
Showing total 19 results
19 results

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1. Chronic diseases and productivity loss among middle-aged and elderly in India.

2. Diabetes mellitus medication use and catastrophic healthcare expenditure among adults aged 50+ years in China and India: results from the WHO study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE).

3. The rising burden of chronic conditions among urban poor: a three-year follow-up survey in Bengaluru, India.

4. Prevalence of early and late onset of chronic diseases and multimorbidity and its association with physical, mental and functional health among older Indian adults.

5. Sociodemographic and geographic inequalities in diagnosis and treatment of older adults' chronic conditions in India: a nationally representative population-based study.

6. Prevalence and correlates of perceived age-related discrimination among older adults in India.

7. Examining the impact of socioeconomic status, demographic characteristics, lifestyle and other risk factors on adults' cognitive functioning in developing countries: an analysis of five selected WHO SAGE Wave 1 Countries.

8. Number of chronic conditions and associated functional limitations among older adults: cross-sectional findings from the longitudinal aging study in India.

9. Magnitude and determinants of multimorbidity and health care utilization among patients attending public versus private primary care: a cross-sectional study from Odisha, India.

10. Google trend analysis of climatic zone based Indian severe seasonal sensitive population.

11. Patients with more comorbidities have better detection of chronic conditions, but poorer management and control: findings from six middle-income countries.

12. Chronic morbidity and reported disability among older persons from the India Human Development Survey.

13. Disability and ageing in China and India - decomposing the effects of gender and residence. Results from the WHO study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE).

14. Improving access to medicines for non-communicable diseases in rural India: a mixed methods study protocol using quasi-experimental design.

15. Is adjunctive naturopathy associated with improved glycaemic control and a reduction in need for medications among type 2 Diabetes patients? A prospective cohort study from India.

16. No longer diseases of the wealthy: prevalence and health-seeking for self-reported chronic conditions among urban poor in Southern India.

17. Epidemiology of episodic adenolymphangitis: a longitudinal prospective surveillance among a rural community endemic for bancroftian filariasis in coastal Orissa, India.

18. Trends in disease burden of chronic myeloid leukemia at the global, regional, and national levels: a population-based epidemiologic study.

19. Improving mental health through integration with primary care in rural Karnataka: study protocol of a cluster randomized control trial.