58 results on '"Foxe, John"'
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2. Idem iterum, or, The history of Q. Mary's big-belly from Mr. Fox's Acts and monuments and Dr. Heylin's Hist. res.
3. A table of the X. first persecutions of the primitiue time of Tiberius, vnto Constantinus Emperour
4. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
5. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
6. The Pope confuted The holy and apostolique Church confuting the Pope. The first action. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iames Bell.
7. A sermon preached at the christening of a certaine Iew at London by Iohn Foxe. Conteining an exposition of the xi. chapter of S. Paul to the Romanes. Translated out of Latine into English by Iames Bell.
8. A blowe for the Pope Touching the Popes prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the Booke of martyres.
9. Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.
10. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
11. Martyrologia alphabetikē, or, An alphabetical martyrology containing the tryals and dying expressions of many martyrs of note since Christ : extracted out of Foxe's Acts and monuments of the church : with an alphabetical list of God's judgements remarkably shown on many noted and cruel persecutors : together with an appendix of things pertinent to martyrology by N.T., M.A.T.C.C. [i.e. Master of Arts Trinity College Cambridge]
12. Of free justification by Christ written first in Latine by John Fox, author of the Book of martyrs, against Osorius, &c. and now translated into English, for the benefit of those who love their own souls, and would not be mistaken in so great a point.
13. Papa confutatus Sanctæ & apostolicæ Ecclesiae in confutationem Papæ. Actio prima.
14. Christus triumphans comoedia apocalyptica / autore Joanne Foxo ; edita est olim Basileae, anno 1556 ; Nunc denuo edita ... Editore T. C. Sidn. collegii, A. M.
15. Christ Iesus triumphant A fruitefull treatise, wherin is described the most glorious triumph, and conquest of Christ Iesus our sauiour, ouer sinne, death, the law, the strength and pride of Sathan, and the world, with all other enemyes whatsoeuer agaynst the poore soule of man: made too be read for spirituall comfort, by Iohn Foxe, and from Latin translated intoo English by the printer.
16. An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history
17. A sermon of Christ crucified, preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Goodfryday written and dedicated to all such as labour and be heavy laden in conscience, to be read for their spirituall comfort / by Iohn Foxe ; newly recognished [sic] by the author.
18. An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history
19. A sermon of Christ crucified, preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Goodfryday written and dedicated to all such as labour and be heavy laden in conscience, to be read for their spirituall comfort / by Iohn Foxe ; newly recognished [sic] by the author.
20. A table of the X. first persecutions of the primitiue time of Tiberius, vnto Constantinus Emperour
21. A solemne contestation of diuerse popes, for the aduaunsing of theyr supremacie: quoted and collected faithfully out of their own canon law, according to the very wordes, stile, and tenor of the same theyr own canons, decres, decretales, clementines, extrauagantes, bulles, epistles, and commen glose vpon the same. Histories and stories of Romane bishops [et]c. In forme and wordes, as their are to be seane, and found by the quotations here vnto annexed
22. Idem iterum, or, The history of Q. Mary's big-belly from Mr. Fox's Acts and monuments and Dr. Heylin's Hist. res.
23. A sermon preached at the christening of a certaine Iew at London by Iohn Foxe. Conteining an exposition of the xi. chapter of S. Paul to the Romanes. Translated out of Latine into English by Iames Bell.
24. Papa confutatus Sanctæ & apostolicæ Ecclesiae in confutationem Papæ. Actio prima.
25. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
26. Of free justification by Christ written first in Latine by John Fox, author of the Book of martyrs, against Osorius, &c. and now translated into English, for the benefit of those who love their own souls, and would not be mistaken in so great a point.
27. The Pope confuted The holy and apostolique Church confuting the Pope. The first action. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iames Bell.
28. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
29. Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
30. Martyrologia alphabetikē, or, An alphabetical martyrology containing the tryals and dying expressions of many martyrs of note since Christ : extracted out of Foxe's Acts and monuments of the church : with an alphabetical list of God's judgements remarkably shown on many noted and cruel persecutors : together with an appendix of things pertinent to martyrology by N.T., M.A.T.C.C. [i.e. Master of Arts Trinity College Cambridge]
31. Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.
32. Christ Iesus triumphant A fruitefull treatise, wherin is described the most glorious triumph, and conquest of Christ Iesus our sauiour, ouer sinne, death, the law, the strength and pride of Sathan, and the world, with all other enemyes whatsoeuer agaynst the poore soule of man: made too be read for spirituall comfort, by Iohn Foxe, and from Latin translated intoo English by the printer.
33. Christus triumphans comoedia apocalyptica / autore Joanne Foxo ; edita est olim Basileae, anno 1556 ; Nunc denuo edita ... Editore T. C. Sidn. collegii, A. M.
34. A blowe for the Pope Touching the Popes prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the Booke of martyres.
35. A frendly farewel which Master Doctor Ridley, late Bishop of London did write beinge prisoner in Oxeforde, vnto all his true louers and frendes in God, a litle before that he suffred for the testimony of the truthe of Christ his Gospell. Newly setforth and allowed according to the order apoynted in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions.
36. A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. Translated out of D. Vrbanus Regius, into English and newly recognized by Iohn F.
37. A godlie exposition vpon certeine chapters of Nehemiah, written by that worthie byshop and faithfull pastor of the Church of Durham Master James Pilkington. And now newly published. In the latter end, because the author could not finish that treatise of oppression which he had begonne, there is added that for a supplie, which of late was published by Robert Some, D. in Diuinitie
38. The treasure of trueth touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in .38. short aphorismes. VVritten in Latin by Theodore Beza, and nevvly turned into English by Iohn Stockvvood. VVhereunto are added, these godly treatises. One of the learned and godlie Father. Maister I. Foxe. In the which the chiefest poyntes of the doctrine of God his election, are so plainely set foorth, as the verie simplest may easily vnderstand it, and reape great profite thereby. The other of Maister Anthonie Gylbie, wherein the doctrine of God his election and reprobation, is both godly and learnedlie handeled. Seene and alovved, according to the order appoynted.
39. The vvhole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy martyrs, and principall teachers of this Churche of England collected and compiled in one tome togither, beyng before scattered, [and] now in print here exhibited to the Church. To the prayse of God, and profite of all good Christian readers.
40. A most breefe manner of instruction, to the principles of Christian religion. By J.F.
41. A seasonable vindication of the supream authority and jurisdiction of Christian kings, lords, parliaments, as well over the possessions as persons of delinquent prelates and churchmen, or, An antient disputation of the famous Bohemian martyr John Hus, in justification of John Wickliffs 17 article proving by 43 arguments taken out of fathers, canonists, school-men, the supream authority and jurisidiction of princes, parliaments, temporal lords, and other lay-men, who have endowed the church with temporalities, to take away and alien the temporal lands and possessions of delinquent bishops, abbots and church-men, by way of medicine or punishment, without any sacrilege, impiety or injustice : transcribed out of the printed works of Iohn Hus, and Mr. Iohn Fox his acts and monuments printed London 1641, vol. I, p. 585, &c : with an additional appendix thereunto of proofs and domestick presidents in all ages, usefull for present and future times / by William Prynne ...
42. Against Ierome Osorius Byshopp of Siluane in Portingall and against his slaunderous inuectiues An aunswere apologeticall: for the necessary defence of the euangelicall doctrine and veritie. First taken in hand by M. Walter Haddon, then undertaken and continued by M. Iohn Foxe, and now Englished by Iames Bell.
43. Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici. 8. inchoata: deinde per Regem Edouardum 6. prouecta, adauctaq́[ue] in hunc modum, atq[ue] nunc ad pleniorem ipsarum reformationem in lucem ædita.
44. An aunsvvere by the Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and metropolitane, vnto a craftie and sophisticall cauillation, deuised by Stephen Gardiner Doctour of Law, late Byshop of Winchester agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy sacrament, of the body and bloud of our sauiour Iesu Christ Wherein is also, as occasion serueth, aunswered such places of the booke of Doct. Richard Smith, as may seeme any thyng worthy the aunsweryng. Here is also the true copy of the booke written, and in open court deliuered, by D. Stephen Gardiner ...
45. King Jesvs is the beleevers prince, priest, and law-giver, in things appertaining to the conscience, Isai. 55.4. Heb. 7.17. Jam. 4. 12. Or, The loyall spouse of Christ hath no head, nor husband, but royall King Jesvs. Written by Francis Cornwell, a minister of Jesus Christ, out of the learned workes of Mr. John Fox in his book of Martyrs, excepting onely some explanations of his owne, for the benefit of the reader.
46. An instruccyon of Christen fayth howe to be bolde vp on the promyse of God and not to doubte of our saluacyon, made by Urbanus Regius. Tra[n]slated into englyshe
47. An instruccyon of Christen fayth howe to be bolde vp on the promyse of God and not to doubte of our saluacyon, made by Urbanus Regius. Tra[n]slated into englyshe
48. A frendly farewel which Master Doctor Ridley, late Bishop of London did write beinge prisoner in Oxeforde, vnto all his true louers and frendes in God, a litle before that he suffred for the testimony of the truthe of Christ his Gospell. Newly setforth and allowed according to the order apoynted in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions.
49. A godlie exposition vpon certeine chapters of Nehemiah, written by that worthie byshop and faithfull pastor of the Church of Durham Master James Pilkington. And now newly published. In the latter end, because the author could not finish that treatise of oppression which he had begonne, there is added that for a supplie, which of late was published by Robert Some, D. in Diuinitie
50. A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. Translated out of D. Vrbanus Regius, into English and newly recognized by Iohn F.
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