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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

2. Remarks on DiPerna’s paper 'Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics'

3. Integers represented as the sum of one prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2

4. On symmetric linear diffusions

5. On embedding certain partial orders into the P-points under Rudin-Keisler and Tukey reducibility

6. Weighted local Orlicz-Hardy spaces on domains and their applications in inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann problems

7. The ergodicity of weak Hilbert spaces

8. A summability criterion for stochastic integration

9. On the Andrews-Stanley refinement of Ramanujan’s partition congruence modulo 5 and generalizations

10. On arithmetic Macaulayfication of Noetherian rings

11. Algebras associated to elliptic curves

12. Ramanujan’s class invariants, Kronecker’s limit formula, and modular equations

13. Younger mates and the Jacobian conjecture

14. 𝐷-sets and BG-functors in Kazhdan-Lusztig theory

15. An explicit family of curves with trivial automorphism groups

16. A counterexample for Kobayashi completeness of balanced domains

17. Three cardinal functions similar to net weight

18. A counterexample to a compact embedding theorem for functions with values in a Hilbert space

19. On the spectral norm of Gaussian random matrices

20. Generically Mañé set supports uniquely ergodic measure for residual cohomology class

21. Weakly amenable groups and amalgamated products

22. Scrawny Cantor sets are not definable by tori

23. Reflexivity and order properties of scalar-type spectral operators in locally convex spaces

24. On the homology of associative algebras

25. Applications of a set-theoretic lemma

26. Weak subordination and stable classes of meromorphic functions

27. The strong limit of von Neumann subalgebras with conditional expectations

28. Fredholm composition operators

29. Valuations on meromorphic functions of bounded type

30. Galois theory for cylindric algebras and its applications

31. Countable box products of ordinals

32. Helson sets which disobey spectral synthesis

33. Compact derivations of nest algebras

34. The spectral diameter in Banach algebras

35. An integral inequality with applications

36. On analytic diameters and analytic centers of compact sets

37. Relative weak convergence in semifinite von Neumann algebras

38. Invariant subspaces of von Neumann algebras. II

39. A simple construction for rigid and weakly homogeneous Boolean algebras answering a question of Rubin

40. Global solvability of an abstract complex

41. Primary ideals in rings of analytic functions

42. Boolean reducts of relation and cylindric algebras and the cube problem

43. Existence theorems for Urysohn’s integral equation

44. Complex and integral laminated lattices

45. Arithmetic means of Fourier coefficients

46. Brauer group of fibrations and symmetric products of curves

47. A Riesz representation theorem in the setting of locally convex spaces

48. Isomorphism and approximation of general state Markov processes

49. Group properties of the residue classes of certain Kronecker modular systems and some related generalizations in number theory

50. On the differentiability of arbitrary real-valued set functions. II