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51. The Expression of Trigonometrical Series in Fourier Form

52. The Elliptic Integrals of the Third Kind

53. Unitary representations of some linear groups. II

54. Prolongations of $G$-structures to tangent bundles of higher order

55. Homomorphisms of continuous pseudogroups

56. On a type of subgroups of a compact Lie group

57. On affine transformations of a Riemannian manifold

58. On S2-Groups and Groups of Moebius Transformations

59. Some results in the theory of vector bundles

60. Equational Compactness of G-Sets

61. Topological Properties of Limits of Inverse Systems Of Measures

62. Quasi-Injective and Quasi-Projective Modules Over Hereditary Noetherian Prime Rings

63. Operations in Grothendieck Rings and the Symmetric Group

64. A Class of Almost Commutative Nilalgebras

65. A Local Ergodic Theorem on Lp

66. On the Commutant of Certain Automorphism Groups

67. The Family of Lodato Proximities Compatible With a Given Topological Space

68. The Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Matrix Sums and Products. VII (1)

69. Algebraically Closed Regular Rings

70. Linear Functionals and Summability Invariants

71. Some Results on Semi-Perfect Group Rings

72. Iterated Limits of Lattices

73. Non-Isomorphic Tensor Products of Von Neumann Algebras

74. Chains of Varieties

75. A theorem of Matsushima

76. Entire Functions with Some Derivatives Univalent

77. On Some Complex Submanifolds in Kaehler Manifolds

78. Invariant Polynomials of Weyl Groups and Applications to the Centres of Universal Enveloping Algebras

79. A Characteristic Subgroup of π-Stable Groups

80. Finitely Generated Subgroups of HNN Groups

81. On the Splitting of Modules and Abelian Groups

82. Deformations of group actions

83. On Singular Points of Normal Arcs of Cyclic Order Four

84. The Generalized Rayleigh Quotient

85. Some extensions of Takács's limit theorems

86. On transformations without finite invariant measure

87. On Pure-High Subgroups of Abelian Groups

88. Das Verhalten der Ableitungen globaler L�sungen nichtlinearer Wellengleichungen f�r grosse Zeiten

89. Reducing towers of principal fibrations

90. Lipeomorphisms close to an Anosov diffeomorphism

91. The Dual of Frobenius' Reciprocity Theorem

92. A Generalization of the Mapping Degree

93. Some C*-Algebras with Outer Derivations, II

94. On the Weak Basis Theorem in F-spaces

95. Characterizations of Developable Topological Spaces

96. Semigroups Co-Ordinatizing Orthomodular Geometries

97. Multiply Subadditive Functions

98. On the Groups of Cobordism Ωk

99. The Lattice of Equational Classes of Commutative Semigroups

100. On a Class of Singular Differential Operators