
Showing total 18 results
18 results

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1. Nonadjacent Radix-τ Expansions of Integers in Euclidean Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields

2. H∞ Functional Calculus and Mikhlin-Type Multiplier Conditions

3. Artinian Local Cohomology Modules

4. Asymptotic Existence of Resolvable Graph Designs

5. On the Solvability of a Neumann Boundary Value Problem at Resonance

6. A Lower Bound for the Class Number of a Real Quadratic Field of ERD-Type

7. Free Objects in Certain Varieties of Inverse Semigroups

8. The Caratheodory Metric and its Majorant Metrics

9. When is Every Kernel Functor Idempotent?

10. Self-Converse Tournaments

11. An Improved Result Concerning Singular Manifolds of Difference Polynomials

12. An Integral Representation for the Product of Spectral Measures

13. On a Conjecture Concerning Semigroup Homomorphisms

14. On Point-Symmetric Tournaments

15. A Theorem on k-Saturated Graphs

16. Width Sequences for Special Classes of (0, 1)-Matrices

17. A Helly type Theorem for Convex Sets

18. A Note on the Caradus Class of Bounded Linear Operators on a Complex Banach Space