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1. A note on a paper by J. A. Todd

2. Note on a previous paper

6. On the Frattini subgroups of generalized free products

7. Numbers of solutions of equations in finite fields

8. A generalized Koszul complex

9. Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Diophantine equations

10. Automorphisms of fields of formal power series

11. Generalization of the big Picard theorem

12. On the Peano curve of Lebesgue

13. Representation of Fourier integrals as sums. I

14. Projective description of some plane sextic curves derived from conics as base curves

15. Localization in a graded ring

16. Cohomology and weight systems for nilpotent Lie algebras

17. Note on a scholium of Bayes

18. Local time at fictitious states

19. On fibre spaces. II

20. A Geometrical Characterization for the Affine Differential Invariants of a Space Curve

21. A uniform generalized Schoenflies theorem

22. Harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups

23. Inequalities satisfied by a certain definite integral

24. Eigenfunction expansions and scattering theory for perturbed elliptic partial differential operators

25. A characterization of commutative group algebras and measure algebras

26. Measure-theoretic uniformity

27. Rings with a polynomial identity

28. An expansion formula for differential equations

30. On a complete characterization of the set of points of unbounded grade of an arbitrary surface

31. On the limit of a sequence of point sets

32. The obstruction to an automorphism of a filtered ring

33. On the characters of a semisimple Lie group

34. Topology of quaternionic manifolds

35. Iterated path integrals and generalized paths

36. A unified treatment of some basic problems in homotopy theory

37. A Jordan decomposition for operators in Banach space

38. Stable homeomorphisms can be approximated by piecewise linear ones

39. On the solution of ordinary differential equations of the first order invariant under contact transformations

40. On the Lattice theory of ideals

41. Concerning collections of cuttings of connected point sets

42. Generic one-parameter families of vector fields on two-dimensional manifolds

43. On certain loci of lines incident with curves and surfaces in four-space

44. Representations of uniformly hyperfinite algebras and their associated von Neumannn rings

45. Arithmetic subgroups of algebraic groups

46. A ternary operation in distributive lattices

47. Integrals devised for special purposes

48. A note on hermitian forms

49. New results and old problems in finite transformation groups

50. The center of a Jordan ring