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112 results

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1. Stochastic Heat Equations for infinite strings with Values in a Manifold

2. Low regularity blowup solutions for the mass-critical NLS in higher dimensions

3. Adaptive regularization with cubics on manifolds

4. Plane wave formulas for spherical, complex and symplectic harmonics

5. Non-naturally reductive Einstein metrics on normal homogeneous Einstein manifolds

6. Error Analysis of Lagrange Interpolation on Tetrahedrons

7. On a geometric inequality related to fractional integration

8. Mosco convergence for H(curl) spaces, higher integrability for Maxwell's equations, and stability in direct and inverse EM scattering problems

9. A Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction

10. Hessenberg varieties, intersections of quadrics, and the Springer correspondence

11. Nonlinear frames and sparse reconstructions in Banach spaces

12. On Axiomatic Approaches to Intertwining Operator Algebras

13. Poisson Manifolds of Compact Types (PMCT 1)

14. Curvature properties of interior black hole metric

15. Instability for Axisymmetric Blow-up Solutions to Incompressible Euler Equations

16. Homogenization of Linear Boltzmann Equations in the Context of Algebras with Mean Value

17. Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials. Singular critical case

18. The number of positive solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem

19. Critical time for the observability of Kolmogorov-type equations

20. On mixed pressure-velocity regularity criteria to the Navier-Stokes equations in Lorentz spaces

21. Interplay between reproduction and age selective harvesting delays of a single population non-autonomous system

22. The stability and Hopf bifurcation of the diffusive Nicholson's blowflies model in spatially heterogeneous environment

23. Strong approximations of Brownian sheet by uniform transport processes

24. Hybrid subconvexity for class group $L$-functions and uniform sup norm bounds of Eisenstein series

25. Single-point Gradient Blow-up on the Boundary for Diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi Equation in domains with non-constant curvature

26. A Nonlocal Functional Promoting Low-Discrepancy Point Sets

27. The Exponential Convergence of the CR Yamabe Flow

28. Semi-explicit solutions to the water-wave dispersion relation and their role in the nonlinear Hamiltonian coupled-mode theory

29. Wavelet-Fourier CORSING techniques for multi-dimensional advection-diffusion-reaction equations

30. Primes in prime number races

31. Interior gradient and Hessian estimates for the Dirichlet problem of semi-linear degenerate elliptic systems: a probabilistic approach

32. Compensated integrability. Applications to the Vlasov--Poisson equation and other models in mathematical physics

33. Distributions Frames and bases

34. Normalized solutions to the mixed dispersion nonlinear Schr��dinger equation in the mass critical and supercritical regime

35. Optimal stopping in mean field games, an obstacle problem approach

36. Differential and falsified sampling expansions

37. Asymptotic Analysis of Mean Field Games with Small Common Noise

38. Time fractional equations and probabilistic representation

39. Optimal Scale Invariant Wigner Spectrum Estimation of Gaussian Locally Self-Similar Processes Using Hermite Functions

40. Approximation of Non-Decaying Signals From Shift-Invariant Subspaces

41. A Product Integration Method for the Approximation of the Early Exercise Boundary in the American Option Pricing Problem

42. Equidistribution of Neumann data mass on triangles

43. Convergence to consensus of the general finite-dimensional Cucker-Smale model with time-varying delays

44. Invariance principle and rigidity of high entropy measures

45. Calculating Galois groups of third order linear differential equations with parameters

46. A priori Estimates for the Compressible Euler Equations for a Liquid with Free Surface Boundary and the Incompressible Limit

47. Stability of parabolic Harnack inequalities for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms

48. Infimal convolution of data discrepancies for mixed noise removal

49. Unique continuation from infinity in asympotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes II: Non-static boundaries

50. Spectral and pseudospectral functions of various dimensions for symmetric systems