Among the rusts (Uredinales) the family Melampsoraceae is of great interest because of the variety of host relationships and the diversity of forms exhibited by its various members. Attempts have been made to give expression to natural affinities among genera of the family, but, unfortunately, many of these attempts have been based upon superficial observations or upon incorrect interpretations of certain morphological characters. It is apparent, therefore, that a more thorough investigation of these rusts should precede further endeavors to express natural relationships in a phylogenetic classification or otherwise. In a recent paper (4), attention was directed to the uredinial stage of one subfamily of the Melampsoraceae, namely, the Pucciniastreae, and it was concluded (contrary to certain earlier reports) that the uredinia of representative forms of this sub? family are strikingly similar in their mode of development. The present communication deals with a member of each of two other subfamilies of the Melampsoraceae, namely, the Cronartieae and the Melampsoreae, and the main conclusion reached is that the uredinia of these species develop in essentially the same manner as in the Pucciniastreae. In connection with the follow? ing descriptions of Cronartium Comandrae and Melampsora Medusae, it has been considered unnecessary to provide illustrations, because very similar stages in development are fully figured in an earlier paper (4).