L Lorello, Parrinello C., Parrinello C, Di Rosa G., Ferluga L., Vitarelli T., Giorgianni A., Lorello L., Busacca A., LAzzaro C., Tommasini R., and L Lorello
Article 3.1 of the Italian Constitution enshrines the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination, based on “gender, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions”. Additionally, Article 48 grants an equal right to men and women to vote, and Articles 56.3 and Article 58.1 establish the right to be elected to the Camera dei Deputati and the Senato della Repubblica without any reference to the gender of the candidates. Men and women voted in Italy the first time in an institutional referendum on 2 June 1946 to choose between a Republic and a Monarchy. However , the right for women to be elected came many years later, after a long and hard-fought struggle. For this reason, only after the 2003 constitutional reform of Article 51 and case law emanating from the Italian Constitutional Court (especially judgments Nos. 49/2003 and 4/2010) was a woman’s right to be elected recognized in the Italian polity. However, women do not believe that achieving gender balance requires adopting a man’s persona…