The crystal structure of the title compound, [Tl(S2CNEt2)3], has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods at 295 K and refined by full-matrix least squares to a residual of 0.050 for 2517 'observed' reflections. Crystals are monoclinic, with space group A2/a, a 14.789(7), b 10.428(4), c 18.207(9) Ǻ, β 118.11(4)°, Z 4, and are isostructural with those of the previously determined gallium and indium analogues, the molecule having 2 symmetry with 2.666 Ǻ. As in the dimethyl/thallium analogue, the departure of the TlS6 core symmetry from 3 is large and is examined in terms of electron-pair repulsion theory.