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1. Correction and notes to the paper 'A classification of Artin–Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields'

2. Addendum to the paper 'A note on weighted Bergman spaces and the Cesàro operator'

3. Masur–Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics, and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves

4. Singularities of Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections and Harder–Narasimhan–Seshadri filtrations

5. Explicit equations of a fake projective plane

6. The Fyodorov–Bouchaud formula and Liouville conformal field theory

7. Hilbert-Asai Eisenstein series, regularized products, and heat kernels

8. Isospectral commuting variety, the Harish-Chandra D-module, and principal nilpotent pairs

9. Nonlinear potentials in function spaces

10. Pathology and asymmetry: Centralizer rigidity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

11. Traces of intertwiners for quantum groups and difference equations, I

12. Commutators of free random variables

13. On isometric and minimal isometric embeddings

14. Differential Galois theory of infinite dimension

15. Equivariant deformation quantization and coadjoint orbit method

16. Spectral properties of reducible conical metrics

17. Dynamical convexity and closed orbits on symmetric spheres

18. On the geometry of higher order Schreier spaces

19. Generalized F-signatures of Hibi rings

20. New invariants and class number problem in real quadratic fields

21. Functorial transfer between relative trace formulas in rank $1$

22. Noncommutative maximal ergodic inequalities associated with doubling conditions

23. Universal induced characters and restriction rules for the classical groups

24. On a system of elliptic modular forms attached to the large Mathieu group

25. On derived functors of graded local cohomology modules—II

26. Almost everywhere convergence of prolate spheroidal series

27. Linear independence result for $p$ -adic $L$ -values

28. Chern–Simons functional and the homology cobordism group

29. Primality of multiply connected polyominoes

30. Local rings with self-dual maximal ideal

31. The extended Bogomolny equations with generalized Nahm pole boundary conditions, II

32. The Fourier expansion of modular forms on quaternionic exceptional groups

33. Minimal modularity lifting for nonregular symplectic representations

34. Simple factor dressings and Bianchi–Bäcklund transformations

35. Noncommutative boundaries and the ideal structure of reduced crossed products

36. The geometry of maximal representations of surface groups into $\mathrm{SO}_{0}(2,n)$

37. Borcea–Voisin mirror symmetry for Landau–Ginzburg models

38. Distance sets over arbitrary finite fields

39. On the Oberlin affine curvature condition

40. Two generalizations of Auslander–Reiten duality and applications

41. A tropical motivic Fubini theorem with applications to Donaldson–Thomas theory

42. On the proper moduli spaces of smoothable Kähler–Einstein Fano varieties

43. The Markoff group of transformations in prime and composite moduli

44. Galois and Cartan cohomology of real groups

45. GL2R orbit closures in hyperelliptic components of strata

46. Abstract key polynomials and comparison theorems with the key polynomials of Mac Lane–Vaquié

47. The rate of convergence on Schrödinger operator

48. Singular string polytopes and functorial resolutions from Newton–Okounkov bodies

49. CM values of regularized theta lifts and harmonic weak Maaß forms of weight 1

50. Approximation by subgroups of finite index and the Hanna Neumann conjecture