Marković, Radmila, Perić, Dejan, Jovanović, Dragoljub, Šefer, Dragan, Marković, Radmila, Perić, Dejan, Jovanović, Dragoljub, and Šefer, Dragan
Zbog važne uloge koju mikroelementi imaju u gotovo svim biohemijskim reakcijama u organizmu životinja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji njihovo dodavanje je obavezno, jer samo tako mogu da se obezbede u dovoljnim količinama neophodnim za optimalno zdravstveno stanje i ispoljavanje genetskog potencijala zivotinja. Upotreba mikroelemenata u ishran i životinja i in tenzivnom uzgoju danas je uglavnom bazirana na korišćenju helatnih formi mikroelemenata za razliku od do nedavno korišćenih neorganskih formi (cink oksid, bakar sulfat, itd). Poznato je da je izvor, odnosno oblik u kome se dodaje mikroelement od esencijalnog značaja i presudno utiče na iskristivost mikroelemenata, a samim tim i na proizvodne rezultate životinje. U praksi su relativno česti u industrijskoj proizvodnji, granični deficiti, koji proticu bez jasno izražene kliničke manifestacije, ali predstavljaju značajan ekonomski gubitak (loši proizvodni rezultati). Poseban problem sui uslovni deficiti, koji su česti i teže se dijagnostikuju, a izazvani su disbalansima i nepravilnim odnosima sa pojedinim hranljivim materijama, iako je mikroelement prisutan u dovoljnim količinama u hrani. Sa tehnološkim napretkom, nafročito sa razvojem biotehnologije kao nauke i njenih rešenja, nekoliko različitih oblika organskih izvora mikroelemenata ja razvijeno i godinama se uspešno koriste, uključujući komplekse microelement - aminokiselina, mikroelement – polisaharid, mikroelement – proteinat i mikroelement – metionin hidroksi analogni helat (MHAC)., Due to the critical role that microelements play in almost all biochemical reactions in the organism of animals in intensive production, their addition is mandatory, Only in this way can they be provided in sufficient quantities necessary for optimal health and the manifestation of the genetic potential of animals. The use of microelements in animal nutrition in intensive breeding today is mainly based on chelated microelements, in contrast to the inorganic forms used until recently (zinc oxide, copper sulfate, etc.). lt is known that the form in which the microelement is added is of essential importance lt has a decisive influence on the utilization of microelements and, thus, on the production results of the animal. In practice, marginal deficits are relatively common in industrial production, which occur without clearly expressed clinical manifestations, but represent a significant economic loss (poor production results). Conditional deficits are a particular problem that is frequent and difficult to diagnose. They are caused by imbalances and improper relationships with specific nutrients, even though microelements are present in sufficient quantities in feed. With technological progress, especially with the development of biotechnology as a science and its solutions, several different forms of organic sources of microelements have been developed. They have been successfully used for years, including microelement - amino acid complexes, microelement - polysaccharide, microelement - proteinate, and microelement - methionine hydroxy analog chelate (MHAC).