
Showing total 112 results
112 results

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1. Point process convergence of stochastic volatility processes with application to sample autocorrelation

2. Approximate entropy for testing randomness

3. Preservation of the mean residual life order for coherent and mixed systems

4. Multi-point correlations for two-dimensional coalescing or annihilating random walks

5. Limit laws on extremes of nonhomogeneous Gaussian random fields

6. Large deviations for the stochastic predator–prey model with nonlinear functional response

7. Coalescence on critical and subcritical multitype branching processes

8. Asymptotic behaviour near extinction of continuous-state branching processes

9. A Galton–Watson process with a threshold

10. A general lower bound of parameter estimation for reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes

11. Kac's formula, levy's local time and brownian excursion

12. Clustering on coloured lattices

13. Inference for general Ising models

14. Couplings for locally branching epidemic processes

15. Markov Tail Chains

16. Asymptotic Behaviour of Extinction Probability of Interacting Branching Collision Processes

17. On the Deterioration of Nonrepairable Multistate Strongly Coherent Systems

18. A Note on the Mixture Representation of the Conditional Residual Lifetime of a Coherent System

19. A Glaser Twist: Focus on the Mixture Parameters

20. Backward Coalescence Times for Perfect Simulation of Chains with Infinite Memory

21. Spectral Theory for Weakly Reversible Markov Chains

22. Decay rates for some quasi-birth-and-death processes with phase-dependent transition rates

23. Total Variation Approximation for Quasi-Stationary Distributions

24. The Strong Law of Large Numbers for Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables

25. Mixture Representations of Inactivity Times of Conditional Coherent Systems and their Applications

26. Nonidentifiability of the Two-State Markovian Arrival Process

27. Large Deviations for Point Processes Based on Stationary Sequences with Heavy Tails

28. Systems with Failure-Dependent Lifetimes of Components

29. Tail Dependence for Heavy-Tailed Scale Mixtures of Multivariate Distributions

30. On the Transition Law of Tempered Stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes

31. Extinction Times in Multitype Markov Branching Processes

32. Continuous-State Branching Processes and Self-Similarity

33. Mixture Representations of Residual Lifetimes of Used Systems

34. Assessing a Linear Nanosystem's Limiting Reliability from its Components

35. Ruin Probability for the Integrated Gaussian Process with Force of Interest

36. Reversibility and entropy production of inhomogeneous Markov chains

37. Asymptotics of the density of the supremum of a random walk with heavy-tailed increments

38. Percolation in the signal to interference ratio graph

39. Asymptotic behaviour of critical controlled branching processes with random control functions

40. The behavior of multivariate maxima of moving maxima processes

41. The use of the variogram in construction of stationary time series models

42. Preservation of positive and negative orthant dependence concepts under mixtures and applications

43. Limiting properties of Poisson shot noise processes

44. Long-memory continuous-time correlation models

45. On the entropy for semi-Markov processes

46. Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection

47. On modes of long-range dependence

48. Strong ergodicity for Markov processes by coupling methods

49. A note on level-crossing analysis for the excess, age, and spread distributions

50. Correlation models with long-range dependence