Youngest fully expanded leaves, from plants of M. officinali$ (L.) Lam. seeded at weekly intervals but harvested on the same day, were approximately 1.5 to 2.0 times as high in content of glucose, fructose, and sucrose at all stages of growth as leaves from comparable plants of M. infesta Guss. These plants varied in age from 3 to 14 weeks. Levels of glucose and fructose increased with increasing plant age in both species. Sucrose content increased in M. officinalis but decreased in M. infesta as the plants matured. When plants of approximately the same age were sampled at six different dates, the level of each sugar again was higher in young leaves of M. officinalis than in corresponding leaves of M. infesta at each sampling date. Evidence reported in this and preceding papers suggests that differences in sugar content may influence the degree of resistance or susceptibility of M elilotus leaves to feeding by the adult sweetc10ver weevil (Sitona cylindricollis Fahraeus), but that these differences apparently are not primarily responsible for the observed differences in resistance displayed by M. officinalis and M. infesta. Additional index words: Sitona cylindricoUis, Sugars, Insect resistance. F by the adult sweetclover weevil, Sitona cylindricollis (Fahraeus) was stimulated by a water-soluble fraction extracted from Melilotus leaves (4, 6). The feeding stimulant, designated Stimulant A, was found in chromatographically purified leaf extracts from the weevil-resistant Melilotus infesta Cuss., as well as from a susceptible species, M. officinalis (L.) Lam. Stimulant A was subsequently fractionated into three feeding stimulants which were identified as glucose, fructose, and sucrose (3). The isolated compounds and corresponding reagent grade sugars were identical in chromatographic and chemical behavior, and also in feeding stimulant activity as measured with the sweetclover root disk bioassay (7). Sucrose stimulated the greatest amount of feeding when the three sugars were compared at equal concentrations in the same bioassay (3). Disks treated with glucose and fructose were fed upon equally at the three concentrations tested. Sweetclover weevil resistance apparently depends upon a balance between feeding stimulants and feeding deterrents; and the relative contributions of the different factors vary considerably with stage of leaf and plant development (1). Information concerning 1 Contribution from the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb., and the Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA. Supported in part by Crops Research Division and Entomology Research Division, Agric. Res. Serv., USDA Grant No. 12-14-100-8027 (33). Published with the approval of the Director as Paper No. 2687, Journal Series, Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta. Received Dec. 4, 1969. 2 Formerly Assistant Professor of Agronomy, University of Nebraska (present address, Great Western Sugar Co., Longmont, Colo.); Research Geneticist, Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA; and Bert Rodgers Professor of Agronomy, University of Nebraska, respectively, Lincoln, Neb., 68503. The technical assistance of Patricia Underwood and Henry J. Stevens is gratefully acknowledged. 477 the relative amounts of the three sugars acting as feeding stimulants in sweetclover leaves would aid in determining the role of these sugars in the mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility of Melilotus plants to weevil feeding. Levels of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in resistant and susceptible plants of various ages are reported in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plantings consisting of 10 plants of M. infesta (Nebraska strain M70) and 10 of M. officinalis 'Goldtop' (F.C. 38,923) were made in a greenhouse at weekly intervals for 13 weeks, to permit comparison of the sugar content of similar leaves of the two species from plants of varying ages. Natural light was supplemented with cool white fluorescent lamps to provide a 16-hr photoperiod. Sampling and extraction of leaves from plants 3 to 14 weeks of age was accomplished in one afternoon, following !i consecutive sunny days. The youngest fully expanded leaf from each of the 10 plants of similar age and specieS was harvested, and these 10 leaves were bulked. One week after the initial harvest, the newly formed youngest fully expanded leaves were similarly harvested and extracted, again after at least five consecutive days of sunshine. For example, the 10 plants of M. infesta from which the first 8-week sample was taken, were used one week later as the source of material for the second 9-week sample. Thus, there were two samples representing each plant age. Following the harvest of leaves from the 10 plants of a group, the three leaflets of each leaf were removed from the p.etiole. Mid-leaflets, used for the determination of dry matter percentage, were weighed before and after drying at 110 C for 6 hours. The 20 side leaflets were weighed, washed with water, dropped into 10 ml boiling water and autoclaved at 120 C for 20 min. Autoclaved extracts were cooled, leaflets were removed and discarded, and the extracts were stored in a freezer for later assay. Additional plantings of both species were made every 3 to 4 weeks, so that several extractions over a period of 3 months could be made on plants of approximately the same age. Ten plants of each species, from 5 to 8 weeks of age, were sampled at each of six harvest dates. All sampling and extraction was done during the afternoons of days having full sunshine. The youngest fully expanded leaf from each plant was harvested individually. Mid-leaflets were used for the determination of dry matter percentage, while the two side leaflets were weighed, dropped into 2 ml boiling water, and autoclaved at 120 C for 20 min. Extracts were stored in a freezer for later assay. In order to remove compounds interfering with the sugar determinations, crude extracts were partially purified by preparative paper chromatography in a manner similar to that described previously (4, 6). Chromatograms were developed with a solvent composed of isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, and water (8:1:3, v/v/v). Glucose, fructose, and sucrose were confined to a single band extending from Rf 0.30 to 0.52; this band was eluted with water. Thin-layer chromatography of the eluates, using the procedure described by Akeson et al. (3), indicated that glucose, fructose, and sucrose were the only sugars present, and that other interfering reducing compounds had been effectively removed. Eluates were assayed for glucose and fructose content by means of a modification of the colorimetric method described by Ting (9). Total reducing sugars were determined by first mixing 1 ml of eluate (representing 1 to 3 mg of dry leaf tissue) with I ml of alkaline ferricyanide solution in an 18 X 150 mm test tube and heating the mixture in a boiling water bath for 10 min. The tube was then cooled in cold water, and 2 ml of 2 N sulfuric acid and 0.8 ml of arsenomolybdate solution were added. Absorbance of the solution was read at 515 nm with a blank consisting of a similarly treated eluate from a chromatogram to which no extract had been applied. Apparent fructose content was determined by the same procedure described for CROP SCIFNCE, VOL 10, SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1970 'olal reducing sugars, except that the mixtures of cluate and ferricyanide were incubated at tiC, C [or 30 min, Clu('ose and frucu;se contents were calculated from the total reducing sugars and apparent fructose values by the equation of Ting (~l), A modification of the resorcinol procedure described by Kulka (8) was used to determine sucrose. One ml of cluate was mixed with 3 ml of 30% HCI (containing 0.216 g/Iiter l"eNH4 (S04)" 12 H 20) and 3 ml of O'()5% resorcinol (w/v in absolute ethanol), The mixture was heated at 73 C [or I hour, cooled, and read at 480 nm, The reading obtained provided a measure of total fructose residues (free fructose plus the fructose component of sucrose), Calculation of sucrose content was based on the difference between total fructose residues and the actual fructose content (obtained from the reducing sugar procedure described in the preceding paragraph), , The efficiency of the above procedures was studied III preliminary experiments involving' recovery of glucose, Iructose, and sucrose added to crude extract. Recoveries were 95 to 99% lor glucose, 93 to 94% for fructose, and 98 to 100% for sucrose, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Average contents of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and total sugars (sum of glucose, fructose, and sucrose) in the youngest fully expanded leaves of iVL mfcsta and J\!I, otticinaZis plants [rom 3 to 14 weeks of age are presented in Fig, 1, Each value in the graph represents the mean of two extracts (one extract from each of the two samples representing each plant age), Triplicate chromatograms of each extract were prepared, developed, and assayed, At all ages, the content of each of the sugars was consistently higher in leaves of J\!I, offirinalis than in corresponding J\!I, infcsta leaves, In AI, officinalis leaves, glucose, fructose, sucrose, and total sugar contents, averaged for all plant ages, were 1.8, lA, 1.9, and 1.7 times as high, respectively, as the averages [or corresponding lV[, infcsta leaves, In addition, the content of each sugar, with the exception of sucrose in J\!I, infesta, tended to increase with increasing plant age, The contents of glucose and fructose were higher in leaves of older lV[, infesta plants than in leaves of young plants of lV[, ottirinalis, The sucrose content of lV[, infest a increased slightly as the young plants grew, remained about the same during the intennediate period of growth, and then decreased rather sharply as the plants matured. The contents of sugars from plants of approximately the same age harvested at six different dates are