'The local charges show11 (in units of the electronic charge) are not the absolute charge densities, but represent the amount, Ap, by which the local charge density of pyridine is altered when the pyridinium ion is formed. In this process one unit positive charge is added to the pyridine nucleus resulting in a decrease in the local charge density, i.e. Ap is negative. Employing the simple relation, A6 = k A p , where A8 is the observed change in the proton shift (in p.p.m.), the constant k was found to have the value 9.5 p.p.m. per electron. For the present purpose the low-field displaceinent of the N-1-1 signal, resulting from the charge deficiency a t the N atom, was taken to be 336 cycles/sec. This is the difference in chemical shift between the N-1-1 group protons in the pyridinium ion and in pyrrole. The N-1-1 shift in the latter is -96 cycles/sec relative to CH2C12 which, if pyrrole were an aromatic system, must be corrected for the "ring current effect" (2). This correction is approxirnately -84 cycles/sec, giving a total shift of -180 cycles/sec. On combining this with the N-1-1 shift in the pyridiniuln ion, -516 cycles/sec, results in a net low-field displacement of 336 cycles/sec. The results, which are necessarily approximate, show that roughly 607' of the unit charge deficiency in the pyridiniunl ion is located a t the N atom, the remainder being distributecl on the carbon atoms in the ring as indicated. Finally the relative line width of the resonance spectra under the experimental conditions employed are of solne interest. In the spectrum of pyridine itself (Fig. l (a)) the signals of the a-protons are significantly broader than those of P ancl y protons. This broadening can be attributed to a shorter T I relaxation time of the a-protons caused by nuclear quadrupole relaxation effects of the N ' nucleus. Such effects are frequently encountered in nitrogen-containing compounds when a proton is directly bonded to the N atom, whereas in this instance the relaxation is evidently transmitted to protons two bonds removed. In the presence of trifluoracetic acid (Fig. 1 (b) , (c), and ( r l ) ) , the a-proton signals remain broad, and in addition the Pand y-protons are broaclenecl. 'I'his additional broaclening is no doubt due to proton exchange between the acid and the pyridiile nitrogen atom. The fact that the triplet structure of the N-1-1 proton is observable in the 5 mole% solution indicates that under these conditions the exchange rate lllust be considerably less than 400 times per second. With lower acid concentrations the proton exchange rate is much greater than this and the triplet N-I-I resonance cannot be observed.