- Author
Aida Kavazović, Fahira Alibegović - Zečić, Almira Softić, Ćazim Crnkić, Abdulah Gagić, and Emina Rešidbegović
- Subjects
broiler chickens ,organic acids ,fattening ,performance parameters ,brojlerski pilići ,organske kiseline ,tov ,proizvodni rezultati - Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka organskih kiselina (BOLIFOR FA 2000S) u hrani na proizvodne parametre kod pilića u tovu. Pokus je proveden na 60 jednodnevnih pilića provenijence Cobb 500 podijeljenih u dvije skupine. Tijekom pokusnog razdoblja pilići su hranjeni potpunim krmnim smjesama za tov pilića (starter, grover i finišer). U smjese pokusne skupine preparat BOLIFOR FA 2000S (KK Animal Nutrition A KEMIRA GrowHow COMPANY) dodan je u količini od 6g/kg smjese u skladu s preporukama proizvođača. Pilići kontrolne skupine, hranjeni smjesama sa dodatkom preparata BOLIFOR FA 2000S, ostvarili su veću prosječnu tjelesnu masu i prirast, bolju konverziju hrane i veći proizvodni indeks na kraju tova od 42 dana. Veću prosječnu masu obrađenog trupa i veći randman mesa također su ostvarili pilići pokusne skupine. Međutim, razlike za praćene proizvodne parametre između pokusne i kontrolne skupine pilića nisu bile statistički značajne (p>0,05). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak organskih kiselina (0,6 % BOLIFOR FA 2000S) u hranu može imati pozitivne učinke na proizvodne rezultate pilića u tovu., The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of organic acids (BOLIFOR FA 2000S) added to feed on broiler performances. The experiment was conducted on 60 chickens of Cobb 500 hybrid divided into two groups (experimental and control group). The chickens were fed three feed mixtures (starter, grower and finisher). The experimental group was fed the mixtures containing 6g/kg of BOLIFOR FA 2000S (KK Animal Nutrition A KEMIRA GrowHow COMPANY) in accordance with recommendations of the product producer. At the end of the 42 days fattening period higher average body weight and body weight gain, better feed conversion ratio and higher European Production Index- EPI were observed in broiler chickens fed diets containing 6g/kg of BOLIFOR FA 2000S. The chickens of experimental group had higher weight of carcass and carcass yield, too. However, the results showed no significant effects of diets with addition of BOLIFOR FA 2000S (P>0.05) on performance parameters. The results indicate that the supply of organic acids (0.6 % BOLIFOR FA 2000S) to broiler chickens may have a positive effect on chickens performances.
- Published
- 2014