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1. Lorentz Estimates for Weak Solutions of Quasi-linear Parabolic Equations with Singular Divergence-free Drifts

2. On 6-Dimensional Nearly Kähler Manifolds

3. On Density Conditions for Interpolation in the Ball

4. Characterizing Two-Dimensional Maps Whose Jacobians Have Constant Eigenvalues

5. Ward’s Solitons II: Exact Solutions

6. Nehari–Pohožaev-type ground state solutions of Kirchhoff-type equation with singular potential and critical exponent

7. Volume integral means over spherical shell

8. Integral Kernels with Reflection Group Invariance

9. Variation of constants formula and exponential dichotomy for nonautonomous non-densely defined Cauchy problems

10. Finsler Warped Product Metrics with Relatively Isotropic Landsberg Curvature

11. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Singular p-Laplace Equations of Kirchhoff Type

12. Eigenvalue Optimisation on Flat Tori and Lattice Points in Anisotropically Expanding Domains

13. Linear Maps Preserving Matrices of Local Spectral Radius Zero at a Fixed Vector

14. Integral Formula for Spectral Flow for -Summable Operators

15. Finsler Warped Product Metrics of Douglas Type

16. Chaotic Vibration of a Two-dimensional Non-strictly Hyperbolic Equation

17. The Oscillatory Hyper-Hilbert Transform Associated with Plane Curves

18. Area Integral Means of Analytic Functions in the Unit Disk

19. On a Class of Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations Containing Gradient Terms on Compact Hermitian Manifolds

20. Ground State and Multiple Solutions for Kirchhoff Type Equations With Critical Exponent

21. Classification of Solutions for Harmonic Functions With Neumann Boundary Value

22. Stability of Traveling Wavefronts for a Two-Component Lattice Dynamical System Arising in Competition Models

23. Euler-type Relative Equilibria and their Stability in Spaces of Constant Curvature

24. An Equivalent Form of Picard’s Theorem and Beyond

25. The Gradient of a Solution of the Poisson Equation in the Unit Ball and Related Operators

26. The Classical N-body Problem in the Context of Curved Space

27. The Bifurcation Diagram of Cubic Polynomial Vector Fields on CP1

28. On a Yamabe Type Problem in Finsler Geometry

29. Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Two-plane Grassmannians with Reeb Parallel Ricci Tensor in the GTW Connection

30. A Classification of Three-dimensional Real Hypersurfaces in Non-flat Complex Space Forms in Terms of their Generalized Tanaka–Webster Lie Derivative

31. Cohomogeneity One Randers Metrics

32. Constrained Approximation with Jacobi Weights

33. On the Continued Fraction Expansion of Fixed Period in Finite Fields

34. Oscillation Criteria for Semilinear Equations in General Domains

35. Infinite Systems of Differential Equations

36. Notes on Local Integral Extension Domains

37. Redfield's Theorems and Multilinear Algebra

38. Left Cauchy Integral Bases in Linear Topological Spaces

39. The Schwarzian Derivative and Disconjugacy of nth order Linear Differential Equations

40. A Geometrical Approach to the Second-Order Linear Differential Equation

41. A Generalized Integral II

42. Generalized Spectral Theory and Second Order Ordinary Differential Operators

43. Commutators of Operators on Hilbert Space

44. Perturbation of the Continuous Spectrum of Systems of Ordinary Differential Operators

45. Ergodic Theory and Averaging Iterations

46. Ricci Curvature Tensor and Non-Riemannian Quantities

47. The Schwarz Lemma at the Boundary of the Egg Domain Bp1,p2 in ℂn

48. Periodic Solutions of Almost Linear Volterra Integro-dynamic Equations on Periodic Time Scales

49. The Weyl Problem With Nonnegative Gauss Curvature In Hyperbolic Space

50. Infinitesimal Rigidity of Convex Polyhedra through the Second Derivative of the Hilbert–Einstein Functional