Spiroplasma poulsonii is a maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbiont that is naturally associated with Drosophila melanogaster. S. poulsonii resides extracellularly in the hemolymph, where it must acquire metabolites to sustain proliferation. In this study, we find that Spiroplasma proliferation specifically depletes host hemolymph diacylglyceride, the major lipid class transported by the lipoprotein, Lpp. RNAi-mediated knockdown of Lpp expression, which reduces the amount of circulating lipids, inhibits Spiroplasma proliferation demonstrating that bacterial proliferation requires hemolymph-lipids. Altogether, our study shows that an insect endosymbiont acquires specific lipidic metabolites from the transport lipoproteins in the hemolymph of its host. In addition, we show that the proliferation of this endosymbiont is limited by the availability of hemolymph lipids. This feature could limit endosymbiont over-proliferation under conditions of host nutrient limitation as lipid availability is strongly influenced by the nutritional state. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02964.001, eLife digest All animals host a large number of harmless microbes. Often the two partners involved in these interactions will depend on each other to thrive: microbes support important host functions and in return the host provides a safe place to live and a continuous supply of food. Many microbes that are intimately associated with animals have lost the ability to gain nutrients from sources other than their host and are unable to survive on their own. However, in many cases, the source and the type of nutrients provided to the microbes are unknown. One of the most common microbial species found in insects is Spiroplasma. This microbe lives in very large numbers in the fluid that fills the body cavities of insects, called the hemolymph. The microbes are transmitted from mother to offspring, and in some circumstances can provide benefits to the insects; for instance, Spiroplasma-infested flies appear to be protected against infection by some parasites. Unfortunately, as it is difficult to study insect–microbe relationships, little else is known about the physiological interactions between these two species. Herren et al. studied the association between Spiroplasma and the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Under normal conditions, Spiroplasma only reduces the life span of the infested fly. This indicates that Spiroplasma has a low impact on the general fitness of its host, only negatively affecting the survival and egg laying ability of old flies. When flies had limited access to nutrients, the number of Spiroplasma they carried was reduced, without the flies losing fitness. This suggests that Spiroplasma growth is dependent on something in the flies' diet. To understand which nutrients are important for the growth of Spiroplasma in Drosophila, Herren et al. analyzed the hemolymph of flies and found that there are fewer fatty-molecules, called lipids, when nutrients are limited. Healthy flies carrying Spiroplasma also have fewer lipids in their hemolymph, suggesting that these are what Spiroplasma feed on. Indeed, inactivating a protein required by the fly to transport lipids to the hemolymph reduced the growth of Spiroplasma in these flies. Herren et al. concluded that the growth of Spiroplasma inside its host is limited by the availability of lipids in the hemolymph. Since this is dependent on diet, the dependence on lipids couples the growth of Spiroplasma to the nutritional state of its host. Herren et al. speculate that this mechanism reduces the fitness cost of harboring the microbes and prevents the damaging consequence of an uncontrolled proliferation of the microbes. Moreover, Spiroplasma's preference for lipids may explain why it helps to protect flies against parasitic infection, as many parasites also rely on lipids for their growth. Herren et al. suggest this strategy could also be used in other animal–microbe associations. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02964.002