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1. An operator valued function space integral: A sequel to Cameron and Storvick’s paper

5. Somewhere locally flat codimension one manifolds with 1-𝑈𝐿𝐶 complements are locally flat

6. On deformation of solutions of involutive partial differential equations

7. Integrals of subharmonic functions on manifolds of nonnegative curvature

8. Branched immersions onto compact orientable surfaces


10. Optimization problems for KG

11. Continuous collections of decomposable continua on a spherical surface

12. Geometry of Lebesgue-Bochner function spaces—smoothness

13. Left Cauchy Integral Bases in Linear Topological Spaces

14. Multipliers of trigonometric series and pointwise convergence

15. Scattering theory for hyperbolic systems with coefficients of Gevrey type

16. On the infinitesimal generator of the Poisson operator II. The n-dimensional case

17. A spectral theory for direct integrals of operators

18. The linear dependence of functions of several variables, and completely integrable systems of homogeneous linear partial differential equations

19. Derivatives of continuous weak solutions of linear elliptic equations

20. On ergodic measure-preserving transformations defined on an infinite measure space

21. Pseudo-canonical forms and invariants of systems of partial differential equations

22. The expansion of continuous functions in series of integrals of orthonormal functions

23. Systems of equations in an infinity of unknowns, whose solution involves an arbitrary parameter

24. Fixed points of generalizedP-compact operators

25. Expansions of Generalized Hypergeometric Functions in Series of Products of Generalized Whittaker Functions

26. Generalized interpolation spaces

27. On the perturbability of the asymptotic manifold of a perturbed system of differential equations

28. On the image of symplectic cobordism in unoriented cobordism

29. Some Theorems on Abelian Integrals Associated with an Algebraic Variety

30. Covariants of systems of linear differential equations and applications to the theory of ruled surfaces

31. Existence and stability of a class of nonlinear Volterra integral equations

32. On Canonical Realizations of Bounded Symmetric Domains as Matrix-Spaces

33. Some theorems on the Fourier analysis of positive definite functions

34. Theorems converse to Riemann’s on linear differential equations

35. One dimensional Stefan problems with nonmonotone free boundary

36. A projectively symmetric Finsler space

37. Minimal immersions of 2-spheres in 𝑆⁴

38. Non-absolutely convergent integrals with respect to functions of bounded variation

39. The inversion of the generalized Fourier transform by Abelian summability

40. Stochastic Differential Equations in a Differentiable Manifold

41. Applications of biorthogonal systems of functions to the theory of integral equations

42. The Gronwall inequality for weighted integrals

43. Differential equations for automorphic forms in several complex variables

44. Some integral inequalities with applications to the imbedding of Sobolev spaces defined over irregular domains

45. Submanifolds and a pinching problem on the second fundamental tensors

46. Recurrent tensors on a linearly connected differentiable manifold

47. Deforming cohomology classes

48. Non-uniqueness and uniqueness in the Cauchy problem at simple characteristic points

49. The coefficient problem in the theory of linear partial differential equations

50. Spaces with a compact Lie group of transformations