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1. Lithological, structural, and geochemical characteristics of the Mesoarchean Târtoq greenstone belt, southern West Greenland, and the Chugach - Prince William accretionary complex, southern Alaska: evidence for uniformitarian plate-tectonic processes1

2. Helmolepis cyphognathus, sp. nov., a new platysiagid actinopterygian from the Lower Triassic Sulphur Mountain Formation (British Columbia, Canada).

3. The problematic fossil Triplicatella from the Early Cambrian of Greenland, Canada, and Siberia.

4. Extensional exhumation of a high-pressure granulite terrane in Payer Land, Greenland Caledonides: structural, petrologic, and geochronologic evidence from metapelites.

5. The Nagssugtoqidian Orogen of West Greenland: tectonic evolution and regional correlations from a West Greenland perspective.