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1. Nonadjacent Radix-τ Expansions of Integers in Euclidean Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields

2. The Closure Ordering of Nilpotent Orbits of the Complex Symmetric Pair (SOp+q, SOp × SOq)

3. On the Number of Divisors of the Quadratic Form m2 + n2

4. Non Cohen-Macaulay Vector Invariants and a Noether Bound for a Gorenstein Ring of Invariants

5. Association Schemes for Ordered Orthogonal Arrays and (T, M, S)-Nets

6. Constrained Approximation in Sobolev Spaces

7. On Homogeneous Images of Compact Ordered Spaces

8. Some matrix inequalities of log-majorization type

9. Homotopy Theory of Diagrams and CW-Complexes Over a Category

10. Fixed Point Theorems for Maps With Local and Pointwise Contraction Properties

11. The Weakly Nilpotent Graph of a Commutative Ring

12. Degree Kirchhoff Index of Bicyclic Graphs

13. Small Prime Solutions to Cubic Diophantine Equations II

14. The Contraction Principle for Multivalued Mappings on a Modular Metric Space with a Graph

15. On Levi-Like Properties and some of Their Applications in Riesz Space Theory

16. Products of Normal Operators

17. A Non-Hausdorff Multifunction Ascoli Theorem for 𝓴3-Spaces

18. Compactification of Hereditarily Locally Connected Spaces

19. Arithmetical Semigroup Rings

20. Recursive Colorings of Highly Recursive Graphs

21. New Lattice Packings of Spheres

22. Ensembles Reconnaissables de Mots Biinfinis

23. Eisenstein Series for Reductive Groups Over Global Function Fields II: The General Case

24. The Application of Lagrangian Methods to the Enumeration of Labelled Trees with Respect to Edge Partition

25. Weak Injectivity and Congruence Extension in Congruence-Distributive Equational Classes

26. The Modular Group Algebras of P-Groups of Maximal Class

27. A Localization of R[x]

28. Real Flexible Division Algebras

29. The Generalisation of Tutte's Result for Chromatic Trees, by Lagrangian Methods

30. Lp Spaces Generated by Certain Operator Valued Measures

31. On Inequalities Complementary to Jensen's

32. Brauer Groups, Class Groups and Maximal Orders for a Krull Scheme

33. The Theory of Compositions (I): the Ordered Factorizations of n and a Conjecture of C. Long

34. Two Undecidability Results using Modified Boolean Powers

35. Approximation Theorems for Manis Valuations

36. Inequalities in Discrete Subgroups of PSL(2, R)

37. On Open Extensions of Maps

38. A Characterization of 2-Betweenness in 2-Metric Spaces

39. Some Properties of Compositions and their Application to the Ballot Problem

40. Determination of a Subset from Certain Combinatorial Properties

41. Subspaces of a Generalized Metric Space

42. The Use of S-Functions in Combinatorial Analysis

43. Transversal Theory and Matroids

44. Note On a Matrix Theorem Of A. Brauer and its Extension

45. On a Theorem of Beurling and Livingston

46. Integral Extensions of Commutative Banach Algebras

47. On Unitary Equivalence of Matrices over the Ring of Continuous Complex-Valued Functions on a Stonian Space

48. Convex Structures and Continuous Selections

49. Some Characterizations of The Projection Property in Archimedean Riesz Spaces

50. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series