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1. Observations on a paper by Rosenblum

2. Cubics in 10 variables vs. cubics in 1000 variables: Uniformity phenomena for bounded degree polynomials

3. The Shi arrangement and the Ish arrangement

4. A summability criterion for stochastic integration

5. Large character sums: Pretentious characters and the Pólya-Vinogradov theorem

6. Finiteness theorems for submersions and souls

7. Weyl spectra of operator matrices

8. Absolutely continuous spectrum of perturbed Stark operators

9. Multiplier theorems for Herz type Hardy spaces

10. A counterexample for Kobayashi completeness of balanced domains

11. Reflexivity of pairs of shifts

12. The minimal normal extension for 𝑀_{𝑧} on the Hardy space of a planar region

13. On the Bohr inequality with a fixed zero coefficient

14. Two approaches to Sidorenko’s conjecture

15. Weak subordination and stable classes of meromorphic functions

16. Essential spectra of operators in the class ℬ_{𝓃}(Ω)

17. Interior and boundary continuity of weak solutions of degenerate parabolic equations

18. Compact derivations of nest algebras

19. On analytic diameters and analytic centers of compact sets

20. Global solvability of an abstract complex

21. On strongly indefinite functionals with applications

22. Bounded slope variation and generalized convexity

23. On Schwarz’s lemma and inner functions

24. Spectral representations for some unbounded normal operators

25. On the Fourier transform of the indicator function of a planar set

26. Riemann integration and Taylor’s theorem in general analysis

27. The 𝐿₂-system of a unimodular group. I

28. A device for studying Hausdorff moments

29. Uniformity in linear spaces

30. The second dual of the space of continuous functions. II

31. On convolutions with the Möbius function

32. The Fourier transform of an unbounded spectral distribution

33. The existence and uniqueness of nonstationary ideal incompressible flow in bounded domains in 𝑅₃

34. On the characterization of spectral operators

35. Schwarz’s lemma and the Szegö kernel function

36. Topologies with the Stone-Weierstrass property

37. Some two-dimensional loci connected with cross ratios

38. Separation theorems with applications to questions concerning accessibility and plane continua

39. Monotonicity of solutions of Volterra integral equations in Banach space

40. An approximation method for Wiener integrals of certain unbounded functionals

41. A theory of unbounded generalized scalar operators

42. Perturbation of normal operators

43. Spectra of conservative matrices

44. Boundary functions and sets of curvilinear convergence for continuous functions

45. Integrated continuity conditions and degree of approximation by polynomials or by bounded analytic functions

46. Asymptotic limits of operators similar to normal operators

47. Log-Lipschitz embeddings of homogeneous sets with sharp logarithmic exponents and slicing products of balls

48. The mixed problem in Lipschitz domains with general decompositions of the boundary

49. Dynamical properties and structure of Julia sets of postcritically bounded polynomial semigroups

50. Dual of the function algebra 𝐴^{-∞}(𝐷) and representation of functions in Dirichlet series