
Showing total 9 results
9 results

Search Results

1. Disparities and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine policies in three representative European countries.

2. A successful nursing education promotes newly graduated nurses' job satisfaction one year after graduation: a cross-sectional multi-country study.

3. Trends of multimorbidity in 15 European countries: a population-based study in community-dwelling adults aged 50 and over.

4. Improving mental health care for unaccompanied young refugees through a stepped-care approach versus usual care+: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled hybrid effectiveness implementation trial.

5. Oral health behaviour in migrant and nonmigrant adults in Germany: the utilization of regular dental check-ups.

6. Usage of Plant Food Supplements (PFS) for weight control in six European countries: results from the PlantLIBRA PFS Consumer Survey 2011-2012.

7. Trends towards stronger primary care in three western European countries; 2006-2012.

8. The present and future burden of previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by histology and line of therapy in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain: model-based predictions.

9. EU health systems classification: a new proposal from EURO-HEALTHY.