
Showing total 103 results
103 results

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1. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

2. Approximate lumpability for Markovian agent-based models using local symmetries

3. Fisher information and statistical inference for phase-type distributions

4. An analysis of transient Markov decision processes

5. Finite-size corrections to Poisson approximations of rare events in renewal processes

6. Bounded normal approximation in simulations of highly reliable Markovian systems

7. Analysis of a two-queue model with Bernoulli schedules

8. The martingale comparison method for Markov processes

9. Diffusion approximations for randomly arriving expert opinions in a financial market with Gaussian drift

10. Persistence probability of a random polynomial arising from evolutionary game theory

11. The De Vylder–Goovaerts conjecture holds within the diffusion limit

12. A unified approach for drawdown (drawup) of time-homogeneous Markov processes

13. Asymptotic results for the multiple scan statistic

14. Extension of de Bruijn's identity to dependent non-Gaussian noise channels

15. The Markov consistency of Archimedean survival processes

16. Simple trigonometric models for narrow-band stationary processes

17. Incomplete discontinuous Markov processes

18. A semi-markov model for clinical trials

19. The minimum of a stationary Markov process superimposed on a U-shaped trend

20. Prediction of a noise-distorted, multivariate, non-stationary signal

21. Volume and duration of losses in finite buffer fluid queues

22. On Stationary Distributions of Stochastic Neural Networks

23. Nonparametric Estimation for a Class of Piecewise-Deterministic Markov Processes

24. A Risk Model with Delayed Claims

25. The Time to Ruin in Some Additive Risk Models with Random Premium Rates

26. A Central Limit Theorem for a Discrete-Time SIS Model with Individual Variation

27. Conditionally Independent Increment Point Processes

28. Asymptotic Normality of Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes

29. The probabilities of absolute ruin in the renewal risk model with constant force of interest

30. Duration Distribution of the Conjunction of Two Independent F Processes

31. Importance Sampling for Failure Probabilities in Computing and Data Transmission

32. Poisson Approximation in a Poisson Limit Theorem Inspired by Coupon Collecting

33. Blackwell Optimality for Controlled Diffusion Processes

34. Fixed Precision MCMC Estimation by Median of Products of Averages

35. On Negative Binomial Approximation to k-Runs

36. Generalized Pólya urn Designs with Null Balance

37. A Stochastic Maximin Fixed-Point Equation Related to Game Tree Evaluation

38. An Explicit Formula for the Optimal Gain in the Full-Information Problem of Owning a Relatively Best Object

39. A uniformly convergent adaptive particle filter

40. A sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant probability measure for Markov processes

41. The finite-time ruin probability of the compound Poisson model with constant interest force

42. Nonzero-sum games for continuous-time Markov chains with unbounded discounted payoffs

43. Analysis of generalized processor-sharing systems with two classes of customers and exponential services

44. Modelling long-range-dependent Gaussian processes with application in continuous-time financial models

45. On the rate of Poisson process approximation to a Bernoulli process

46. On ordered series and later waiting time distributions in a sequence of Markov dependent multistate trials

47. Zero-sum games for continuous-time Markov chains with unbounded transition and average payoff rates

48. Accurate bounds for the asymptotic constant in a statistical multiplexer with homogeneous generalized binary Markov sources

49. Poisson approximation of multivariate Poisson mixtures

50. A family of densities derived from the three-parameter Dirichlet process