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4. The Difference between Consecutive Prime Numbers, III

5. On the distribution of the roots of polynomial congruences

6. On Regular Neighbourhoods

7. Complete quadrics and collineations in S n

8. Two Theorems on Doubly Transitive Permutation Groups

9. On irregularities of integer sequences

10. The number of neighbourly d ‐polytopes with d +3 vertices

11. The number of simplicial neighbourly d ‐polytopes with d +3 vertices

12. The residual set dimension of the Apollonian packing

13. A note on Diophantine approximation (II)

14. On pseudo‐polynomials

15. Über die Kreuzungszahl vollständiger,n-geteilter Graphen

16. On the classgroup of integral grouprings of finite abelian groups

17. The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope

18. Criteria for cubic and quartic residuacity

19. Some extremal problems for convex bodies

20. On a selection problem for a sequence of finite sets

21. A note on the locally finite sum theorem

22. The Reidemeister‐Schreier and Kuroš subgroup theorems

23. Diagrams for centrally symmetric polytopes

24. Measures of Hausdorff‐type, and Brownian motion

25. The large sieve

26. The second moment of the complexity of a graph

27. Note on parametrisations of normal elliptic scrolls

28. On linear relations between roots of unity

29. Extreme points of convex sets without completeness of the Scalar field

30. Indefinite quadratic forms in many variables

31. Schauder Decompositions and Completeness

32. On the representation of positive integers as sums of three cubes of positive rational numbers