
Showing total 4,068 results
4,068 results

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101. Homogeneous Finsler spaces with only one orbit of prime closed geodesics

102. Stolarsky's invariance principle for projective spaces

103. Weak solutions for multiquasilinear elliptic-parabolic systems. Application to thermoelectrochemical problems

104. Markov semi-groups associated with the complex unimodular group $Sl(2,\mathbb{C})$

105. Signal-plus-noise matrix models: eigenvector deviations and fluctuations

106. Perturbation theory for solutions to second order elliptic operators with complex coefficients and the $L^p$ Dirichlet problem

107. Intersectional pairs of $n$-knots, local moves of $n$-knots, and their associated invariants of $n$-knots

108. Combinatorics of One-Dimensional Simple Toeplitz Subshifts

109. On transitive action on quiver varieties

110. Symmetric diophantine systems and families of elliptic curves of high rank

111. The structure of doubly non-commuting isometries

112. Coordinates Adapted to Vector Fields III: Real Analyticity

113. Stochastic Heat Equations for infinite strings with Values in a Manifold

114. Low regularity blowup solutions for the mass-critical NLS in higher dimensions

115. Order-enriched solid functors

116. Adaptive regularization with cubics on manifolds

117. When are full representations of algebras of operators on Banach spaces automatically faithful?

118. Polyhedral realizations of crystal bases and convex-geometric Demazure operators

119. A structure theorem for rooted binary phylogenetic networks and its implications for tree-based networks

120. Algebraic reduced genus one Gromov-Witten invariants for complete intersections in projective spaces

121. Bottleneck Stability for Generalized Persistence Diagrams

122. Simple Conditions for Metastability of Continuous Markov Chains

123. Runge tubes in Stein manifolds with the density property

124. The Webster scalar curvature and sharp upper and lower bounds for the first positive eigenvalue of the Kohn-Laplacian on real hypersurfaces

125. A global well-posedness result for the Rosensweig system of ferrofluids

126. Edge and Fano on nets of quadrics

127. The genericity of Arnold diffusion in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems

128. Compactness and generic finiteness for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces (I)

129. Invariant ideals of local analytic and formal vector fields

130. Central Limit theorem and cohomological equation on homogeneous spaces

131. Root system chip-firing I: Interval-firing

132. A simplex-type algorithm for continuous linear programs with constant coefficients

133. Symplectic resolutions for Higgs moduli spaces

134. The cohomology of the full directed graph complex

135. Frame multiplication theory and a vector-valued DFT and ambiguity function

136. Plane wave formulas for spherical, complex and symplectic harmonics

137. Multi-peak positive solutions to a class of Kirchhoff equations

138. Local rings with quasi-decomposable maximal ideal

139. The affine approach to homogeneous geodesics in homogeneous Finsler spaces

140. The completed finite period map and Galois theory of supercongruences

141. Differentials on the arc space

142. Dimensions of Group-based Phylogenetic Mixtures

143. Orbit Spaces of Linear Circle Actions

144. Nice triples and Grothendieck--Serre's conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes

145. A multi-Frey approach to Fermat equations of signature $(r,r,p)$

146. Unipotent elements and generalized exponential maps

147. A characterization of Fuchsian actions by topological rigidity

148. Extended Fuller index, sky catastrophes and the Seifert conjecture

149. Stability estimate for the Helmholtz equation with rapidly jumping coefficients

150. Shi-type estimates and finite time singularities of flows of G$_2$ structures