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151. Bipositive and Isometric Isomorphisms of Some Convolution Algebras

152. Ample Vector Bundles on Curves

153. On the Hyperelliptic Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Genus with Absolutely Convergent Riemann’s Theta Functions

154. Modifications and Cobounding Manifolds

155. Minimum and Conjugate Points in Symmetric Spaces

156. Moment Sequences and the Bernstein Polynomials*

157. Matrix Characterizations of Topological Properties

158. Ideals in Rings of Analytic Functions with Smooth Boundary Values

159. Hypersurfaces Of a Finsler Space

160. Study of Certain Similitudes

161. A Structural Approach to Noether Lattices

162. On The Zeros Of Solutions Of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations

163. Weak Compactness and Vector Measures

164. Simultaneous Pairs of Linear and Quadratic Equations In a Galois Field

165. Commutative Self-Injective Rings

166. Hermitian Varieties in a Finite Projective Space PG(N, q2)

167. Stable Vector Bundles on Algebraic Surfaces

168. Residually Finite Rings

169. Remarks on Kähler-Einstein Manifolds

170. An Integral Formula for the Chern from of a Hermitian Bundle

171. A Theory of Normal Chains

172. On Nilpotent Products of Cyclic Groups

173. Multiplicative Commutators of Operators

174. Intrinsic Functions on Semi-Simple Algebras

175. A Difference-Differential Basis Theorem

176. Adjoint Abelian Operators on Banach Space

177. The Hilbert-Schmidt Property for Embedding Maps between Sobolev Spaces

178. Tensor Products and the Splitting of Abelian Groups

179. A Dual View of the Clifford Theory of Characters of Finite Groups

180. Quasi-stationary distributions in semi-Markov processes

181. Groups with Equal Uniformities

182. Indices of Function Spaces and their Relationship to Interpolation

183. On Automorphisms of A Kählerian Structure

184. On the Growth of Blaschke Products

185. On C0-Sufficiency of Complex Jets

186. On The Extension Of Measure By The Method Of Borel

187. An S-Configuration in Euclidean and Elliptic n-space

188. Orthogonal Polynomials and Hypergeometric Series

189. On Quasi-Metrizability

190. Approximation by Unimodular Functions

191. On Isomorphisms of Meromorphic Function Fields

192. On the Ring of Quotients of a Noetherian Ring

193. A Class of Function Algebras

194. On Unitary Polarities of Finite Projective Planes

195. Geometric Mappings on Geometric Lattices

196. σ-Reflexive Semigroups and Rings

197. General models for r-molecular reactions

198. On the Projective Cover of the Stone-Čech Compactification of a Completely Regular Hausdorff Space

199. Limits of Lattices in a Compactly Generated Group

200. The Eigenvalues of Complementary Principal Submatrices of a Positive Definite Matrix