- Author
Franz Novotny-Farkas and Karin Baumann
- Subjects
ulje za plinske turbine, mineralno ,ulje za plinske turbine, sintetsko ,termalna oksidacijska stabilnost turbinskih ulja ,gas turbine oil, mineral ,gas turbine oil, synthetic hindered ester ,thermall oxidation stability, turbine oil - Abstract
Pouzdan i neometan rad plinskih turbina bitno ovisi o sustavu podmazivanja i kvaliteti mazivih ulja. U zadnje vrijeme raste tipična radna temperatura turbinskih ulja, budući da plinske turbine u proizvodnji struje postaju sve djelotvornije. Istovremeno se povećavaju zahtjevi za što dugotrajnijim uljima za plinske turbine. Kako bi se zadovoljili svi ti zahtjevi, sadašnja turbinska ulja trebaju imati odgovarajuću termooksidacijsku stabilnost. Međutim, nakon što su u sustav turbina uvedene nove kvalitete ulja za plinske turbine, pojavili su se novi izazovi s obzirom na stvaranje mulja, lakova i taloga. Ova onečišćenja i problemi vezani uz maziva ulja dovode do zastoja, gubitaka i dodatnih troškova održavanja. Kako bi se pojasnili razlozi i pozadina ove složene pojave, potrebno je provesti opsežna ispitivanja i studije o problemima vezanim za termooksidacijsku stabilnost., The reliable and trouble-free operation of the gas turbines is highly dependent upon the lubricating system and the lubricating oil performance. Recently the typical operating temperatures of turbine oils have been rising as modern gas turbines in power generation become more efficient. At the same time gas turbine oils are increasingly required to have longer service life. In order to fulfil all these requirements the current turbine oils need to possess adequate thermo-oxidation stability. However, as new quality of gas turbine oils have been introduced in turbine systems, new challenges appeared in regard of sludge, varnish and deposit formation. These contaminants and lubricating oil related problems led to downtimes, outages and extra maintenance costs. Due to clarify the reasons and backgrounds, extensive investigations and studies of the given thermo-oxidation stability problems are required for a better understanding of the complex phenomena.
- Published
- 2008