This paper first reviews the major factors inherent in prestressed concrete piling. It then sets forth contemporary design practice and recommendations. Under these are treated concrete strengths for prestressed piles, for build-ups and splices, at prestress transfer, at removal from prestressing bed and during driving, and at prestress transfer. The paper then treats minimum prestress force and maximum unit prestress, allowable concrete stresses, concentrically loaded short-column and long-column piles, end conditions and determination of point of fixity in cohesive and granular soils, moment resisting capacities, combined mo-ment and direct load, safety factors and load factors, Gerwick's design hypothesis for resistance to driving stresses, and Li's optimum prestress for different classes of prestressed concrete piling. It then deals with distribution of tendons, transverse steel design practice, head and tip design practice, pile concrete mix and concrete design practice, design provisions for handling, splices for prestressed concrete piles, pile-to-cap connection design practices, spatial location and layout, categorical design practice and optimum design for different classes of prestressed concrete piling. Without repeating specific conclusions and rec-ommendations under each subheading, the paper ends with over-all general conclusions and pertinent references. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]