1. Physiological parameters for Prognosis in Abdominal Sepsis (PIPAS) Study: a WSES observational study
- Author
Sartelli, aEmail Author, M., Baiocchi, bEmail Author, G. L., Saverio, Di, cEmail Author, S., Ferrara, dEmail Author, F., Labricciosa, eEmail Author, F. M., Ansaloni, fEmail Author, L., Coccolini, fEmail Author, F., Vijayan, gEmail Author, D., Abbas, hEmail Author, A., Abongwa, iEmail Author, H. K., Agboola, jEmail Author, J., Ahmed, kEmail Author, A., Akhmeteli, lEmail Author, L., Akkapulu, mEmail Author, N., Akkucuk, nEmail Author, S., Altintoprak, oEmail Author, F., Andreiev, gEmail Author, A. L., Anyfantakis, pEmail Author, D., Atanasov, qEmail Author, B., Bala, rEmail Author, M., Balalis, sEmail Author, D., Baraket, tEmail Author, O., Bellanova, uEmail Author, G., Beltran, vEmail Author, M., Melo, wEmail Author, R. B., Bini, xEmail Author, R., Bouliaris, yEmail Author, K., Brunelli, zEmail Author, D., Castillo, Mario, aaEmail Author, A., Catani, abEmail Author, M., Che, Jusoh, acEmail Author, A., Chichom-Mefire, adEmail Author, A., Cocorullo, aeEmail Author, G., Coimbra, afEmail Author, R., Colak, agEmail Author, E., Costa, ahEmail Author, S., Das, aiEmail Author, K., Delibegovic, ajEmail Author, S., Demetrashvili, akEmail Author, Z., Carlo, Di, alEmail Author, I., Kiseleva, amEmail Author, N., Zalabany, El, anEmail Author, T., Faro, aoEmail Author, M., Ferreira, apEmail Author, M., Fraga, aqEmail Author, G. P., Gachabayov, arEmail Author, M., Ghnnam, asEmail Author, W. M., Giménez, Maurel, atEmail Author, T., Gkiokas, auEmail Author, G., Gomes, avEmail Author, C. A., Griffiths, awEmail Author, E., Guner, axEmail Author, A., Gupta, ayEmail Author, S., Hecker, azEmail Author, A., Hirano, aqEmail Author, E. S., Hodonou, baEmail Author, A., Hutan, bbEmail Author, M., Ioannidis, Bc, O., Bdemail, Author, Isik, beEmail Author, A., Ivakhov, bfEmail Author, G., Jain, bgEmail Author, S., Jokubauskas, bhEmail Author, M., Karamarkovic, biEmail Author, A., Kauhanen, bjEmail Author, S., Kaushik, ayEmail Author, R., Kavalakat, bkEmail Author, A., Kenig, blEmail Author, J., Khokha, bmEmail Author, V., Khor, bnEmail Author, D., Kim, aaEmail Author, D., boEmail Author, J. I., Kong, bpEmail Author, V., Lasithiotakis, bqEmail Author, K., Leão, brEmail Author, P., Leon, bsEmail Author, M., Litvin, btEmail Author, A., Lohsiriwat, buEmail Author, V., López-Tomassetti, Fernandez, bvEmail Author, E., Lostoridis, bwEmail Author, E., Maciel, aaEmail Author, J., Major, bxEmail Author, P., Dimova, byEmail Author, A., Manatakis, bzEmail Author, D., Marinis, caEmail Author, A., Martinez-Perez, cbEmail Author, A., Marwah, ccEmail Author, S., Mcfarlane, Cd, M., Ceemail, Author, Mesina, cfEmail Author, C., Pȩdziwiatr, cgEmail Author, M., Michalopoulos, chEmail Author, N., Misiakos, ciEmail Author, E., Mohamedahmed, cjEmail Author, A., Moldovanu, ckEmail Author, R., Montori, fEmail Author, G., Mysore, Narayana, clEmail Author, R., Negoi, cmEmail Author, I., Nikolopoulos, cnEmail Author, I., Novelli, coEmail Author, G., Novikovs, amEmail Author, V., Olaoye, cpEmail Author, I., Omari, cqEmail Author, A., Ordoñez, crEmail Author, C. A., Ouadii, csEmail Author, M., Ozkan, ctEmail Author, Z., Pal, cuEmail Author, A., Palini, coEmail Author, G. M., Partecke, cvEmail Author, L. I., Pata, Francesco, cwEmail Author, F., cxEmail Author, M., Pereira, Júnior, cyEmail Author, G. A., Pintar, czEmail Author, T., Pisarska, daEmail Author, M., Ploneda-Valencia, dbEmail Author, C. F., Pouggouras, bwEmail Author, K., Prabhu, dcEmail Author, V., Ramakrishnapillai, ddEmail Author, P., Regimbeau, deEmail Author, J. -M., Reitz, dfEmail Author, M., Rios-Cruz, dgEmail Author, D., Saar, dhEmail Author, S., Sakakushev, diEmail Author, B., Seretis, djEmail Author, C., Sazhin, bfEmail Author, A., Shelat, dkEmail Author, V., Skrovina, dlEmail Author, M., Smirnov, dmEmail Author, D., Spyropoulos, dnEmail Author, C., Strzałka, doEmail Author, M., Talving, dhEmail Author, P., Teixeira, Gonsaga, dpEmail Author, R. A., Theobald, gEmail Author, G., Tomadze, dqEmail Author, G., Torba, drEmail Author, M., Tranà, aEmail Author, C., Ulrych, dsEmail Author, J., Uzunoğlu, nEmail Author, M. Y., Vasilescu, dtEmail Author, A., Occhionorelli, duEmail Author, S., Venara, dvEmail Author, A., Vereczkei, dwEmail Author, A., Vettoretto, dxEmail Author, N., Vlad, dtEmail Author, N., Walȩdziak, dyEmail Author, M., Yilmaz, dzEmail Author, T. U., Yuan, eaEmail Author, K. -C., Yunfeng, ebEmail Author, C., Zilinskas, bhEmail Author, J., Grelpois, deEmail Author, G., Catena, hEmail Author, F., Sartelli, M, Abu-Zidan, F, Labricciosa, F, Kluger, Y, Coccolini, F, Ansaloni, L, Leppaniemi, A, Kirkpatrick, A, Tolonen, M, Trana, C, Regimbeau, J, Hardcastle, T, Koshy, R, Abbas, A, Aday, U, Adesunkanmi, A, Ajibade, A, Akhmeteli, L, Akln, E, Akkapulu, N, Alotaibi, A, Altintoprak, F, Anyfantakis, D, Atanasov, B, Augustin, G, Azevedo, C, Bala, M, Balalis, D, Baraket, O, Baral, S, Barkai, O, Beltran, M, Bini, R, Bouliaris, K, Caballero, A, Calu, V, Catani, M, Ceresoli, M, Charalampakis, V, Jusoh, A, Chiarugi, M, Cillara, N, Cuesta, R, Cobuccio, L, Cocorullo, G, Colak, E, Conti, L, Cui, Y, De Simone, B, Delibegovic, S, Demetrashvili, Z, Demetriades, D, Dimova, A, Dogjani, A, Enani, M, Farina, F, Ferrara, F, Foghetti, D, Fontana, T, Fraga, G, Gachabayov, M, Gerard, G, Ghnnam, W, Maurel, T, Gkiokas, G, Gomes, C, Guner, A, Gupta, S, Hecker, A, Hirano, E, Hodonou, A, Hutan, M, Ilaschuk, I, Ioannidis, O, Isik, A, Ivakhov, G, Jain, S, Jokubauskas, M, Karamarkovic, A, Kaushik, R, Kenig, J, Khokha, V, Khokha, D, Kim, J, Kong, V, Korkolis, D, Kruger, V, Kshirsagar, A, Simoes, R, Lanaia, A, Lasithiotakis, K, Leao, P, Arellano, M, Listle, H, Litvin, A, Lizarazu Perez, A, Lopez-Tomassetti Fernandez, E, Lostoridis, E, Luppi, D, Machain V, G, Major, P, Manatakis, D, Reitz, M, Marinis, A, Marrelli, D, Martinez-Perez, A, Marwah, S, Mcfarlane, M, Mesic, M, Mesina, C, Michalopoulos, N, Misiakos, E, Moreira, F, Mouaqit, O, Muhtaroglu, A, Naidoo, N, Negoi, I, Nikitina, Z, Nikolopoulos, I, Nita, G, Occhionorelli, S, Olaoye, I, Ordonez, C, Ozkan, Z, Pal, A, Palini, G, Papageorgiou, K, Papagoras, D, Pata, F, Pedziwiatr, M, Pereira, J, Pereira Junior, G, Perrone, G, Pintar, T, Pisarska, M, Plehutsa, O, Podda, M, Poillucci, G, Quiodettis, M, Rahim, T, Rios-Cruz, D, Rodrigues, G, Rozov, D, Sakakushev, B, Sall, I, Sazhin, A, Semiao, M, Sharda, T, Shelat, V, Sinibaldi, G, Skicko, D, Skrovina, M, Stamatiou, D, Stella, M, Strzalka, M, Sydorchuk, R, Teixeira Gonsaga, R, Tochie, J, Tomadze, G, Ugoletti, L, Ulrych, J, Umarik, T, Uzunoglu, M, Vasilescu, A, Vaz, O, Vereczkei, A, Vlad, N, Waledziak, M, Yahya, A, Yalkin, O, Yilmaz, T, Unal, A, Yuan, K, Zachariah, S, Zilinskas, J, Zizzo, M, Pattonieri, V, Baiocchi, G, Catena, F, Universidade do Minho, Sartelli M., Abu-Zidan F.M., Labricciosa F.M., Kluger Y., Coccolini F., Ansaloni L., Leppaniemi A., Kirkpatrick A.W., Tolonen M., Trana C., Regimbeau J.-M., Hardcastle T., Koshy R.M., Abbas A., Aday U., Adesunkanmi A.R.K., Ajibade A., Akhmeteli L., Akln E., Akkapulu N., Alotaibi A., Altintoprak F., Anyfantakis D., Atanasov B., Augustin G., Azevedo C., Bala M., Balalis D., Baraket O., Baral S., Barkai O., Beltran M., Bini R., Bouliaris K., Caballero A.B., Calu V., Catani M., Ceresoli M., Charalampakis V., Jusoh A.C., Chiarugi M., Cillara N., Cuesta R.C., Cobuccio L., Cocorullo G., Colak E., Conti L., Cui Y., De Simone B., Delibegovic S., Demetrashvili Z., Demetriades D., Dimova A., Dogjani A., Enani M., Farina F., Ferrara F., Foghetti D., Fontana T., Fraga G.P., Gachabayov M., Gerard G., Ghnnam W., Maurel T.G., Gkiokas G., Gomes C.A., Guner A., Gupta S., Hecker A., Hirano E.S., Hodonou A., Hutan M., Ilaschuk I., Ioannidis O., Isik A., Ivakhov G., Jain S., Jokubauskas M., Karamarkovic A., Kaushik R., Kenig J., Khokha V., Khokha D., Kim J.I., Kong V., Korkolis D., Kruger V.F., Kshirsagar A., Simoes R.L., Lanaia A., Lasithiotakis K., Leao P., Arellano M.L., Listle H., Litvin A., Lizarazu Perez A., Lopez-Tomassetti Fernandez E., Lostoridis E., Luppi D., Machain V G.M., Major P., Manatakis D., Reitz M.M., Marinis A., Marrelli D., Martinez-Perez A., Marwah S., McFarlane M., Mesic M., Mesina C., Michalopoulos N., Misiakos E., Moreira F.G., Mouaqit O., Muhtaroglu A., Naidoo N., Negoi I., Nikitina Z., Nikolopoulos I., Nita G.-E., Occhionorelli S., Olaoye I., Ordonez C.A., Ozkan Z., Pal A., Palini G.M., Papageorgiou K., Papagoras D., Pata F., Pedziwiatr M., Pereira J., Pereira Junior G.A., Perrone G., Pintar T., Pisarska M., Plehutsa O., Podda M., Poillucci G., Quiodettis M., Rahim T., Rios-Cruz D., Rodrigues G., Rozov D., Sakakushev B., Sall I., Sazhin A., Semiao M., Sharda T., Shelat V., Sinibaldi G., Skicko D., Skrovina M., Stamatiou D., Stella M., Strzalka M., Sydorchuk R., Teixeira Gonsaga R.A., Tochie J.N., Tomadze G., Ugoletti L., Ulrych J., Umarik T., Uzunoglu M.Y., Vasilescu A., Vaz O., Vereczkei A., Vlad N., Waledziak M., Yahya A.I., Yalkin O., Yilmaz T.U., Unal A.E., Yuan K.-C., Zachariah S.K., Zilinskas J., Zizzo M., Pattonieri V., Baiocchi G.L., Catena F., HUS Abdominal Center, II kirurgian klinikka, University of Helsinki, İstinye Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü, and Altintoprak, Fatih
- Subjects
Male ,Medicina Básica [Ciências Médicas] ,030230 surgery ,Logistic regression ,0302 clinical medicine ,Injury Severity Score ,Interquartile range ,Risk Factors ,Antibiotics ,Abdomen ,Diagnosis ,Acute peritonitis ,Early warning score ,Emergency surgery ,Source control ,Adult ,Aged ,Chi-Square Distribution ,Female ,Hospital Mortality ,Humans ,Logistic Models ,Middle Aged ,Sepsis ,Prognosis ,Mortality rate ,Acute peritoniti ,lcsh:Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,aarly warning score ,acute peritonitis ,emergency surgery ,source control ,abdomen ,adult ,aged ,chi-square distribution ,female ,hospital mortality ,humans ,injury severity score ,logistic models ,male ,middle aged ,risk factors ,sepsis ,prognosis ,3. Good health ,Management ,Ciências Médicas::Medicina Básica ,Emergency Medicine ,Research Article ,Human ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Logistic Model ,Sepsi ,lcsh:Surgery ,NO ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Acute appendicitis ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,Risk Factor ,Surgery ,lcsh:RD1-811 ,lcsh:RC86-88.9 ,3126 Surgery, anesthesiology, intensive care, radiology ,medicine.disease ,Observational study ,business ,Chi-squared distribution ,Kidney disease - Abstract
Timing and adequacy of peritoneal source control are the most important pillars in the management of patients with acute peritonitis. Therefore, early prognostic evaluation of acute peritonitis is paramount to assess the severity and establish a prompt and appropriate treatment. The objectives of this study were to identify clinical and laboratory predictors for in-hospital mortality in patients with acute peritonitis and to develop a warning score system, based on easily recognizable and assessable variables, globally accepted. Background Timing and adequacy of peritoneal source control are the most important pillars in the management of patients with acute peritonitis. Therefore, early prognostic evaluation of acute peritonitis is paramount to assess the severity and establish a prompt and appropriate treatment. The objectives of this study were to identify clinical and laboratory predictors for in-hospital mortality in patients with acute peritonitis and to develop a warning score system, based on easily recognizable and assessable variables, globally accepted. Methods This worldwide multicentre observational study included 153 surgical departments across 56 countries over a 4-month study period between February 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018. Results A total of 3137 patients were included, with 1815 (57.9%) men and 1322 (42.1%) women, with a median age of 47 years (interquartile range [IQR] 28–66). The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 8.9%, with a median length of stay of 6 days (IQR 4–10). Using multivariable logistic regression, independent variables associated with in-hospital mortality were identified: age > 80 years, malignancy, severe cardiovascular disease, severe chronic kidney disease, respiratory rate ≥ 22 breaths/min, systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg, AVPU responsiveness scale (voice and unresponsive), blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) < 90% in air, platelet count < 50,000 cells/mm3, and lactate > 4 mmol/l. These variables were used to create the PIPAS Severity Score, a bedside early warning score for patients with acute peritonitis. The overall mortality was 2.9% for patients who had scores of 0–1, 22.7% for those who had scores of 2–3, 46.8% for those who had scores of 4–5, and 86.7% for those who have scores of 7–8. Conclusions The simple PIPAS Severity Score can be used on a global level and can help clinicians to identify patients at high risk for treatment failure and mortality.
- Published
- 2019