
Showing total 6 results
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1. Tree-ring evidence of larch sawfly outbreaks in western Labrador, Canada.

2. The timing of Proterozoic magmatism in the Pinware terrane of southeast Labrador, easternmost Quebec and northwest Newfoundland.

3. Home-range size and habitat selection by American marten (Martes americana) in Labrador.

4. Anatomy and orogenic history of a Paleoproterozoic accretionary belt: the Makkovik Province, Labrador, Canada.

5. Geology and tectonic setting of Paleoproterozoic granitoid suites in the Island Harbour Bay area, Makkovik Province, Labrador.

6. U-Pb ages of granitoid rocks in the northwestern Makkovik Province, Labrador: evidence for 175 million years of episodic synorogenic and postorogenic plutonism.