Problem: In view of finding, as a first step in the research on mental tempo, to what extent the “Vp” s' mental tempo holds its constancy with respect to a definite stimulus, a series of experiments has been conducted for a comparatively long period on the measurement of the mental tempo in the fycld of perception and motion Procedure: The general proeedure was similal to that of Frischeisen-kohler (1) For measuring the mental tempo in auditory perception, each “Vp” was instructed to listen to a metronome. (2) For measuring the mental tempo in visual perception, each “Vp” was shown in a dark room a small flickering lamp synchronized ai wth metronome. (3) For the same purpose, eaoh “Vp” was instructed to watch the motion of a small sheet of white paper attached to the top of the pendulum of a metron-ome. (4) For tapping, each “Vp” was asked to tap a steel stand with the tip of his or her middle finger. (5) Each “Vp” was asked to tap the table with a mental bar. (6) Each “Vp” was asked to tap the floor with the heel of his shoe. (7) Each “Vp” was asked to bend and stretch his middle finger, using an ergograph (8) Each “Vp” was asked to walk under a definite condition. (9) Each “Vp” was asked to draw a straight line with a pencil.In adition to the above, several experiments were performed in order tosee whether or not the “Vp”s' tempo was kept constant under distraction.Subjects: 28 students (including 22 male and female students)Date: July, November, Desember, 1950Results:(1) According to Frischeisen-Kohler, there wasn't much sexual difference in the tempo with finger-tips or a metronome, it being slightly quicker in women than in men. In the present research, however, men's tempo, which showed nearly the same figure as in Frischeisen-Kohler's, proved to be considerably quicker than women's.(2) For each “Vp” the coefficients of correlation between the results of different days throughout the entire period of experiments were not always high and at times no correlations were found. Neverthess, the tempo of each “Vp” for the same day showed high constancy, which should be interpreted as indicating that in a new field whether normal or abnormal (i.e. under distraction) a new tempo was established and that this tempo was constant.This makes us assume that mental tempo is constant within a field but it varies with different fields.(3) The correlation between the results under normal conditions and those under distraction was high.From this it can be inferred that, as Frischeisen Kohler says, the constancy is high even under an abnormal condition.(4) A few “Vp”s showed extremely low constancy in their tempos. These subjects were seen to be sufiering from nervous prostraction or schizoid mixed with a certain complex.This makes us believe in the possibility of applying the above mentioned measurement of mental tempo to the clinical examination of a disease of character or emotional instability.