Definitions, Nikos Siafakas and Nicholas Anthonisen epidemiology of AECOPD, J. Vestbo effect of AECOPD on the natural history and lung function, Nicholas Anthonisen, E. Lampiri, E. Argiana and S. Schiza economic burden of AECOPD, S. Ramsey pathophysiology of AECOPD, W. MacNee pathology of AECOPD, P. Jeffery, M. Saetta and J. Zhu biomarkers of AECOPD, R. Stockley AECOPD - a systemic disease? E. Wouters causes of AECOPD, W. Wedzicha symptoms - signs of AECOPD, Dimitris Georgopoulos, E. Kondili and Nicholas Anthonisen pulmonary gas exchange in AECOPD, Frederico P. Gomez and Roberto Rodriguez-Roison radiology of AECOPD, K. Malagari and Voloudaki assessment of severity of AECOPD, S. Rennard and C. Piquette heart-lung interaction, Zoheir Bshouty muscle function (and respiratory) in AECOPD, M. Decramer, T. Troosters and R. Gosselink water/electrolyte imbalances in AECOPD, L. Fabbri metabolism/nutrition in AECOPD, A. Schols end-stage disease and AECOPD, B. Celli sleep and AECOPD, W. McNicholas antibiotics, Nicholas Anthonisen and Nikos Siafakas bronchodilators, Nicholas Anthonisen steroids, D. Niewoehner and K.L. Rice oxygen, Nikos Siafakas and I. Mitrouska others, Nikos Siafakas, N. Tzanakis and Eva Papadopouli non-invasive ventilation, M. Elliot invasive ventilation, Dimitris Georgopoulos and A. Rossi weaning from the ventilator, A. Jubran rehabilitation during AECOPD, N. Ambrossino and R. Porta home management of AECOPD, J. Roca hospital management of AECOPD, A. Agusti, E. Sala and M. Carrera AECOPD as outcome of therapeutical interventions, Nikos Siafakas, J. Kottakis and M. Froudarakis future research, P. Barnes.