24 results on '"konkurencia"'
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- Author
- Subjects
UNIVERSITIES & colleges ,REPUTATION ,VIRTUAL classrooms ,INTERNET marketing research - Abstract
Copyright of Marketing Science & Inspirations is the property of Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Miloš Poliak
- Subjects
doprava ,konkurencia ,vývoj ,čas ,Railroad engineering and operation ,TF1-1620 ,Industrial engineering. Management engineering ,T55.4-60.8 - Abstract
Príspevok rozoberá problematiku vývoja prepravných výkonov v hromadnej osobnej doprave. Analyzuje mestskú hromadnú dopravu, regionálnu dopravu a diaľkovú dopravu. V ostatnej časti príspevok porovnáva jednotlivé druhy dopravy z hľadiska času prepravy s individuálnym motorizmom.
- Published
- 2007
4. História slovenského cukrovarníctva do roku 1938.
- Author
Hallon, Ľudovít
- Subjects
SUGAR industry ,SUGAR beets ,AGRICULTURAL productivity ,RAILROADS ,SCIENCE & industry ,HISTORY - Abstract
Copyright of Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske is the property of VUC Praha a.s. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
5. Spolupráca ako princíp manažérskej etiky.
- Author
Turčan, Ciprian
- Abstract
Copyright of Prohuman is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
6. Forest structure, competition and plant-herbivore interaction modelled with relational growth grammars
- Author
Kurth Winfried, Kniemeyer Ole, and Sloboda Branislav
- Subjects
gramatika ,model ,štruktúra ,herbivory ,konkurencia ,grammar ,fspm (functional-structural plantmodel) ,Forestry ,structure ,SD1-669.5 ,fspm (functional-structuralplant model) ,competition ,herbivores - Abstract
Relational Growth Grammars are systems of rewriting rules (graph grammars) with graphical interpretation. They allow a feedback from the created virtual 3-d structures to the subsequent ruleapplication process. Using them it is possible to combine morphological (genetically fixed) growth rules with environmental impact and with functions evaluating the competitive situation of individual plants. Relational Growth Grammars are thus an ideal tool for precise specification of functional-structural models of plant growth and architecture. The dynamics of stand development in such models results from purely local rule application. Preliminary results are shown for three applications in forest-ecosystem modelling: (a) Creation of irregular stand structures, (b) simulation of competitive effects on crown radius development and resulting stand dynamics, and (c) modelling the interaction between trees and herbivores, based on the energy budgets of the individual plants and animals. The latter model includes genetical transfer and evolution of the foraging strategy of the animals. The software system GroIMP (Growth-grammar related Interactive Modelling Platform), an open source project available under www. grogra.de, was designed to interpret Relational Growth Grammars in an object-oriented framework. It also serves to visualize the resulting spatial structures. The code, executable by GroIMP, for the abovementioned models is completely documented and explained. By our examples, we hope to motivate the readers to use rule-based structural models in forest ecology.
- Published
- 2012
7. Covenant not to compete in the legal system of Czech republic and the USA
- Author
Vraždová, Michaela, Štefko, Martin, and Morávek, Jakub
- Subjects
Labour law ,pracovné právo ,zamestnávateľ ,covenant not to compete ,konkurenčná doložka ,competition ,employer ,zamestnanec ,termination of the employment ,skončenie zamestnania ,employee ,konkurencia - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to describe the current legal regulations of covenant not to compete in the Czech Republic and the USA - particularly in the states of New York and California, to refer to the advantages and disadvantages of these regulations and to think if these very different regulations could inspire each other in some areas. I decided to write half of the thesis about covenant not to compete in the USA because of my study experience in American law school where I understood more closely the common law system of law and because I did not find any Czech article which would write about this topic in the USA and I wanted to fill in this blank space. This thesis is devided into three parts. The first chapter is dedicated to the current wording of covenant not to compete in the Czech Republic. In the particular subchapters there are described the constitutional roots of covenant not to compete, which activities can be banned by the covenant not to compete, which information the employee must have acquired, with what types of employess the covenant can be entered into and in what area scope, what is the maximum time period during which the employee can be banned, what compensation the employer has to pay to the employee and how the covenant can be terminated. The sources for this chapter...
- Published
- 2016
8. Marketing Strategy for dermo-cosmetic studio care4you
- Author
Kubovichová, Michaela, Zamazalová, Marcela, and Lelková, Anna
- Subjects
stratégie ,cosmetic studio ,kozmetické štúdio ,marketing ,competition ,strategy ,marketing strategy ,konkurencia ,marketingová stratégia - Abstract
The objective of this thesis is to review market activity of dermo-cosmetic studio care4you and to design marketing conception with regard to approaching brand expansion to another country seats within Slovak republic territory. Thesis is divided into 3 parts. First part is focused on explanation of basic theoretical concepts of marketing strategy creation of a company that provides services. Second part is dedicated to introduction of care4you company, analysis of micro and macro environment effect on company and also what communication strategy of company has been like so far and rating of research outputs and also attitude and opinion statement of current and potential customers of care4you. Design of marketing strategy attributes and action plan of dermo-cosmetic studio care4you for 2016 year is the content of last part.
- Published
- 2015
9. Analýza konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti XY s.r.o.
- Author
Gadušová, Michaela and Gadušová, Michaela
- Abstract
Bakalárska práca je zameraná na analýzu konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti XY s.r.o. Cieľom teoretickej časti bakalárskej práce je spracovanie literárnej rešerše zameranej na oblasť konkurencieschopnosti organizácie a následná tvorba teoretických východísk pre spracovanie časti praktickej. Cieľom praktickej časti je analýza súčasného stavu konkurenčného postavenia spoločnosti XY s.r.o. na trhu vrátane zhodnotenia výsledkov analýzy. V rámci tejto časti bakalárskej práce je okrem iného predstavené produktové portfólio značky XY na Slovensku a ďalej vykonaná analýza konkurencieschopnosti pomocou benchmarkingu, Porterovej analýzy piatich konkurenčných síl, PESTE analýzy a SWOT analýzy, na ktorú nadväzujú IFE, EFE a IE matice. Súčasťou bakalárskej práce sú tiež odporúčania, ktoré sú zamerané na zlepšenie súčasného stavu konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti XY s.r.o., The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of the competitiveness of the company XY s.r.o. The aim of theoretical part is processing literature search focused on the area of competitiveness of the organization and the subsequent creation of theoretical basis for processing of practical part. The aim of practical part is analysis of the current condition of the competitive market position of the company XY s.r.o., including assessment of the results of the analysis. In this part of the thesis is, among other things, introduced brand's product portfolio in Slovakia, and analysis done by benchmarking, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, PESTE analysis and SWOT analysis which builds IFE, EFE and IE matrix. Part of the thesis are also recommendations that are aimed at improving the current condition of competitiveness of the company XY s.r.o., Ústav managementu a marketingu
- Published
- 2015
10. Analýza konkurenceschopnosti společnosti Sylex, s.r.o.
- Author
Krčová, Zuzana and Krčová, Zuzana
- Abstract
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá analýzou konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti Sylex, s.r.o. Teoretická časť je zameraná na poznatky z odbornej literatúry týkajúce sa konkurencie, konkurencieschopnosti, konkurenčných stratégii a tiež výhodách, ktoré podniky využívajú, aby svoje postavenie voči súperom posilnili. V praktickej časti je uskutočnená analýza konkurencieschopnosti zvolenej spoločnosti, ktorej záver poskytuje návrhy na zlepšenia. Pri analýze sme použili nástroje ako benchmarking, SWOT analýza, PESTLE analýza, Porterov model piatich konkurenčných síl, ďalej však tiež IFE, EFE a SPACE matice., This thesis deals with the analysis of competitiveness of the company Sylex, s.r.o. Theoretical part is focused on the literature knowledge related to competition, competitiveness, competitive strategies and advantages which are used by companies to strengthen their position against competitors. In the practical part there is realised the analysis of competitiveness of the chosen company which conclusion provides proposals for improvements. We used tools like benchmarking, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, Porter's five forces model, moreover IFE, EFE and SPACE matrix, while making the analysis., Ústav managementu a marketingu
- Published
- 2015
11. Zhodnotenie konkurencieschopnosti vybraného podniku
- Author
Franek, Jiří, Vaverková, Jana, Franek, Jiří, and Vaverková, Jana
- Abstract
Práca hodnotí konkurencieschopnosť vybraného podniku a jeho postavenie v rámci odvetvia pôsobenia. Každý podnik na trhu má snahu získať, čo najviac zákazníkov, zabezpečiť si leaderskú pozíciu na trhu a oslabiť konkurenciu. K získavaniu zákazníkov mu napomáha vlastnenie konkurenčnej výhody, vďaka ktorej priláka zákazníkov pravé k jeho tovaru a službám. Konkurenčná výhoda môže nadobúdať rôzne podoby ako napríklad inovácie, vyspelosť technológií a iné. Táto výhoda pramení z premeny potenciálu, ktorým podnik disponuje. Hodnotenie konkurencieschopnosti je možné uskutočňovať pomocou rady metód, prevažne kvalitatívneho charakteru akými sú, SWOT analýza, model INDIMOSU, Porterová analýza a GM-TREND. Cieľom diplomovej práce je zhodnotiť konkurencieschopnosť vybraného podniku pomocou zvolených metód a navrhnúť opatrenia, ktoré by mohli viesť k zvýšeniu konkurencieschopnosti., The work assesses the competitiveness of the chosen company and its position within the industry action. Every company in the market attempts to acquire more customers, to secure leadership position and to weaken the competition. Company’s competitive advantages allow for the acquisition of new customers to its goods and services. Competitive advantage can take different forms such as innovation, technical maturity and others. This advantage comes from trasnformation of potential, available to the holding. Evaluation of competitiveness can be performed using a variety of methods, of mostly qualitative nature such as SWOT analysis, INDIMOSU model, Porter‘s analysis and GM-TREND. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the competitiveness of the chosen company using selected methods and propose measures that could lead to increased competitiveness., Ve zpracování, Import 22/07/2015
- Published
- 2015
12. Shanghai versus Hong Kong: Global Economic and Transport Competition
- Author
Ďurica, Michal, Horálek, Adam, and Tomeš, Jiří
- Subjects
global position ,Čína ,globálne postavenie ,finance ,financie ,Hongkong ,Shanghai ,competition ,China ,transport ,Šanghaj ,konkurencia ,Hong Kong ,doprava - Abstract
Shanghai versus Hong Kong: Global economic and transport competition Abstract The main objective of the work is to compare global position of two chinese cities Shanghai and Hong Kong. The first part compares financial position of the cities, which comes out from the historical background of the cities and actual economic situation. The global transport competition in ship and air transport is compared in the second part of the work. Final analysis summarises the results and comes out with the statement of stronger city. There is a maximal effort of an actual information and a visual presentation via maps and graphs. Keywords: Shanghai, Hong Kong, China, global position, competition, finance, transport
- Published
- 2012
13. Analýza konkurenceschopnosti průmyslového výrobce VMV Krajčík
- Author
Chudá, Eva and Chudá, Eva
- Abstract
Témou mojej bakalárskej práce je Analýza konkurencieschopnosti priemyselného výrobcu VMV Krajčík. Jedným z najhlavnejších mojich cieľov je nazbierať čo najväčšie množstvo relevantných informácií a poznatkov o danej problematike , podrobná analýza spoločnosti a následné zrovnanie s hlavnými konkurentmi v danom priemyselnom odvetví. Po ukončení analýzy si dovolím odporučiť niekoľko užitočných rád pre zlepšenie celkovej situácie a dodatočné zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti na súčasnom trhu. Túto tému som si vybrala , pretože si myslím , že práve jednou z najdôležitejších vecí pre súčasnú, modernú spoločnosť je aktívne sledovať a analyzovať konkurencieschopnosť , neustále sa jej snažiť prispôsobiť a byť krok pred ňou., The topic of my dissertation work is Analysis of Competitivness of Industrial Producer VMV Krajčík. As the main goal, that I fixed, is to gather as many relevant information as possible about the issue , closely analyze the company and compare with their main competitors. Than I will try to suggest some usefull tips how to improve current situation and how to increase competitivness on actually market. I choose this topic , because I believe that the one of the most important thing for existing, modern company is to actively watching competitors, try to adapt them, and all the time be a one step ahead., Ústav průmyslového inženýrství a informačních systémů, obhájeno
- Published
- 2013
14. Banking Fees - The Development Of Retail Banking Fees In Czech Republic
- Author
Farská, Blanka, Lipka, David, and Minárik, Pavol
- Subjects
banking fees ,bankové poplatky ,retailové bankovníctvo ,competition ,retail banking ,konkurencia - Abstract
Paper analyse retail banking fees in Czech Republic. It depicts bank methods of pricing retail banking fees and selected fees are compared across the market. Competition at similar foreign markets is shortly analysed as comparison tool. Testing the demand side of this market surprisingly revealed that the lack of competition between retail banks is not the main reason of low pressure on retail banking fees decrease. The same testing shows the significant passivity of customers as main cause.
- Published
- 2008
15. Analýza konkurenceschopnosti firmy Hygotrend s.r.o.
- Author
Nochtová, Lucia and Nochtová, Lucia
- Abstract
Témou bakalárskej práce je konkurencieschopnosť firmy Hygotrend s.r.o. V teoretickej časti som spracovala poznatky z odbornej literatúry týkajúce sa konkurencie, konkuren-cieschopnosti a pojmov s nimi spojenými. V praktickej časti som sa zamerala na predsta-venie firmy a analýzu jej konkurencieschopnosti za pomoci SWOT analýzy, Porterovej analýzy a benchmarkingu. Na základe týchto analýz som v závere práce navrhla možné opatrenia vedúce k zvýšeniu konkurencieschopnosti firmy Hygotrend s.r.o., The theme of Bachelor thesis is The Competitiveness Analysis of the Company Hygotrend s.r.o. In theoretical part of the thesis I worked up scientific literature knowledge which con-cerns the competition and competitiveness theme and terms associated with it. In practical part I aimed at company introduction and competitiveness analysis such as SWOT analysis, Porter analysis and benchmarking. In the thesis conclusion I suggested arrangements for competitiveness improvement of Hygotrend s.r.o. based on ascertained information., Ústav managementu a marketingu, obhájeno
- Published
- 2012
- Author
- Subjects
pichliač roľný ,kukurica siata ,živinový ekvivalent ,konkurencia ,N ,P ,K ,Ca ,Mg ,Cirsium arvense ,Zea mays ,nutrient equivalent ,competition - Abstract
The aim of this research was to compare the competition ability of creeping thistle to grain maize stands during vegetation period, to establish the nutrient equivalents according the elements content in plants and to find out the coherence between competitive relations of grain maize and creeping thistle. In 2002 – 2004 nutrient equivalents of creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) in grain maize stands (Zea mays L.) were researched on experimental fields of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (locality Nitra – Dolná Malanta). The ratio between nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) in dry mass weight of creeping thistle and nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) in dry mass weight of grain maize was compute as nutrient equivalent. The creeping thistle has shown the higher competitive ability against grain maize expressed as nutrient equivalent in May 2004 (soil dryness condition). It declined about in order June 2003 → June 2004 → May 2003 → May 2002 → June 2002. Creeping thistle with comparison to grain maize absorbed in average 1.09 – 1.65 N, 1.12 – 1.16 P, 0.87 – 2.51 K, 2.59 – 11.29 Ca and 0.82 – 1.74 Mg (table 3). Ca was the most drawn element from soil during all observed period 2002 – 2004. The competitive ability of creeping thistle in grain maize was the highest in water deficit conditions mainly, lower competition ability was recorded in sufficient soil moisture conditions. Nutrients absorption by grain maize and creeping thistle was affected by an individual climatic characteristics in each year., V rokoch 2002-2004 boli na experimentálnej báze Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity v Nitre (lokalita Nitra – Dolná Malanta) založené pokusy na skúmanie tzv. živinových ekvivalentov pichliača roľného (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) v porastoch kukurice siatej (Zea mays L.). Živinový ekvivalent vyjadruje pomer medzi obsahom živín (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) obsiahnutých v suchej hmote pichliača roľného a obsahom živín v suchej hmote kukurice siatej. Najvyššiu konkurenčnú schopnosť vyjadrenú ako živinový ekvivalent preukázal pichliač roľný voči kukurici siatej v máji 2004 (v podmienkach pôdneho sucha). Jeho konkurenčná schopnosť klesala ďalej približne v poradí jún 2003 → jún 2004 → máj 2003 → máj 2002 → jún 2002. Pichliač roľný absorboval v priemere niekoľko násobne viac alebo menej živín ako kukurica siata na zrno, konkrétne v intervaloch: 1,09 – 1,65 N, 1,12 – 1,16 P, 0,87 – 2,51 K, 2,59 – 11,29 Ca a 0,82 – 1,74 Mg. Vápnik bol najviac čerpaným prvkom z pôdy počas celého sledovaného obdobia 2002 – 2004. Konkurenčná schopnosť pichliača roľného v kukurici siatej na zrno bola najvyššia v podmienkach vodného deficitu, nižšia bola zaznamenaná v podmienkach dostatočnej pôdnej vlhkosti. Čerpanie živín kukuricou siatou aj pichliačom roľným bolo ovplyvnené klimatickými podmienkami v období sledovania v každom roku.
- Published
- 2007
17. Konkurencieschopnosť a ekonomická výkonnosť podniku
- Author
Štverková, Hana, Krasulová, Zuzana, Štverková, Hana, and Krasulová, Zuzana
- Abstract
Hlavným cieľom diplomovej práce je analyzovať súčasný stav stredného stavebného podniku VS – Invest a. s., so zameraním na interné prostredie a ekonomické aspekty fungovania podniku. Čiastkovým cieľom je na základe získaných poznatkov z oblasti vnútorného, tak i vonkajšieho prostredia podniku formulovať pre podnikové vedenie odporúčania, vedúce k zvýšeniu jeho konkurencieschopnosti a podnecujúce jeho ďalší rozvoj. Práca je rozdelená do troch základných celkov. Prvá, teoretická časť je venovaná metodickému aparátu k analýzam, ktoré sú využívané pri rozboroch vnútorného a vonkajšieho prostredia stredného podniku VS – Invest, a. s., ktorá sa zaoberá stavebnou výrobou. Druhá časť je praktická a je venovaná konkrétnemu spracovaniu analýz, ktoré majú za cieľ pravdivo zobraziť skutočnosti, ktorých podstatnou mierou ovplyvňujú podnik. Snahou bolo, aby z jednotlivých analýz vonkajšieho prostredia (STEP analýz, Porterovej analýzy, Matice EFE) vyplynuli jednak príležitosti, ktoré by firma mala využiť, ale na druhej strane i ohrozenia, ktorým by sa mala vyhnúť. Použitím analýzy vnútorného prostredia (Finančnej analýzy, Analýzy zdrojov, modelu IDINMOSU, Matíc IFE, SWOT analýz) boli odvodené silné a slabé stránky i ďalšie príležitosti a ohrozenia. Posledná časť pozostáva zo syntézy výsledkov, ktoré vyplynuli z jednotlivých analýz vonkajšieho a vnútorného prostredia. Na základe týchto výsledkov boli navrhnuté odporúčania, ktoré majú podniku pomôcť k zvýšeniu konkurencieschopnosti a ekonomickej výkonnosti., The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the current state of medium-sized construction company VS- Invest ltd., focusing on the internal environment and economic aspects of the functioning of business. Part of the objective is based on acquired knowledge from internal and external enterprise environment and to formulate recommendations for corporate governance, leading to increasing its competitiveness and encouraging its further development. The theses is divided into three basic sections. The first theoretical is dedicated to a methodology for analyses employed to analyses external and internal environment of the building company VS – Invest, ltd. The later section is a practical one focused on particular analyses. Their goal is to show the reality that significantly influences the company. As an output of the particular analyses of external environment (STEP analyses and Porter analyses, EFE Matrix) a big effort was put to discover not only opportunities the company should take the advantage of but also risks it should avoid. Using analyses of internal environment (Financial analyses, Analysis of resources, Model IDINMOSU, IFE Matrix, SWOT analyses) strengths and weaknesses, next opportunities and threats have been discovered. The last part is dedicated to synthesis of findings, which are discovered by individual analyses of internal and external environment. A based on these findings are offered applications and references which may help the company to lift her competitiveness and economic performance., Ve zpracování, Import 04/07/2011
- Published
- 2011
18. Analýza konkurenční pozice značky vitamínů
- Author
Svobodová, Hana, Kucko, Peter, Svobodová, Hana, and Kucko, Peter
- Abstract
Táto diplomová práca poskytuje vysvetlenie základných pojmov, spojených s marketingom a marketingovým výskumom, a ďalej sa zaoberá analýzou konkurenčnej pozície značky vitamínov. Toto postavenie je skúmané na strane ponuky v lekárňach prostredníctvom záhadného nakupovania – mystery shoppingu. Práca prináša analýzu produktovej ponuky spoločnosti EDENPharma a vybraných konkurentov na trhu. Skúma taktiež spôsoby propagácie produktov v praxi a možnosti rozšírenia produktového portfólia výrobcu výživových doplnkov. V závere je zhodnotená celková analýza konkurenčnej pozície značky a návrhy na zlepšenie jej pozície do budúcna., This thesis gives to an explanation of basic conceptions of marketing and marketing research and analyzes the competitive position of vitamins brand. This position is examined on the supply side in pharmacies by mystery shopping. The work presents an analysis product offerings of enterprise EDENPharma and selected competitors on the market. Thesis also explores ways to promote products in practice and the possibility of extending the product portfolio of nutritional supplements manufacturer. In conclusion, the analysis evaluated the overall competitive position of brands and brings suggestions for improving its position in the future., Ve zpracování, Import 04/07/2011
- Published
- 2011
19. Hodnotenie konkurencieschopnosti výrobného podniku
- Author
Peterková, Jindra, Špilková, Zuzana, Peterková, Jindra, and Špilková, Zuzana
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou hodnotenia konkurencieschopnosti výrobného podniku pôsobiaceho v automobilovom priemysle. Teoreticko-metodologická časť práce je zameraná na vymedzenie základných pojmov, ktoré súvisia s konkurenciou a konkurencieschopnosťou. V praktickej časti je popísaná vybraná spoločnosť, prevedená SWOT analýza. Ku hodnoteniu konkurencieschopnosti je aplikovaný model EFQM, z ktorého vychádza analýza silového poľa. Analýzou silového poľa boli zistené brzdné a hybné sily. Cieľom aplikovaného modelu bolo zistiť postavenie spoločnosti z hľadiska konkurencieschopnosti. S ohľadom na získané výsledky boli navrhnuté doporučenia., This diploma thesis deals with the following issue: Competitiveness Evaluation of Manufacturing Company, which operates in the automobile industry. Theoretical-methodological part of the thesis is focused on the definition of basic terms, which are interrelated with the competitiveness. In the practical part, the selected company is described and the SWOT analysis is performed. EFQM model is applied to the evaluation of competitiveness, out of which the analysis of force field comes out. Braking and moving forces were ascertained by the force field analysis. The aim of the applied model was to establish the position of the company from the point of view of competitiveness. Recommendations were suggested according to the achieved results., Ve zpracování, Import 04/07/2011
- Published
- 2011
20. Analýza konkurenceschopnosti firmy Baba, s.r.o.
- Author
Kiaňová, Petra and Kiaňová, Petra
- Abstract
Analýza konkurencie schopnosti firmy Baba s.r.o., je prácou zameranou na zistenie konku-renčnej pozície reštauračného zariadenia firmy Baba a zároveň obsahuje návrhy, ktoré by mohli túto pozíciu vylepšiť a tak ohroziť konkurenčnú silu svojich konkurentov na trhu. Vypracovaná SWOT analýza poukazuje na silné a slabé stránky firmy, ako aj na možné prí-ležitosti a hrozby. Previedla som prieskum na základe stanovených podmienok od vedenia spoločnosti a tým zaistila potrebné materiály a informácie na poskytnutie vylepšujúcich ná-vrhov firmy Baba s.r.o, Analysis of the competitiveness of the company Baba Ltd. is the work aimed at finding out the competitive position of the company's restaurant equipment and also contains proposals, which could improve this position and thus undermine the competitive strength of its competitors in the market. Prepared SWOT analysis points to the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the possible opportunities and threats. I have carried out the research based on the conditions stated by the management team. This has ensured the necessary materials and information to provide the proposals that could improve the company Baba Ltd, Ústav managementu, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
21. Projekt zvýšení konkurenční schopnosti hotelu Tatra
- Author
Košinárová, Žofia and Košinárová, Žofia
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá zvýšením konkurenčnej schopnosti hotela Tatra. Dôvodom je rastúci konkurenčný tlak hotelových zariadení v okolí. V teoretickej časti objasňujem po-znatky zamerané najmä na cestovný ruch, konkurencieschopnosť a služby. V praktickej časti sa zameriavam na súčasnú situáciu hotela, makroprostredie i mikroprostredie hotela, jeho marketingový mix, SWOT analýzu a porovnávam s konkurenciou, analyzujem slabiny podniku, ktoré je potreba odstrániť. V projektovej časti navrhujem projekt, zameraný na zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti hotela Tatra., The theme of this master thesis deals with the increasing competitive strength of the hotel Tatra. The reason is competitive pressure from other surrounding hotels. In the theoretical part, I mainly describe information based on tourist traffic, competitiveness and services. In practical part, I concern with the current situation of the hotel, macro and micro sur-roundings of hotel, it is marketing mix, swot analyze and I compare the hotel with a com-petition, I analyze weaknesses of the hotel, which are needed to be removed. In practical part I suggest the project that should help to enhance the competitiveness of hotel Tatra., Ústav managementu, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
22. Analýza obchodných možností firmy Raven a.s. na Čínskem trhu
- Author
Jágrik, Jozef and Jágrik, Jozef
- Abstract
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá obchodnými možnosťami firmy Raven na čínskom trhu. Práca sa delí na teoretickú a praktickú časť. Analytická časť sa v prvom oddiely venuje a-nalýze vonkajších faktorov, ktoré pôsobia na obchod v Číne. V druhej časti je analýza sil-ných a slabých stránok spoločnosti Raven. V závere možno nájsť SWOT analýzu vstupu tejto spoločnosti na čínsky trh ako aj odporučenia výhodnosti či nevýhodnosti tohoto záme-ru, This bachelor's thesis is focused on the trade possibilities of the Raven company in the chi-nese market. The work is separated into two parts, theoretical and pratcical part. The first section in the analytical part is devoted to the analysis of the external factors, which affect the business in China. In the second section, there is analysis of the strong points and weaknesses of the Raven company. There can be find, in the final part, SWOT analysis of entering this company into chinese market. In addition, there are suggestions of profitabili-ty or non-profitability of entring the Raven company into this market., Ústav ekonomie, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
23. Projekt vstupu na ruský trh výrobku firmy tento
- Author
Voleníková, Gabriela and Voleníková, Gabriela
- Abstract
Predmetom diplomovej práce je spracovanie projektu vstupu spoločnosti Tento, a.s. na ruský trh s novým výrobkom Hemo-Roll. Na základe podkladov sú spracované teoretické východiská ako základ pre analýzu tejto spoločnosti pri jej exportnej činnosti. Analytická časť sa zaoberá analýzou, zhodnotením stavu a overením teoretických východísk pri vstupe na ruský trh. Výsledkom tejto práce bude navrhnuté riešenie, ktoré by firma v oblasti exportnej činnosti mala podstúpiť. Navrhnuté opatrenia sú vyhodnotené podľa ekonomickej náročnosti a sú tiež popísané riziká ich realizácie. Uvedené téma som si vybrala z toho dôvodu, že ma zaujala otázka, či firma Tento, a.s. je schopná obstáť na náročnom konkurenčnom trhu v rámci Ruskej Federácie., The main purpose of this thesis is to inform about strategies of the Tento, a.s. company to penetrate Russian market with the new product Hemo-Roll. Based on materials that have been analyzed, this study evaluates theoretical possibilities of expanding to the new market, within the frame of Tento, a.s. The analytical part provides deep analysis of the company, the situation on current markets, company's core competences and provides conjectural consequences of entering the Russian market. The thesis thoroughly analyzes all challenges connected with the expansion to new markets and provides concrete solutions the company should take into consideration. In addition, proposed solutions are evaluated according to economic demands, possible risks and challenges the company could face. I have chosen the topic because I am interested in the question, if the Tento a.s. company is able to compete on highly competitive markets in the Russian Federation., Ústav managementu, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
24. Projekt zlepšení konkurenčního postavení společnosti FIREX SLOVAKIA s.r.o. na domácím trhu
- Author
Bolečková, Mária and Bolečková, Mária
- Abstract
Cieľom práce je stanoviť konkurenčnú stratégiu pre firmu FIREX SLOVAKIA s.r.o., ktorá sa špecializuje na predaj tovaru a poskytovanie komplexných služieb v oblasti požiarnej ochrany. V prvej časti práce sú spracované teoretické východiská z oblasti problematiky malých a stredných podnikov, manažmentu, marketingu a konkurencie. V druhej časti práce je spracovaná analýza firmy od jej vzniku až po súčasnosť. Z analýzy sú vyvodené východiská a tieto sú rozpracované v projekte na zlepšenie konkurenčného postavenia firmy v budúcom období., The aim of my thesis is to set a competitive strategy for company FIREX SLOVAKIA s.r.o., that specializes in merchandise sale and provision of complex services in area of fire prevention. The first part of my thesis consists of processed theoretical solutions to problems of small and middle sized companies, management, marketing and competition. In the second part I process company's analysis from the company's establishment till its present situation. From the analysis I draw the solutions and I implement them into the project for improved competitive company's position in future activities., Ústav managementu, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
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