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1. The Closure Ordering of Nilpotent Orbits of the Complex Symmetric Pair (SOp+q, SOp × SOq)

2. Association Schemes for Ordered Orthogonal Arrays and (T, M, S)-Nets

3. Degree Kirchhoff Index of Bicyclic Graphs

4. New Lattice Packings of Spheres

5. The Application of Lagrangian Methods to the Enumeration of Labelled Trees with Respect to Edge Partition

6. The Generalisation of Tutte's Result for Chromatic Trees, by Lagrangian Methods

7. The Theory of Compositions (I): the Ordered Factorizations of n and a Conjecture of C. Long

8. Approximate Fixed Point Sequences of Nonlinear Semigroups in Metric Spaces

9. On ℤ-Modules of Algebraic Integers

10. Asymptotic Existence of Resolvable Graph Designs

11. Searching for Absolute ᘓℛ–Epic Spaces

12. A Lower Bound on the Number of Cyclic Function Fields With Class Number Divisible byn

13. Small Coverings with Smooth Functions under the Covering Property Axiom

14. Infinite-Dimensional Polyhedrality

15. Suborbit Structure of Permutation p-Groups and an Application to Cayley Digraph Isomorphism

16. Counting Rational Points on Ruled Varieties

17. Local Complexity of Delone Sets and Crystallinity

18. A Technique of Studying Sums of Central Cantor Sets

19. The Spectrum of an Infinite Graph

20. Sums of Two Squares in Short Intervals

21. Partial Characters and Signed Quotient Hypergroups

22. Isomorphism Problem for Metacirculant Graphs of Order a Product of Distinct Primes

23. Trace Classes and Quadratic Forms in the Modular Group

24. On the Minimal Crossing Number and the Braid Index of Links

25. Weighted Interpolation Inequalities and Embeddings in Rn

26. Isomorphism Classes of Graph Bundles

27. The Number of Closed Subsets of a Topological Space

28. Longest Cycles in 3-Connected 3-Regular Graphs

29. Sequence Enumeration and the de Bruijn-Van Aardenne Ehrenfest-Smith-Tutte Theorem

30. Pseudo-Confluent Mappings and a Classification of Continua

31. A Generation Procedure for the Simple 3-Polytopes With Cyclically 5-Connected Graphs

32. An Improved Subgroup Theorem for HNN Groups with Some Applications

33. Maximal Homotopy Lie Subgroups of Maximal Rank

34. The Generalized Orthocompletion and Strongly Projectable Hull of a Lattice Ordered Group

35. The Poset of Perfect Irreducible Images of a Space

36. On Ramsey Graph Numbers for Stars and Stripes

37. Some Remarks on Artin's Conjecture

38. The Inductive Step of the Second Brauer-Thrall Conjecture

39. Extension Of Finite Projective Planes I. Uniform Hjelmslev Planes

40. On the Disjoint Product of Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Group

41. On the Ideal Theory of the Kronecker Function Ring and the Domain D(X)

42. A Metrical Theorem in Diophantine Approximation

43. Strongly Regular Graphs Derived from Combinatorial Designs

44. Bicommutators of Cofaithful, Fully Divisible Modules

45. A Theorem on k-Saturated Graphs

46. Finite Groups with All Maximal Subgroups of Prime or Prime Square Index

47. Matrix Links, An Extremization Problem, and the Reduction of a Non-Negative Matrix to One With Prescribed Row and Column Sums

48. Width Sequences for Special Classes of (0, 1)-Matrices

49. A Helly type Theorem for Convex Sets