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1. On Homogeneous Images of Compact Ordered Spaces

2. Eisenstein Series for Reductive Groups Over Global Function Fields II: The General Case

3. The Application of Lagrangian Methods to the Enumeration of Labelled Trees with Respect to Edge Partition

4. The Generalisation of Tutte's Result for Chromatic Trees, by Lagrangian Methods

5. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series

6. Left Invariant Einstein–Randers Metrics on Compact Lie Groups

7. Classification of Reducing Subspaces of a Class of Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space via the Hardy Space of the Bidisk

8. Diametrically Maximal and Constant Width Sets in Banach Spaces

9. Reciprocity Law for Compatible Systems of Abelian mod p Galois Representations

10. Admissible Majorants for Model Subspaces of H2, Part I: Slow Winding of the Generating Inner Function

11. A Technique of Studying Sums of Central Cantor Sets

12. Sums of Two Squares in Short Intervals

13. Ramanujan and the Modular j-Invariant

14. Multiplication Invariant Subspaces of Hardy Spaces

15. Frames and Stable Bases for Shift-Invariant Subspaces of L2(ℝd)

16. Brauer Group Analogues of Results Relating the Witt Ring to Valuations and Galois Theory

17. Groups, Coverings and Galois Theory

18. Longest Cycles in 3-Connected 3-Regular Graphs

19. A Class of Addition Theorems†

20. Generalized Euler Number Sequences: Asymptotic Estimates and Congruences

21. Some Remarks on Artin's Conjecture

22. An Integral Representation for the Product of Spectral Measures

23. A Metrical Theorem in Diophantine Approximation

24. Galois Theory of Essential Extensions of Modules

25. Euler Lines in Infinite Directed Graphs

26. Dedekind Completeness and a Fixed-Point Theorem

27. A Tauberian Theorem For The Riemann-Liouville Integral Of Integer Order

28. Representation of certain Linear Operators in Hilbert Space

29. Matrix Links, An Extremization Problem, and the Reduction of a Non-Negative Matrix to One With Prescribed Row and Column Sums