
Showing total 2,095 results
2,095 results

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101. Non-naturally reductive Einstein metrics on normal homogeneous Einstein manifolds

102. Generic injectivity of the Prym map for double ramified coverings

103. Brouwer and Euclid

104. $W$-entropy formulas on super Ricci flows and Langevin deformation on Wasserstein space over Riemannian manifolds

105. On para-Kenmotsu manifolds

106. The arithmetic Kuznetsov formula on $GL(3)$, I: The Whittaker case

107. New area-minimizing Lawson-Osserman cones

108. Hyperplane arrangements and tensor product invariants

109. Symplectic models for Unitary groups

110. Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay (III)

111. Virtual cycles of gauged Witten equation

112. Structure theorems for singular minimal laminations

113. Error Analysis of Lagrange Interpolation on Tetrahedrons

114. Stable lattices and the diagonal group

115. New applications of Arak's inequalities to the Littlewood-Offord problem

116. Maximal operators of exotic and non-exotic Laguerre and other semigroups associated with classical orthogonal expansions

117. Generalized Morrey spaces and trace operator

118. On a geometric inequality related to fractional integration

119. Hidden Symmetries and Commensurability of 2-Bridge Link Complements

120. Hamiltonian and symplectic symmetries: an introduction

121. New explicit formulas for Faltings' delta-invariant

122. Spectral radius and Hamiltonicity of graphs with large minimum degree

123. Locally piecewise affine functions and their order structure

124. The Irreducible Subgroups of Exceptional Algebraic Groups

125. On finite determinacy for matrices of power series

126. Mosco convergence for H(curl) spaces, higher integrability for Maxwell's equations, and stability in direct and inverse EM scattering problems

127. Sharp endpoint estimates for eigenfunctions restricted to submanifolds of codimension 2

128. Bavard's duality theorem on conjugation-invariant norms

129. An Analyst's Traveling Salesman Theorem for sets of dimension larger than one

130. Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction Diffusion Systems on Arbitrary Surfaces

131. Framed motives of relative motivic spheres

132. A Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction

133. Orbit Closures and Invariants

134. Real hyperbolic hyperplane complements in the complex hyperbolic plane

135. A birational Nevanlinna constant and its consequences

136. Hook formulas for skew shapes II. Combinatorial proofs and enumerative applications

137. Monotone and Pseudo-Monotone Equilibrium Problems in Hadamard Spaces

138. Worst-case Complexity of Cyclic Coordinate Descent: $O(n^2)$ Gap with Randomized Version

139. Complete integrability of the parahoric Hitchin system

140. Josef Meixner: his life and his orthogonal polynomials

141. On various moduli of smoothness and $K$-functionals

142. Chain rules and inequalities for the BHT fractional calculus on arbitrary time scales

143. Group-groupoid actions and liftings of crossed modules

144. Unbounded absolute weak convergence in Banach lattices

145. On the Tong-type identity and the mean square of the error term for an extended Selberg class

146. Ramanujan Cayley graphs of Frobenius groups

147. Associated primes of powers of edge ideals and ear decompositions of graphs

148. On Jacquet modules of representations of segment type

149. The representation ring of the unitary groups and Markov processes of algebraic origin

150. Products of Farey Fractions