1. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift : Volym 38: Häfte 3, 1944
- Author
Malmström, Carl and Malmström, Carl
- Abstract
INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING. Hyllning till Thore G. Halle på sextioårsdagen den 25 september 1944. RUDOLF FLORIN: Zur Phylogenie der Mikrosporen innerhalb der Koniferen und Eibengewächse. O. H. SELLING: A New Species of Schizaea from Melanesia, and some Connected Problems. F. FAGERLIND: Die Zertationsverhältnisse bei Rosa. NILS SVEDELIUS: Den gamla uppgiften om Vallisneria spiralis’ förekomst i Västergötland. B. BERGMAN: A 34-Chromosome Female of Antennaria dioica. R. SANTESSON: Phycopeltis nigra Jennings, a misunderstood epiphyllous ”Alga”. B. BERGMAN: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Embryo Sac Mother Cell and its Development in two Apomicts. H. PERSSON: On some Species of Aloina, with Special Reference to their Dispersal by the Wind. T. BERGERON: On some Meteorological Conditions for the Dissemination of Spores, Pollen etc., and a Supposed Wind Transport of Aloina Spores from the Region of Lower Yenisey to Southwestern Finland in July 1936. M. FRIES: Om ett nytt fynd av Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. i Dalarna. O. H. SELLING: Studies on Calamitean Cone Compressions by means of Serial Sections. more...
- Published
- 1944