1. Tracheal basement membrane thickening in rhesus monkeys
- Author
M. D. Stevens, W. I. Butcher, and G. A. Splitter
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,General Veterinary ,040301 veterinary sciences ,Chemistry ,Monkey Diseases ,Fluorescent Antibody Technique ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Molecular biology ,Macaca mulatta ,Basement Membrane ,0403 veterinary science ,Trachea ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,Basement membrane thickening ,Immunoglobulin G ,Animals ,Macaca ,Sea lion - Abstract
T hicke ned hyalin e tr ache al membra ne simila r to that which occurs with severa l respira to ry co ndi tio ns in man was seen in Rhe su s mo nkeys. Th e memb ran e was cosi no phili c a nd up to 50.4 urn thic k. Freq uentl y eosino p hils a nd mast ce lls were seen in th e trach ea l mucosa a nd submucos a. Using fluore scent microscop y, IgG, B 1C, B1A a nd a l bumin were identifi ed in the membran e. Electro n micr oscop y sho wed tha t t he membrane was co mposed of I8.8-nm co llage n-like fib r ils wit h occasional peri odicity. T he ca use of t he t hicke ned hyalin e tr acheal mem bran e could not be determ ined . T he cha nges pr oba bly represent a response to mil d repe a ted or co nti nuou s trac hea l inj ury ow ing to a variety o f causes. De linea tio n of the ca use of thi s pr oce ss in non hu ma n primat es may hclp in the understan d ing o f respirato ry di seases in man. Thic ken in g of th e t rach eal basem ent membran e occ ur s in a va riety o f human d iseases such as ast h ma , chronic b ron chitis, Loeffle r' s sy nd ro me a nd p ulmo nary allergic granu lo ma tosis (2-4, 6, II , 14). In these d iseases it s pa t ho ge nes is a nd importan ce a re un kn own , but it may be a resp on se o f t he t ra c hea to chro nic mu co sal injury. The th ickened membran e is co mposed o f hyal ine mat eri al a nd is ind uce d by a hype rsen siti vit y sta te (3) . Immunoglobulin s ha ve been identifi ed in thi ck en ed br onchi al ba sem ent membranes (4, I I). Other ca uses o f trach eal ba sement membrane thi ck ening a re endopara sites , whi ch a re rep orted to produce hyper sen siti vity (7, 13). Verminou s pn eu monia in sea lions (7) often is accomp a n ied by a n eosi no phi lic hyaline ma teri al adj acent to th e ba sement membran e o f th e trach ea a nd large br on chi . lnfrequentl y, human asthma has been a tt ributed t o inh al ati on o f house mit es in du st , wh ic h th en act a s a so urce o f allergen as d o non-li vin g materi al s (8) . Snee zing a nd co ug hi ng a re associated wit h a cariasis in O ld World primat es (10) ; but no a lle rgic sy nd ro me o r tr ach eal basem ent thi ck en ing was rep o rt ed . Thi s paper describes t hicke ned tr ach eal basem ent membra nes in 90 Rh esu s monkeys.
- Published
- 1974