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1. 'Graph Paper' Trace Characterizations of Functions of Finite Energy

2. Non-negative Ricci curvature on closed manifolds under Ricci flow

3. Space analyticity and bounds for derivatives of solutions to the evolutionary equations of diffusive magnetohydrodynamics

4. Density theorems for anisotropic point configurations

5. Large deviations for a class of tempered subordinators and their inverse processes

6. The dynamics and geometry of free group endomorphisms

7. On Chow-weight homology of motivic complexes and its relation to motivic homology

8. Multiplicities for tensor products on Special linear versus Classical groups

9. Courant-sharp Robin eigenvalues for the square: the case of negative Robin parameter

10. On the correctness of finite-rank approximations by series of shifted Gaussians

11. A generalized type semigroup and dynamical comparison

12. The Steinberg quotient of a tilting character

13. Conical metrics on Riemann surfaces, II: spherical metrics

14. Non-realizability of the Torelli group as area-preserving homeomorphisms

15. Darondeau-Pragacz formulas in complex cobordism

16. Fourier coefficients of minimal and next-to-minimal automorphic representations of simply-laced groups

17. Common and Sidorenko Linear Equations

18. Square root $p$-adic $L$-functions, I: Construction of a one-variable measure

19. The generalized bi-periodic Fibonacci quaternions and octonions

20. Generation of relative commutator subgroups in Chevalley groups. II

21. Persistent Local Systems

22. The Koopman representation and positive Rokhlin entropy

23. The continuum limit of the Kuramoto model on sparse random graphs

24. Damping estimates for oscillatory integral operators with real-analytic phases and its applications

25. Perturbation theory for solutions to second order elliptic operators with complex coefficients and the $L^p$ Dirichlet problem

26. Combinatorics of One-Dimensional Simple Toeplitz Subshifts

27. On transitive action on quiver varieties

28. The structure of doubly non-commuting isometries

29. Low regularity blowup solutions for the mass-critical NLS in higher dimensions

30. The Webster scalar curvature and sharp upper and lower bounds for the first positive eigenvalue of the Kohn-Laplacian on real hypersurfaces

31. Root system chip-firing I: Interval-firing

32. Local rings with quasi-decomposable maximal ideal

33. The affine approach to homogeneous geodesics in homogeneous Finsler spaces

34. Differentials on the arc space

35. Nice triples and Grothendieck--Serre's conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes

36. Unipotent elements and generalized exponential maps

37. Extended Fuller index, sky catastrophes and the Seifert conjecture

38. Shi-type estimates and finite time singularities of flows of G$_2$ structures

39. Differential geometry of immersed surfaces in three-dimensional normed spaces

40. Oscillatory behavior of large eigenvalues in quantum Rabi models

41. Non-naturally reductive Einstein metrics on normal homogeneous Einstein manifolds

42. Generic injectivity of the Prym map for double ramified coverings

43. $W$-entropy formulas on super Ricci flows and Langevin deformation on Wasserstein space over Riemannian manifolds

44. Hyperplane arrangements and tensor product invariants

45. Symplectic models for Unitary groups

46. Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay (III)

47. Virtual cycles of gauged Witten equation

48. New applications of Arak's inequalities to the Littlewood-Offord problem

49. On a geometric inequality related to fractional integration

50. Hidden Symmetries and Commensurability of 2-Bridge Link Complements