies, Raghu Kalluri, Fadia A. Kamal, Ashish Kapoor, David A. Kass, Arnold M. Katz, Daniel P. Kelly, Aarif Y. Khakoo, Sujay V. Kharade, Eugene Kim, Jung A. Kim, Richard N. Kitsis, Yvonne M. Kobayashi, Issei Komuro, Irina Kramerova, Callie S. Kwartler, Edward G. Lakatta, Triona Lally, Lars Larsson, Michael V.G. Latronico, Sergio Lavandero, Mitra Lavasani, Richard T. Lee, Se-Jin Lee, Young il Lee, David J. Lefer, Leslie A. Leinwand, Benjamin Levine, Yong Li, Stephen B. Liggett, Zhiqiang Lin, Ning Liu, Jose R. Lopez, Douglas W. Losordo, Calum A. MacRae, Yasuhiro Maejima, Mark W. Majesky, Andrew R. Marks, Melissa L. Martin, Alessandro Mauriello, Alicia Mayeuf, John J. McCarthy, Elizabeth McNally, Gerald A. Meininger, Mark Mercola, Joseph M. Miano, M. Carrie Miceli, Dianna M. Milewicz, Kathleen G. Morgan, Edward E. Morrisey, Vincent Mouly, Thomas Münzel, Anne Murphy, Anthony J. Muslin, R. Kannan Mutharasan, Kanneboyina Nagaraju, Atsuhiko T. Naito, Carlo Napolitano, Sandeep Nathan, Eva Nozik-Grayck, Julien Ochala, Stefan Offermanns, Eric N. Olson, Augusto Orlandi, Roberto Papait, Michael S. Parmacek, Amit R. Patel, David J. Paterson, Asif R. Pathan, Cam Patterson, Richard J. Paul, Lin Piao, Silvia G. Priori, William T. Pu, Rashmi Ram, J. Eduardo Rame, Julian N. Ramos, E.M. Redmond, Carlo Reggiani, Stuart Rich, Chiara Rinaldi, Beverly A. Rothermel, Roland R. Roy, Nancy J. Rusch, John J. Ryan, Junichi Sadoshima, Alejandra San Martín, Richard C. Scarpulla, Stefano Schiaffino, Ernesto L. Schiffrin, Jay W. Schneider, Martin F. Schneider, Andreas Schober, Manuel Scimeca, Luca Scorrano, Tiffany L. Shih, Ichiro Shiojima, Marion J. Siegman, Elaine Smolock, R. John Solaro, Avril V. Somlyo, James R. Sowers, Luigi Giusto Spagnoli, Melissa J. Spencer, David Spragg, Miroslava Stastna, Charles Steenbergen, Kurt R. Stenmark, James B. Strait, H. Lee Sweeney, Heinrich Taegtmeyer, Eiki Takimoto, Keshari M. Thakali, Wesley J. Thompson, Charles Thornton, James G. Tidball, Yin Tintut, Gordon F. Tomaselli, Rhian M. Touyz, Jeffrey A. Towbin, Kevin Tsai, Denis Vallese, Jennifer E. Van Eyk, Eva Van Rooij, Susanne Vetterkind, Nicol C. Voermans, Antonio Volpe, Xuejun Wang, Yanggan Wang, Yibin Wang, Stephanie Ware, Christian Weber, Adam Whaley-Connell, Russell A. Wilke, Angela Wirth, Susan Wray, Erica Yada, Michael E. Yeager, Katherine E. Yutzey, Daniela Zablocki, Cuihua Zhang, Hanrui Zhang, Pingbo Zhang, Zhou Zhe, and Bin Zhou
- Published
- 2012
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10. State of the art of sepsis care for the emergency medicine clinician.
- Author
Jayaprakash N, Sarani N, Nguyen HB, and Cannon C
- Abstract
Sepsis impacts 1.7 million Americans annually. It is a life-threatening disruption of organ function because of the body's host response to infection. Sepsis remains a condition frequently encountered in emergency departments (ED) with an estimated 850,000 annual visits affected by sepsis each year in the United States. The pillars of managing sepsis remain timely identification, initiation of antimicrobials while aiming for source control and resuscitation with a goal of restoring tissue perfusion. The focus herein is current evidence and best practice recommendations for state-of-the-art sepsis care that begins in the ED., Competing Interests: N. Jayaprakash received Honorarium for CHEST 2023 (travel), Site PI for grants to institution: Abbott laboratories sponsored LANER‐HF trial; NIH sponsored AIMS trial; Biocogniv sponsored Sepsis AI marker study. N. Sarani worked for Beckman Coulter Diagnostics: Site PI: Linking Novel Diagnostics with Data‐Driven Clinical Decision Support Prenosis: Site PI: Early stratification of septic patients, consulting on clinical utility of monocyte distribution width in the acute care setting., (© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Emergency Physicians.)
- Published
- 2024
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11. Use of Optimal Medical Therapy in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation.
- Author
Jafri SH, Hushcha P, Dorbala P, Bousquet G, Lutfy C, Mellett L, Sonis L, Blankstein R, Cannon C, Plutzky J, Polk D, and Skali H
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Aged, Middle Aged, Male, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors therapeutic use, Spironolactone therapeutic use, Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists therapeutic use, Adrenergic beta-Antagonists therapeutic use, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cardiovascular Diseases drug therapy, Coronary Artery Disease complications, Coronary Artery Disease drug therapy, Coronary Artery Disease epidemiology, Heart Failure drug therapy
- Abstract
Optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and/or heart failure (HF) is underused despite the established benefits of these medications. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) may be one place where OMT could be promoted. We sought to describe the prevalence and characteristics of OMT use in patients with CAD or HF undergoing CR. We included patients with CAD (myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting, angina) and HF enrolled in our CR program. For patients with CAD, we defined OMT to consist of aspirin or other antiplatelets, statins, and beta-blockers (BB). For patients with HF or EF ≤ 40%, OMT included BB, spironolactone, and either Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors (ACEi)/angiotensin receptor blockers or angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI). For CAD patients with normal EF, OMT also included ACEi/ARB/ARNI if they also had diabetes type 2. From January 2015 to December 2019, 828 patients were referred to CR and 743 attended. Among 612 patients (mean age: 65, 23% female) with CAD, 483 (79%) patients were on OMT. Of the 131 HF patients (mean age: 64, 21% female) enrolled in CR, only 23 (18%) met all 3 OMT criteria, whereas most patients were on only 1 (93 %) or 2 (76%) HF specific medications. Spironolactone was the least prescribed (22%) medication. Over the study period, we observed a steady increase in the use of ARNI (2015: 0% vs 2019: 27%, p < 0.01). Among the individuals, 69 patients experienced both CAD and HF, while only 7 patients were under OMT for both CAD and HF. Most patients attending CR with CAD are receiving OMT, but most patients with HF are not. Although OMT has improved over time, there remains room for improvement, particularly among patients with HF., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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12. Along the energy justice continuum: An examination of energy disposal through the lens of feminist community based participatory action research.
- Author
Cannon C, Bonnell J, Padilla M, and Sulca D
- Abstract
Energy justice research tends to focus on inequalities that result from energy systems, including from fossil fuel extraction to production, distribution, and consumption. However, little research has investigated local effects of the disposal of waste products from fossil fuel extraction. To better understand these impacts, we employed a case study approach with qualitative interviews of residents of Kettleman City, a rural community in California's Central Valley (USA) that hosts a hazardous waste landfill which accepts predominantly waste from fossil fuel production. Informed by a novel feminist community-based participatory action research approach (CBPAR), interview data were collected from residents in the Summer of 2019 and analyzed using deductive and inductive coding strategies. Resident interviews highlighted the disproportionate distribution of pollution and environmental degradation shouldered by the community along with their experiences of adverse health and social impacts. Our analysis revealed the importance of incorporating an intersectional perspective to frame resident experiences of energy injustice. Our research highlights the untapped potential of feminist-informed CBPAR to catalyze change and challenge the production of energy injustice from energy waste disposal., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Motives underlying human agency: How self-efficacy versus self-enhancement affect consumer behavior.
- Author
Cannon C and Rucker DD
- Subjects
- Humans, Motivation, Consumer Behavior, Self Efficacy
- Abstract
Agency reflects an orientation in which the individual prioritizes the self. Agency has been associated with positive consequences, such as directing people to accomplish tasks and attain goals. Yet, agency is also associated with negative consequences, such as fueling materialistic and narcissistic behavior. This paper reviews recent research that conceptualizes agency as a hierarchical framework. Specifically, a general orientation toward agency can be rooted in two distinct and separable motives: self-efficacy and self-enhancement. Specifically, these motives can differentially guide how agency affects consumption and psychological well-being. As such, recognizing the distinct motives underlying agency allows for greater precision in predicting and understanding both consumer behavior in particular and human behavior in general., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest statement Nothing declared., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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14. De-stigmatizing the "win-win:" making sustainable consumption sustainable.
- Author
Goldsmith K, Roux C, Tezer A, and Cannon C
- Subjects
- Humans, Motivation, Intention, Morals
- Abstract
In this article, we review research on the discrepancy between consumers' high self-reported interest in sustainable products and these products' poor performance in the marketplace. We offer theoretically derived reasons for why framing sustainable products as "win-wins" (i.e., offering benefits to the self and to the greater good) might present a solution to this intention-behavior gap. Although prior research has typically found negative effects of win-win framing on sustainable consumption, we propose framing sustainable consumption as a win-win provides greater environmental, behavioral, and psychological benefits than framing it only in terms of benefits to the self or to the greater good. We discuss how these outcomes may operate due to differences in moral hypocrisy, licensing, and goal representation, and offer avenues for future research to test these moderators in an effort to improve the efficacy of win-win framing., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest statement Nothing declared., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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15. Outcomes in patients with history of cocaine use presenting with chest pain to the emergency department: Insights from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample 2016-2018.
- Author
Sami F, Chan WC, Acharya P, Sethi P, Cannon C, Hockstad ES, Tadros PN, Wiley MA, and Gupta K
- Abstract
Objectives: Cocaine use (CU) related chest pain (CP) is a common cause of emergency department (ED) visits in the United States. However, information on disposition and outcomes in these patients is scarce. We conducted a nationwide study to assess disposition from ED, hospitalization rates, in-hospital outcomes, and health care costs in patients with history of CU who presented to the ED with CP., Methods: We queried the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample database from 2016-2018 for adult patients with CU presenting to the ED with CP. International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes were used to identify study patients., Results: We identified 149,372 patients. The majority were male (76%), presented to metropolitan centers (91.3%), and had a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (48.1% with hypertension, 24.4% with coronary artery disease, 18.2% with diabetes) and psychiatric illnesses (21%). Overall, 21.4% of patients were hospitalized, 68.6% were discharged from ED and 6.6% left against medical advice. Patients requiring admission were older (51.8 vs 45.0; P < 0.0001) and had a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. Of those admitted, 45.7% were diagnosed with myocardial infarction (MI), constituting 9.7% of the total study population. Over 80% of these patients underwent coronary angiography and 38.6% had coronary intervention. Mortality was 1.2%., Conclusion: CU patients who present to ED are predominantly male, are from lower economic strata, and have significant comorbidity burden. One in 5 patients requires hospitalization and has more prevalent cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities. In-hospital mortality is low, but incidence of MI and subsequent invasive procedures is high. CU may be considered a cardiac risk factor as it is associated with high rates of in-hospital MI., Competing Interests: All authors do not have any conflicts of interest to disclose., (© 2022 The Authors. JACEP Open published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Emergency Physicians.)
- Published
- 2022
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16. Understanding the relationship between resource scarcity and object attachment.
- Author
Goldsmith K, Roux C, and Cannon C
- Subjects
- Humans, Object Attachment
- Abstract
People generally respond to resource scarcity through one of two pathways: scarcity-reduction or control-restoration. We draw from recent work on the solidity (versus liquidity) of consumption opportunities to offer a new lens through which to view how the two pathways that follow from resource scarcity relate to object attachment. In this review, we discuss when each pathway predicts stronger (versus weaker) object attachment. We also offer several open questions for when resource scarcity might prompt consumers to forgo the security afforded by stronger attachments for the flexibility afforded by weaker attachments., (Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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17. Abstracts of the 2014 AWHONN Annual Convention, June 14-18, 2014, Orlando, Florida.
- Author
Russell T, Wightman AS, Cannon C, Hurst D, Walker L, Heath NN, Evans J, Hunter K, and Osborne J
- Subjects
- Animals, Female, Humans, Neonatal Nursing, Obstetric Nursing, Pregnancy, Women's Health
- Published
- 2014
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18. Vascular and upper gastrointestinal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: meta-analyses of individual participant data from randomised trials.
- Author
Bhala N, Emberson J, Merhi A, Abramson S, Arber N, Baron JA, Bombardier C, Cannon C, Farkouh ME, FitzGerald GA, Goss P, Halls H, Hawk E, Hawkey C, Hennekens C, Hochberg M, Holland LE, Kearney PM, Laine L, Lanas A, Lance P, Laupacis A, Oates J, Patrono C, Schnitzer TJ, Solomon S, Tugwell P, Wilson K, Wittes J, and Baigent C
- Subjects
- Blood Vessels drug effects, Coronary Disease chemically induced, Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors adverse effects, Diclofenac adverse effects, Gastrointestinal Tract drug effects, Humans, Ibuprofen adverse effects, Myocardial Infarction chemically induced, Naproxen adverse effects, Stroke chemically induced, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal adverse effects, Gastrointestinal Diseases chemically induced, Vascular Diseases chemically induced
- Abstract
Background: The vascular and gastrointestinal effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including selective COX-2 inhibitors (coxibs) and traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (tNSAIDs), are not well characterised, particularly in patients at increased risk of vascular disease. We aimed to provide such information through meta-analyses of randomised trials., Methods: We undertook meta-analyses of 280 trials of NSAIDs versus placebo (124,513 participants, 68,342 person-years) and 474 trials of one NSAID versus another NSAID (229,296 participants, 165,456 person-years). The main outcomes were major vascular events (non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or vascular death); major coronary events (non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death); stroke; mortality; heart failure; and upper gastrointestinal complications (perforation, obstruction, or bleed)., Findings: Major vascular events were increased by about a third by a coxib (rate ratio [RR] 1·37, 95% CI 1·14-1·66; p=0·0009) or diclofenac (1·41, 1·12-1·78; p=0·0036), chiefly due to an increase in major coronary events (coxibs 1·76, 1·31-2·37; p=0·0001; diclofenac 1·70, 1·19-2·41; p=0·0032). Ibuprofen also significantly increased major coronary events (2·22, 1·10-4·48; p=0·0253), but not major vascular events (1·44, 0·89-2·33). Compared with placebo, of 1000 patients allocated to a coxib or diclofenac for a year, three more had major vascular events, one of which was fatal. Naproxen did not significantly increase major vascular events (0·93, 0·69-1·27). Vascular death was increased significantly by coxibs (1·58, 99% CI 1·00-2·49; p=0·0103) and diclofenac (1·65, 0·95-2·85, p=0·0187), non-significantly by ibuprofen (1·90, 0·56-6·41; p=0·17), but not by naproxen (1·08, 0·48-2·47, p=0·80). The proportional effects on major vascular events were independent of baseline characteristics, including vascular risk. Heart failure risk was roughly doubled by all NSAIDs. All NSAID regimens increased upper gastrointestinal complications (coxibs 1·81, 1·17-2·81, p=0·0070; diclofenac 1·89, 1·16-3·09, p=0·0106; ibuprofen 3·97, 2·22-7·10, p<0·0001; and naproxen 4·22, 2·71-6·56, p<0·0001)., Interpretation: The vascular risks of high-dose diclofenac, and possibly ibuprofen, are comparable to coxibs, whereas high-dose naproxen is associated with less vascular risk than other NSAIDs. Although NSAIDs increase vascular and gastrointestinal risks, the size of these risks can be predicted, which could help guide clinical decision making., Funding: UK Medical Research Council and British Heart Foundation., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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19. Development of an in vitro alternative assay method for vaginal irritation.
- Author
Ayehunie S, Cannon C, Larosa K, Pudney J, Anderson DJ, and Klausner M
- Subjects
- Adult, Animal Testing Alternatives, Animals, Cytokines metabolism, Drug Evaluation, Preclinical methods, Electric Impedance, Female, Humans, Inflammation chemically induced, Inflammation Mediators metabolism, Irritants toxicity, Mucous Membrane pathology, Rabbits, Reproducibility of Results, Vagina pathology, Benzalkonium Compounds toxicity, Mucous Membrane drug effects, Nonoxynol toxicity, Toxicity Tests methods, Vagina drug effects
- Abstract
The vaginal mucosa is commonly exposed to chemicals and therapeutic agents that may result in irritation and/or inflammation. In addition to acute effects, vaginal irritation and inflammation can make women more susceptible to infections such as HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Hence, the vaginal irritation potential of feminine care formulations and vaginally administered therapeutic agents is a significant public health concern. Traditionally, testing of such materials has been performed using the rabbit vaginal irritation (RVI) assay. In the current study, we investigated whether the organotypic, highly differentiated EpiVaginal™ tissue could be used as a non-animal alternative to the RVI test. The EpiVaginal tissue was exposed to a single application of ingredients commonly found in feminine hygiene products and the effects on tissue viability (MTT assay), barrier disruption (measured by transepithelial electrical resistance, TEER and sodium fluorescein (NaFl) leakage), and inflammatory cytokine release (interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8) patterns were examined. When compared to untreated controls, two irritating ingredients, nonoxynol 9 and benzalkonium chloride, reduced tissue viability to <40% and TEER to <60% while increasing NaFl leakage by 11-24% and IL-1α and IL-1β release by >100%. Four other non-irritating materials had minimal effects on these parameters. Assay reproducibility was confirmed by testing the chemicals using three different tissue production lots and by using tissues reconstructed from cells obtained from three different donors. Coefficients of variation between tissue lots reconstructed with cells obtained from the same donor or lots reconstructed with cells obtained from different donors were less than 10% and 12%, respectively. In conclusion, decreases in tissue viability and barrier function and increases in IL-1α and IL-1β release appear to be useful endpoints for preclinical screening of topically applied chemicals and formulations for their vaginal irritation potential., (Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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20. Clopidogrel and percutaneous coronary intervention.
- Author
Cannon C
- Subjects
- Clopidogrel, Combined Modality Therapy, Coronary Disease mortality, Double-Blind Method, Humans, Premedication methods, Pyridines therapeutic use, Research Design standards, Stents, Survival Analysis, Treatment Outcome, Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary, Coronary Disease therapy, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors therapeutic use, Ticlopidine analogs & derivatives, Ticlopidine therapeutic use
- Published
- 2002
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