- Author
Lütfi Saltuk Demir, Ayfer Erdoğan, Mehmet Uyar, Yasemin Durduran, Ayşe Sibel Demirtaş, and Hamdi Arbağ
- Subjects
[No Keywords] ,Occupational Health,Hospital,Medical Staff ,İş Sağlığı,Hastane,Sağlık Çalışanları - Abstract
AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada, bir Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde çalışan sağlık personelinin daha önce geçirdiği ‘iş kazası’ ve ‘ramak kala’ olayları belirlemek ve iş sağlığı-güvenliği çalışmalarına önlenebilirlik açısından destek sağlamak amaçlandı.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Tanımlayıcı tipteki çalışma 2014 yılında bir Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde Kalite Yönetim Birimi ile birlikte yürütüldü. Veri toplama aracı olarak 22 soruluk bir anket kullanıldı. Anket öncesi ‘iş kazası’ ve ‘ramak kala olay’ tanımları, ankete katılmayı kabul eden çalışanlara açıklandı ve anketi doldurmaları istendi. Veriler uygun istatistiksel testlerle analiz edildi. Anlamlılık için sınır değer p, OBJECTIVE: In this study, it was aimed to determine previous ‘occupational accidents’ and ‘near miss events’ experienced by health care personel working in a Medical School Hospital, and to provide support for occupational health and safety studies in terms of preventability.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with the Quality Management Department of a Medical School Hospital in 2014. A 22-item questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. Before applying the questionnaire definitions of ‘occupational accident’ and ‘near miss event’ were explained to the personel who accepted to participate, and then they were asked to fill the questionnaire form. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tests. P values less then 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.RESULTS: Of total 1149 hospital workers who were participated to the study, 29.1% had suffered at least one time sharp object injury, and 46.6% had experienced ‘near miss event’ of sharp object injury. In participants who were experienced ‘near miss events’ to sharp object injury during treatment and/or during closing the needle tip, percentage of exposure to ‘near miss events’ was the first rank with 31.0%. The workers, who stated that they experienced occupational accidents, reported that accidents have been occurred at most between 12.00 –17.00 o’clock. 45.4% of the participants stated that they have received training on occupational health and employee health.CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of the workers had received a training related to the occupational safety. It is not less for workers to experience an sharp object injury or ‘near miss event’ of sharp object injury. We believe that, regular notification of occupational accidents and near miss events can be a basis for the measures that should be taken, and also can be effective in reduction of occupational accidents.
- Published
- 2018