Objective. To study the interrelation between the emotional state of mothers during pregnancy and the severity of functional GIT disorders in their infants using an online questionnaire. Patients and methods. We analysed questionnaires of completed by 656 mothers who had children in their first 4 years of life. Mothers were asked to take part in an anonymous survey of the health of their children. The questionnaire consisted of 3 blocs and included general questions (maternal age at delivery, obstetric-gynaecological history, number of children in the family, children’s gender, the type of infant nutrition at the time of survey); a postpartum women attitude test (modified pregnant women attitude test); a parental questionnaire to determine infantile functional gastrointestinal disorders, based on criteria of the Rome IV questionnaire for parents. Results. According to the results of assessing the postpartum women attitude test, mothers were divided into 3 groups: 144 (22.0%) mothers were included in group I of psychological comfort, 248 (37.8%) mothers in a risk group II, 264 (40.2%) mothers in group III of potential nervous and psychiatric disorders. A tendency to a higher number of unwanted pregnancies and decisions not to breastfeed during the first 6 months of their baby’s life was found in mothers of group III. The frequency of regurgitation episodes during the first 6 months was 77%, at 6 to 12 months – 35%. Persistent regurgitation during the first 6 months in babies of mothers from group III were recorded more often as compared with infants from other groups. The frequency of colic during the first 6 months was 42.9%, from 6 to 12 months – 32%. Babies of mothers from group III suffered from short-time colic by 5 times more often than babies of mothers from group I. Conclusion. The most susceptible to the development of functional disorders of GIT were babies of mothers «with potential nervous and psychiatric disorders». In these mothers, rejection of pregnancy, negative attitude to breastfeeding and childcare can be noted more often. Joint activities of obstetrician-gynaecologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and paediatricians will permit to decrease the anxiety level, postpartum dissatisfaction, to enhance the overall preparedness for motherhood. Key words: children, functional gastrointestinal disorders, emotional state of mother, gestational dominant, mother–child dyad