Introduction: Considering the production of new silkworm hybrids by prominent countries in the sericulture industry such as China and the import of these hybrids to the country in recent years, it is necessary to update these evaluations so that correct decisions can be made to choose the most suitable type of hybrid in terms of functional traits. Therefore, such comparisons are done annually and the results are sent to the Iran Sericultural Corporation- Silk Worm Research Center as an executive body for final decision. The present study aimed to investigate the performance of eight Chinese commercial silkworm hybrids, including Suju×Minghu (S×M), Minghu×Suju (M×S), Baiyue×Qiufeng (B×Q), Qiufeng×Baiyue (Q×B), BaiyueB×QiufengA (BB×QA), QiufengA×BaiyueB (QA×BB), 874×873, and 874×873. Hybrids 872×871 and 872×871 also were among the studied hybrids, but due to the decrease in the performance of cocoon-related traits compared to other hybrids that had a big difference in terms of the obtained values, they were removed and excluded from the final analysis. Materials and methods: The desired hybrids for 14 traits including best cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (BCW), total cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (TCW), number of cocoons per liter (NCPL), weight of cocoons per liter (WCPL), percentage of pupa viability (PPV), mean weight of a cocoon (MWC), mean weight of a cocoon shell (MWCS), mean of cocoon shell percentage (MCSP), mean weight of a male cocoon (MWMC), mean weight of a male cocoon shell (MWMCS), mean of male cocoon shell percentage (MMCSP), mean weight of a female cocoon (MWFC), mean weight of a female cocoon shell (MWFCS), and mean of female cocoon shell percentage (MFCSP) were reared in the spring of 2022 after hatching and according to standard methods and under the same conditions in Iran Silk Research Center and their performance was recorded. Each silkworm hybrid was reared in three replications of 200 larvae (total number of observations including 600 records per hybrid for all traits) in a completely randomized design. The analysis of the obtained data was done by SAS software by using the procedure of generalized linear model (GLM), and the average performance of the traits was compared to each other using Tukey's range test at the probability level of P<0.05. Results and discussion: The results of the analysis of variance for the studied traits showed that the effect of the hybrid type for most of the studied traits including best cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (BCW), total cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (TCW), number of cocoons per liter (NCPL), the weight of cocoons per liter (WCPL), mean weight of a cocoon (MWC), mean weight of a cocoon shell (MWCS), mean of cocoon shell percentage (MCSP), mean weight of a male cocoon (MWMC), mean weight of a male cocoon shell (MWMCS), mean of male cocoon shell percentage (MMCSP), mean weight of a female cocoon (MWFC), mean weight of a female cocoon shell (MWFCS) and mean of female cocoon shell percentage (MFCSP) was significant (P<0.05). In the meantime, only traits of the percentage of pupa viability (PPV) as the most important index related to survival and the mean of male cocoon shell percentage (MMCSP) were not affected by the hybrid type (P<0.05). The average performance of the hybrids showed a significant difference (P<0.05) for all the traits except for the percentage of pupa viability (PPV) and the mean of cocoon shell percentage (MCSP). The BB×QA hybrid showed a higher performance than other hybrids for six traits including the best cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (BCW), the total cocoons weight produced per 26,000 larvae (TCW), the weight of cocoons per liter (WCPL), the mean weight of a cocoon (MWC), the mean weight of a male cocoon (MWMC), and the mean weight of a female cocoon (MWFC) (P<0.01). Also, the M×S hybrid showed a higher performance than other hybrids for the five traits of the mean weight of a cocoon shell (MWCS), mean of cocoon shell percentage (MCSP), mean weight of a male cocoon shell (MWMCS), mean weight of a female cocoon shell (MWFCS), and the mean of female cocoon shell percentage (MFCSP) (P<0.05). In addition, the M×S hybrid showed the lowest value compared to other hybrids for the number of cocoons per liter (NCPL), which the lower values of this trait are preferred (P<0.01). Conclusions: Based on the results of the present research, the priority of importing and rearing silkworm eggs in 2023 is suggested for BB×QA and M×S hybrids. Although the performance of these two hybrids with other hybrids, except for the 874×873 and 874×873 hybrids, is not significant in most of the examined traits, they can still be considered as next-import priorities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]