The Boltzmann reservoir (BR) is a model constant-temperature environment that exhibits highly atypical thermodynamic behavior. Its microcanonical ensemble entropy is a linear, nonconcave function of its internal energy U, and its zero-work heat capacity is infinite. Its canonical partition function diverges because all possible energies are equally likely, so the microcanonical and canonical ensembles are not equivalent. If two BRs with the same temperature T(sub B) are put in thermal contact, either can have any fraction of the total energy; i.e., there is no unique equilibrium state. If two BRs with different temperatures are in thermal contact, the higher temperature BR gives all its energy to the other. A BR's temperature cannot be changed by a heat process but, in principle, can be altered by a work process. These and other properties that challenge conventional wisdom provide thought-provoking examples for thermal physics courses.