
Showing total 18 results
18 results

Search Results

1. Shake it or light it! The effects of cueing in desktop‐VR learning environments on search time and learning.

2. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with music therapy in non‐fluent aphasia after stroke: A randomised controlled study.

3. Recommendations of good practice to prevent aspiration pneumonia in older adults at risk of oropharyngeal dysphagia living in nursing homes: A modified e‐Delphi study protocol.

4. 'Turning up and tuning in'. Factors associated with parental non‐attendance and non‐adherence in intervention for young children with speech, language communication needs.

5. Virtual INSIGHT: Improving natural social interaction: Group reHabilitation after traumatic brain injury.

6. Enhancing concrete structures education: Impact of virtual reality on motivation, performance and usability for undergraduate engineering students.

7. Adaptation and validation of the European Portuguese Communication and Symbolic Behaviour Scales Developmental Profile™ (CSBS DP™) Infant–Toddler Checklist.

8. I remembered the chorm! Word learning abilities of children with and without phonological impairment.

9. Promoting social inclusion for adult communities: The moderating role of leisure constraints on life satisfaction in five European countries.

10. Improving short‐term academic performance in the flipped classroom using dynamic geometry software.

11. The effect of real word stimuli versus non‐word stimuli on oral diadochokinetic rates across the life span: An item discrimination analysis.

12. Running women or women runners: Does identity salience affect intention to exercise outside and feelings of safety?

13. Comparative interaction patterns of groups in an open network environment: The role of facilitators in collaborative learning.

14. Where less is more: Limited feedback in formative online multiple‐choice tests improves student self‐regulation.

15. Prelinguistic communication complexity predicts expressive language in initial minimally verbal autistic children.

16. Efficacy of online communication partner training package for student healthcare professionals.

17. Combined effects of age and hearing impairment on utterances and requests for clarification in spontaneous conversation and a referential communication task.

18. Evaluation devices in the narratives of deaf/hard of hearing and hearing Arabic‐speaking adolescents.