Inmaculada Salcedo-Leal, Nicolás Francisco Fernández-Martínez, Antonio Cárdenas-Cruz, Rocío Ortiz González-Serna, Álvaro Serrano-Ortiz, Eladio Jiménez-Mejías, Mario Rivera-Izquierdo, Álvaro Romero-Duarte, Rafael Ruiz-Montero, Marina Pérez-Contreras, Inmaculada Guerrero-Fernández de Alba, [Romero-Duarte,A, Cárdenas-Cruz,A] School of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. [Rivera-Izquierdo,M, Guerrero-Fernández de Alba,I] Service of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Granada, Spain. [Rivera-Izquierdo,M, Jiménez-Mejías,E] Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. [[Rivera-Izquierdo,M] Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria, ibs.GRANADA, Granada, Spain. [Guerrero-Fernández de Alba,I] Service of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén, Jaén, Spain. [Pérez-Contreras,M] Service of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real, Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain. [Fernández-Martínez,F, Ruiz-Montero,R, Serrano-Ortiz,A, Ortiz González-Serna,R, Salcedo-Leal,I] Unidad de Gestión Clínica Interniveles de Prevención, Promoción y Vigilancia de la Salud, Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Córdoba, Spain. [Fernández-Martínez,NF, Salcedo-Leal,I] Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (Imibic), Córdoba, Spain. [Jiménez-Mejías,E] Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine, SEMERGEN-UGR, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. [Cárdenas-Cruz,A] Intensive Care Unit, Hospital de Poniente, El Ejido, Almería, Spain., and This study was supported by the Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine SEMERGEN-UGR, University of Granada
This study was supported by the Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine SEMERGEN-UGR, University of Granada., We thank the Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine SEMERG EN-UGR for supporting this work. We also thank all the healthcare professionals of the Preventive Medicine and Public Health services of the Hospital San Cecilio, Reina Sofía, Jaén and Puerto Real for their ideas and support, and Ángela Rivera-Izquierdo for improving the use of English in the manuscript., Background Long-term effects of COVID-19, also called Long COVID, affect more than 10% of patients. The most severe cases (i.e. those requiring hospitalization) present a higher frequency of sequelae, but detailed information on these effects is still lacking. The objective of this study is to identify and quantify the frequency and outcomes associated with the presence of sequelae or persistent symptomatology (SPS) during the 6 months after discharge for COVID-19.MethodsRetrospective observational 6-month follow-up study conducted in four hospitals of Spain. A cohort of all 969 patients who were hospitalized with PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 from March 1 to April 15, 2020, was included. We collected all the SPS during the 6 months after discharge reported by patients during follow-up from primary care records. Cluster analyses were performed to validate the measures. The main outcome measures were return to the Emergency Services, hospital readmission and post-discharge death. Surviving patients' outcomes were collected through clinical histories and primary care reports. Multiple logistic regression models were applied.ResultsThe 797 (82.2%) patients who survived constituted the sample followed, while the rest died from COVID-19. The mean age was 63.0 years, 53.7% of them were men and 509 (63.9%) reported some sequelae during the first 6 months after discharge. These sequelae were very diverse, but the most frequent were respiratory (42.0%), systemic (36.1%), neurological (20.8%), mental health (12.2%) and infectious (7.9%) SPS, with some differences by sex. Women presented higher frequencies of headache and mental health SPS, among others. A total of 160 (20.1%) patients returned to the Emergency Services, 35 (4.4%) required hospital readmission and 8 (1.0%) died during follow-up. The main factors independently associated with the return to Emergency Services were persistent fever, dermatological SPS, arrythmia or palpitations, thoracic pain and pneumonia.ConclusionsCOVID-19 cases requiring hospitalization during the first wave of the pandemic developed a significant range of mid- to long-term SPS. A detailed list of symptoms and outcomes is provided in this multicentre study. Identification of possible factors associated with these SPS could be useful to optimize preventive follow-up strategies in primary care for the coming months of the pandemic., Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine SEMERGEN-UGR, University of Granada