Ingo Leya, K.-H. Schmidt, M. C. Duijvestijn, D. Schumann, Jochen Kuhnhenn, Regin Weinreich, A. Kelic, Jean-Christophe David, J. Protoschill, Rolf Michel, M. A. M. Uosif, M. Weug, U. Herpers, M. Gloris, H.-A. Synal, Arjan J. Koning, Peter W. Kubik, S. Leray, and Joseph Cugnon
A survey is given about efforts undertaken during the HINDAS project to investigate the energy dependence of residual nuclide production by proton‐induced reactions from thresholds up to 2.6 GeV. For proton‐induced reactions, our experiments aimed to further develop and complete the cross‐section database that was established by our collaboration in recent years. It was extended to the heavy‐target elements Ta, W, Pb, and Bi for energies up to 2.6 GeV. In addition, new measurements for the target element iron were performed up to 2.6 GeV and for natural uranium for energies from 21 MeV to 69 MeV. For the target element lead, a comprehensive set of excitation functions published recently was completed by AMS‐measurements of cross sections for the production of the long‐lived radionuclides Be‐10, Al‐26, Cl‐36, and I‐129 and by mass spectrometric measurements for stable and radioactive rare gas isotopes of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. Comprehensive tests of the nuclear‐reaction codes TALYS and INCL4+ABLA, which were developed within the HINDAS project, were performed with the new experimental results over the entire energy range.