
Showing total 35 results
35 results

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1. Research paper. Differential trends in cigarette smoking in the USA: is menthol slowing progress?

2. A qualitative evaluation of 40 voluntary, smoke-free, multiunit, housing policy campaigns in California.

3. Towards tobacco- free retailers: feasibility of an intervention encouraging retailers to stop selling tobacco in Tasmania.

4. How effective is community mobilisation in HIV prevention among highly diverse sex workers in urban settings? The Aastha intervention experience in Mumbai and Thane districts, India.

5. Generic quality of life predicts all-cause mortality in the short term: evidence from British Household Panel Survey.

6. Family hardship, family instability, and cognitive development.

8. Misperceptions of harm among Natural American Spirit smokers: results from wave 1 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study (2013-2014).

9. Workplace secondhand smoke exposure: a lingering hazard for young adults in California.

10. Testing warning messages on smokers' cigarette packages: a standardised protocol.

11. Gifting and sharing cigarettes in a rural Chinese village: a cross-sectional study.

12. Improving the quality of self-management support in ambulatory cancer care: a mixed-method study of organisational and clinician readiness, barriers and enablers for tailoring of implementation strategies to multisites.

13. Development of policy performance indicators to assess the implementation of protection from exposure to secondhand smoke in China.

14. Smoking cessation and mortality among middle-aged and elderly Chinese in Singapore: the Singapore Chinese Health Study.

15. Impact of smoke-free legislation on children's exposure to secondhand smoke: cotinine data from the Health Survey for England.

16. Surgical service monitoring and quality control systems at district hospitals in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia: a mixed- methods study.

17. Robot for health data acquisition among older adults: a pilot randomised controlled cross-over trial.

18. Patient activation intervention to facilitate participation in recovery after total knee replacement (MIME): a cluster randomised cross-over trial.

19. Improving reconciliation following medical injury: a qualitative study of responses to patient safety incidents in New Zealand.

20. Longitudinal study of weight, energy intake and physical activity change across two decades in older Scottish women.

21. The evolution of multiagency partnerships for safety over the course of research engagement: experiences from the NoGAPS project.

22. Determinants of smoking-induced deprivation in China.

23. Supervision and risk of unintentional injury in young children.

24. Incidence, characteristics and risk factors for household and neighbourhood injury among young children in semiurban Ghana: a population-based household survey.

25. "You're made to feel like a dirty filthy smoker when you're not, cigar smoking is another thing all together." Responses of Australian cigar and cigarillo smokers to plain packaging.

26. Internet use, social engagement and health literacy decline during ageing in a longitudinal cohort of older English adults.

27. Brief report. Priming effect of antismoking PSAs on smoking behaviour: a pilot study.

28. Postwar environment and long-term mental health problems in former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the WAYS study.

29. The influence of ethnicity on breastfeeding rates in Ireland: a cross-sectional study.

30. The First-aid Advice and Safety Training (FAST) parents programme for the prevention of unintentional injuries in preschool children: a protocol.

31. REFRESH--reducing families' exposure to secondhand smoke in the home: a feasibility study.

32. Smoking behaviour and associated factors of illicit cigarette consumption in a border province of southern Thailand.

33. Microcredit participation and nutrition outcomes among women in Peru.

34. Marital loss, mental health and the role of perceived social support: findings from six waves of an Australian population based panel study.

35. Prospective Outcomes of Injury Study: recruitment, and participant characteristics, health and disability status.